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Forums » Art & Creativity » Seeking Male Voice Dub for something special to me

Hello, your local alchemist here with another crazy request.

There is a comic that I read at the beginning of November 2022 when I first moved to my new home that was called "Wayward" and it helped me calm down and keep my mind off of the new changes, as I'm really bad at accepting change.

I would love to hear someone dub over this comic for me, after all, there's only one character, other than a few words from one character (but he's quiet most of the time). It is very special to me and has a big place in my heart and I just really want to hear the voices of the characters, I want to hear it come to life. So if anyone is willing to dub over this lovely comic, I'd be thankful.

I'm seeking a male voice that's a bit deep, a voice that can fit Aaron, the farmer.

Feel free to add music, sound effects, etc, to the dub if you feel like it, but it's not required. Thank you for reading. <3

I could try to do a funny 'mimicry' of a deep male voice for you :D
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Anakisuto wrote:
I could try to do a funny 'mimicry' of a deep male voice for you :D
Lol, why not. I'll still probably need someone else to voice dub it properly, but if you want, you can do it! I'd appreciate it. :)

I would literally listen to however many voice dubs by people because I just love this comic to pieces <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking. <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Still looking <3
I don’t know if yu’ve done this already, so forgive me if you have, but can you search up dubs of it that already exists?
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

SoulHeart57 wrote:
I don’t know if yu’ve done this already, so forgive me if you have, but can you search up dubs of it that already exists?

Sadly I've tried and there is no Dubs of it that I can find. :(
Dang. Well, good luck finding someone.
Not me thinking about doing this purely because I like doing my different voices. Been wanting to work on my range as well so this could give meh some practice.
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

PossitivelyNoOne wrote:
Not me thinking about doing this purely because I like doing my different voices. Been wanting to work on my range as well so this could give meh some practice.

That would be lovely. :)
I'd love to see your take on it.

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