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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Please help me understand the walrus game

Hi, so maybe I'm just dumb but I struggle to understand the game where you explore with the walruses.

Is there anything you can do other than move spaces with the walruses? It took mine 30 minutes to move 3 spaces, so I struggle to find something to do while I wait for them to move.

Now they've arrived at one of the rainbow bridge's prisms, but I don't know what to do. I click and double click and click everything I can but I just dont know what to do, nothing is really happening.

I see I have an inventory? It says "Carrying 0/7". How do I pick things up?

Can I split up the walruses into smaller groups to explore more or do they need to all walk together?

Please help me I am confused, thanks :')
Kim Site Admin

Hi Min-ya!

The walrus game doesn't need intensive interaction. You can close the game and they will continue carrying out your orders, so you don't need to supervise them or do anything for that whole 30 minutes. Just pop in now and again, tell them what they should do next, and go off to play Doubutt, work on riddles, enter contests, etc. :)

The walruses can visit the prisms, but there isn't too much for them to do there -- they aren't smart enough to complete the puzzles needed to repair them. Instead, look for other points of interest on the map like flags, little waves or ripples in the water, mine entrances, that sort of thing, and send your walruses there. Those are harvest points, where you can much more reliably pick stuff up and then have them haul it back to camp for you.

They can sometimes randomly pick stuff up when entering a new hex, especially if you have them set to prioritize foraging, but it's not nearly as reliable as finding a harvest point. :)
Min-ya Topic Starter

Ah alright, I see! Thanks for clarifying. They automatically pick things up, then? It's just a matter of going to the right spots
Kim Site Admin

Min-ya wrote:
Ah alright, I see! Thanks for clarifying. They automatically pick things up, then? It's just a matter of going to the right spots

Yes indeed! You can increase the chances they'll randomly find things on the way by setting them to prioritize foraging, but this will slow them down a bit.

If you want, you can set up a loop between a harvest point and base camp and they will attempt to keep doing that loop until they drop. :)

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