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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Two Ghosts, Two Exs, and One Wizard (one-on-one)

Elwin Kinkaid (played by BookKnight) Topic Starter

"You can add soundproofing to the outsides of walls, you know," Elk said with a little smirk, raising a finger. He sighed and moved forward, nudging Corey out of the way so he could reach the sink. "It's a shame. I was looking forward to getting essential oils and giving us both a headache by dousing the entire apartment. It would not be the smelliest thing I've ever done!" He gave Corey a wink and rolled up his sleeves.

"I must say, as relieved as I am that you found a business willing to do that sort of thing, it still rings odd to me. Then again, any job I have ever held has had a thing about vetting people thoroughly. Very thoroughly." He paused and frowned, his hands in the water. "No, there was that I had directly after high school that didn't ask for references. Then a month later, they were raided and shut down by the police, so perhaps not the best example." He continued washing. "Anyway, you won't have any trouble at all making friends willing to cover your shifts at work once you get started, but if you need to have a name now, I do have a couple I can give you. I'll need to make a couple of calls first to make certain they are cool with it. I'd happily sign up for you, but I am not exactly in a position to be... reliable right now. At least, not like that."

He glanced at Corey and waved a dripping fork at him. "But don't think you get to get out of all the household chores all the time, Mr. Corey! So, how do you want to split them up so they will be easiest for you to accomplish on good days? Or even mediocre days? It might be good to have a few light ones to give you a moving goal. Perhaps sweeping or something. And if you can't do something, just let me know. I don't mind." He plunked the fork back into the water and scrubbed it.
"I mean... Some soundproofing would be... beneficial." Corey accepted, now not thinking about his pain but at the possibility he got a girlfriend in this town. "Yeah, for your ears, let's soundproof this place."

"I know, you would never believe it right?" He said, shrugging his shoulder "it's thanks to Harley actually. Apparently the owner is his boyfriend's aunt or something." He stopped for a second, sighing deeply. "How did that asocial apatic mess managed to keep a partner for more than 3 years is still a mystery to me. What's he doing that I'm not?" He quickly ranted, jokingly of course. He was happy for him. As much as a very jealous person could.

Again, he was left stunned by Elk's stories. Every time he opened his mouth, he was left like a deer in headlights.
"Dude, what were you doing with your life? Should I be worried? I can ask Walker to run a background check on your future clients if you want. Also, text me your position when you go somewhere working. And a mugshot of said person."

Corey hummed a second, hearing Elk's proposal. Yeah, he was right, he was going to make some friends quite soon, and the possibility of finding a twenty-something years old unemployed was pretty high. Then he changed arguments again, and he chuckled hearing him scold him about chores already.
"Nooo of course not! I would never!" He waved his hand to him to shrug off his concern. "So, what we did at my house, we had a little sheet- and I had different chores for the different level of pain I had. Like, if I had less than a 3 I would do anything, less than a 6 i could do anything but sweep the ground since it makes me lower my back too much - and under 8 I could only either wash the dishes or dust around if needed. 8 or 9 I'm not getting out of bed. 10 bring me to the hospital to get me a shot of morphine. Doesn't happen too much though."

"I don't want to disturb your friends... Okay okay, listen this." He moved from the wall, and put his hands in front of himself.
"I write you up, and I specify it's a temporary arrangement. I don't think I'm gonna be too sick to go to work this week or two anyway, and that'll certainly be enough time to find a permanent cover. If it ever happens that I'm too sick to go, I'll just... Call Cas or Walker this one time, or if you feel up for it I'll just tell them to leave you to do cleaning duties or something like that. That sounds good for you?" He finally asked, eyebrows raised and hands open, like to invite him in. "Pretty please?"
Elwin Kinkaid (played by BookKnight) Topic Starter

Elk laughed at Corey's reaction to his story but didn't bother to follow it up. There wasn't much to tell as he hadn't even worked the job a full month and didn't even know the full scope of what they did or why they got into so much trouble. He had his suspicions but not proof or evidence, so he let it go.

"I suppose you could put me down temporarily," Elk agreed reluctantly, "but only if you promise to find a replacement quickly. The last thing I want to do is jeopardize your job because of my inability to fulfill obligations. As for chores..." He glanced around the apartment. "There really isn't that much to do, so how about we just split them up? Things you know you'll be able to do most days and things that might be pushing it. It's not like everything has to be done every day, either. I can do the laundry since it requires lifting, sweeping, too, and..." He frowned. "Why is every single chore leaving my head now that I am trying to think of them?" He finished the last dish and let out the water. "I'm happy to do the cooking and most of the food shopping. How do you feel about dishes?"

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