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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Porter's Courtyard and Garden (Open) (FFA)

Adelle (played anonymously)

The black wolf wanders off deep into the gardens.
Tay. Eclair (played anonymously)

Looking both left and right, the women approached the beautiful garden. It seemed lonely. Quiet yet serene. All too quickly the women ditched her shoes to feel the bare green on her feet. It sent a shiver down her spine. Gripping her long skirt the woman began to frolic. Shedding her white bandana, Taylor began collecting the flowers that caught her interest.

Her lips parted and she began singing. A song to herself. A song in a language perhaps unrecognizable but beautiful, atleast to Tay, nonetheless.
Toska (played by Jaws)

Toska sat under the wisteria trees in the garden, reading scrolls of fables and epics. His kotsuzumi sat beside him and even more books stacked on the other side of him.

He sat on a quilt, its patches telling a story of a monk turning into a blue oni and falling into greed. The oni, once a blue oni, turned into a red oni with the tips of its horns and entire fingers stained blue. A platter with a teapot full of matcha tea, teacups, and a small saucer of sweets and desserts accompanied by small cups of honey and sugar sat at the end of the quilt. A wisteria petal danced in the wind before dropping Toska's tea cup.

The bard personally didn't mind and drank out of his tea cup anyway. The purple petal gently pecked his lips every sip of the way before he sat it down on the platter. Toska rolled up the scrolls and placed them on a pile of scrolls then grabbed a book titled 'Ocean Dream'.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Adelle wrote:
The black wolf wanders off deep into the gardens.

He darted off after her to try to get her to come back.

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