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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Porter's Courtyard and Garden (Open) (FFA)

Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

The woman enjoyed her cozy ride. Truly she got to see a vast amount of the beautiful landscapes. It wouldn't be until several moments had passed before she recognized someone else was there. A person beside a fountain.

She couldn't help but be just alittle curious, so she led her stead beside the beautiful flowing fountain.

Cigil offered a small smile. "I didn't know anyone was here. I only just got into riding horses. Forgive the noise." A small chuckle escaped her lips. "Are you enjoying the fountain?"
*rests his back against a tree*
Horizon (played by Alliyus)

Horizon sat there on a tree branch right above Vergil. She was silent like she wasn't even there. She was swinging her bare feet forward and back, dangling her feet. She was reading a 400 page white book, flipping the page without a sound.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Upon sensing more people arriving, Cigil dismounted from her horse gently rubbing the mane on the creature. She noticed the woman first...for she sat in a peculiar space.

The two seemed to be resting so she chose not to disturb. Therefore she gave a small headbow before pulling her horse away into another area. Perhaps better so as not to disturb those resting there.
Horizon (played by Alliyus)

She didn't even look at the girl. Her white eyes were on her white book as she flipped the page silently. Without even a blink, a white pen appeared in her hand. She had so much power, she didn't even have to do anything to summon something. She wrote something on the book before the pen vanished. She kept silently reading.
*adjusts his collar*
Horizon (played by Alliyus)

Her book dropped accidentally and it fell right next to Vergil, silently. She blinked and just summoned another white book. The book on the ground vanished.
Horizon (played by Alliyus)

She sat there on the tree branch, still completely silent like she wasn't even there. She could hear the people around her, but it lacked interest for her, so she just kept silently reading.
Cigil Gergen wrote:
The woman enjoyed her cozy ride. Truly she got to see a vast amount of the beautiful landscapes. It wouldn't be until several moments had passed before she recognized someone else was there. A person beside a fountain.

She couldn't help but be just alittle curious, so she led her stead beside the beautiful flowing fountain.

Cigil offered a small smile. "I didn't know anyone was here. I only just got into riding horses. Forgive the noise." A small chuckle escaped her lips. "Are you enjoying the fountain?"

"It is not a problem. The fountain feels very peaceful" He responded before turning his face towards the woman.
Lailah Springfield (played anonymously)

Lailah was standing in the middle of the garden. She had on a Victorian crinoline white gown. Her long white hair was so long it grazed the ground. Her diamond-jeweled blue eyes were staring at a beautiful white flower in the garden. She stood there instead of crouching to see the flower because she didn't want to dirty her gown. She wore a white hood over her head with a white cloak on over her dress.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Just as she was leaving she heard Jin respond. She figured the man had been asleep already. Cigil turned to regard Jin offering a small chuckle at his delayed response. "Well...the garden is even nicer. Would you come walk with me?"

As she asked this, she turned to behold a ghostly pale woman watching a flower in the field. She would approach the woman, furiously peering down at her. "Nice flower. "
Lailah Springfield (played anonymously)

"O-oh hello-." Lailah turned. She was 5'7. She looked down at Cigil softly then looked back at the flower. She seemed quiet, shy.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

Cigil looked between the woman and the flower before crouching down to admire it. "Hmm do you like this flower? It is indeed pretty."
Lailah Springfield (played anonymously)

"I like it." She smiled softly and stood there, not crouching down because she didn't want to get her white dress dirty.
Cecilia Evergreen (played by Alliyus)

"Ah, old Lailah. It seems you found a friend." A woman with long blond hair and blue eyes walked over in a white gown, Victorian Era. She smiled at Cigil warmly. She was 20 years old, standing around 5'8.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"Do you like animals much?" She stood and gestured to her hose that was just on the other side of the current field they were in.

"That's Vivi. I just became friends with her. Do you want to ride?" Cigil smiled shyly. "You can really get a glimpse of all this garden has to offer."
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"Oh! Someone new...erm hello!" The steadily shy merwoman waved.
Cecilia Evergreen (played by Alliyus)

The blond waved while standing next to Lailah. "Who may you be?" She asked, tone soft, but with authority that seemed out of nowhere.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"My name's Cigil. I'm actually a shell woman but...because of circumstances I've come to hang out with land dwellers. Who might you be?"
Cecilia Evergreen (played by Alliyus)

She curtsied elegantly then straightened. "My name is Cecilia Evergreen. I came here with Lailah." She gestured to Lailah. "And Magnolia, plus Matilda, who're over there." She gestured in the distance where 2 girls in Victorian style dresses and Victorian style hats were walking through the garden, arm in arm.

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