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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Porter's Courtyard and Garden (Open) (FFA)

He started to drift off to sleep..
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf lurks in the distance through the gardens. Taking the time to smell the flowers and blooms. This place soothed her as much as the forests did. She finds a patch of cherry blossom petals on the ground collected in pastel pink hill. The wolf flops down on the petals, sending a tornado of petals up in the air, to swirl and rain down, decorating her coat with spring snow.
Natasha Kitty wrote:
Noah Taylorsen wrote:
Natasha Kitty wrote:
Smiles softly as she looks at the sky with him, “Well, think of it this way, if you were your normal size, I’d imagine it would be a lot harder to carry you around and curl up like this. Though you were probably a really warm big guy! You’d have been like a blanket.” She laughs. Then calms down, “Is there anything in your memories at all? It’s okay if there isn’t, things come to use at random times that we don’t expect them to.” She strokes his fur in thought.

He then giggles a little at that mental image, before he relaxes in her arms while she thought to herself. "Only a few pieces here and there, Lady Tasha." He admitted truthfully.

She shrugs, “They will in time, the way you are now is just fine.” She sits up and gives him a gentle but firm hug.

His eyelids started to droop as she gave him a gentle hug, hearing the beating of her heart. Before he yawns, he rests his head under Tasha's chin and asks. "Lady Tasha, will we always be friends?"
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Noah Taylorsen wrote:
Natasha Kitty wrote:
Noah Taylorsen wrote:
Natasha Kitty wrote:
Smiles softly as she looks at the sky with him, “Well, think of it this way, if you were your normal size, I’d imagine it would be a lot harder to carry you around and curl up like this. Though you were probably a really warm big guy! You’d have been like a blanket.” She laughs. Then calms down, “Is there anything in your memories at all? It’s okay if there isn’t, things come to use at random times that we don’t expect them to.” She strokes his fur in thought.

He then giggles a little at that mental image, before he relaxes in her arms while she thought to herself. "Only a few pieces here and there, Lady Tasha." He admitted truthfully.

She shrugs, “They will in time, the way you are now is just fine.” She sits up and gives him a gentle but firm hug.

His eyelids started to droop as she gave him a gentle hug, hearing the beating of her heart. Before he yawns, he rests his head under Tasha's chin and asks. "Lady Tasha, will we always be friends?"

She closes her eyes as she says, “I don’t see why we wouldn’t be. For as long as time, we sure will be.”
Natasha Kitty wrote:
She closes her eyes as she says, “I don’t see why we wouldn’t be. For as long as time, we sure will be.”

With his question answered, Noah then let out a soft, squeaky yawn as Tasha's heartbeat and reassuring words lull him to sleep.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf had dozed off in the hill of blossom petals. Lifting her head, shaking the drowsiness off. Then she looks to the morning sun, the morning rays filtering in the garden, awakening soft hues of color from the plants and trees.

With a great yawn, she gets to her feet and trots off to the thicker part of the garden, finding a field of wild flowers to frolic around in.
Haley (played anonymously)

A blonde young woman was taking photos of the flowers with her camera. "These are just perfect", she muttered to herself with sheer happiness. Haley would have to see the results when she got home so she walked around, looking for more photo opportunities.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The black wolf wanders around the gardens, finding them to be peaceful. She runs through an open meadow of wildflowers, all around the gardens and just running at full speed, enjoying the wind rifling through her fur. After some time she stops, panting. Then looks at her surroundings, noticing a weeping willow. Wagging her tail she ducks under the branches and settles to relax under the tree.
Lizzy Corbin (played anonymously)

The woman happened to be crouched down, studying the various bits of foliage that were around her. She was searching for bits to use in her experiments. Soft brown locs bobed along to the rhythm of the music she was listening to.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He padded and saw Adelle. He approached carefully and looked at her.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf turns as a new scent is picked up. Tuning around, she sees canine approaching her. She looks his way and team aims curious, tipping her nose down as she bears no hostility.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He would stand still before dropping down into a play bow and pawed at the wold a couple times. His tail wagged.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf looks at the canines playful stance, her violet eyes staring back for a moment, not remembering the last time she played. She takes a few steps closer and responds with a playful pose. Then feints a dodge to the right and takes off running to the left.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He darted off chasing her and would catch up and slide in front of her on his back giving a playful wiggle
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf hangs back as he overtook her speed, impressed that a canine could keep up, even surpass her. Her violet eyes filter with amusement as the canine rolls onto his back with a wiggle to his form. She observes something else that wiggles and looms down to nip his tail with a playful tug. Then steps back, with a kick to her hind legs as she leaps over him, a crouching stance with a glow to her eyes as she takes off again.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He gave a playful growl as he darted off after the wolf.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf turns an ear back, hearing his growl as he proceeds with the chase. Her strong muscles and lean body making her agile and quick, giving to her true abilities. Though excited about the chase, forgetting what it’s like to run akin to a wolf.
"Woah, what's this place?" Hotaru spoke to himself as he walked into the garden, his tail swishing behind him as he walked with a bit of a bounce with each step, "Woah, pretty, pretty, pretty!"
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf stretches downward with an arc to her back. She smells the cool morning air, then takes off at a full spring across the lavender meadows.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

"No shortage of interesting individuals here, that's for certain."

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