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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Being able to flag chars as original or fandom?

The purpose of this, ideally, is so we can filter the search to include or exclude characters which are original or derivative in the character search.

I don't like to play with fandom characters. Nothing against them, but they bring too much baggage to the table. I'd like a way to filter for original only.
I agree with this.
I imagine if it did get incorporated, it'd work the same as existing filters, which only work as an "include" filter, and only works with profiles where the creator has tagged the thing.

And I s'pose that would probably help with the issue of how some characters were created as fandom-based characters, but also have a fully-functional non-fandom version. (An example I know of would be ConnanBell's Jerry Jay character, who is very obviously Pokemon-themed and even has a team to use in fan RPs, but who I played both fantasy and scifi adventures with without anything at all Pokemon-related ever coming up. And this wasn't some restriction I put on Connan, it's just what we agreed made sense for the games we wanted to do.)
Aardbei Topic Starter

Zelphyr wrote:
I imagine if it did get incorporated, it'd work the same as existing filters, which only work as an "include" filter, and only works with profiles where the creator has tagged the thing.

And I s'pose that would probably help with the issue of how some characters were created as fandom-based characters, but also have a fully-functional non-fandom version. (An example I know of would be ConnanBell's Jerry Jay character, who is very obviously Pokemon-themed and even has a team to use in fan RPs, but who I played both fantasy and scifi adventures with without anything at all Pokemon-related ever coming up. And this wasn't some restriction I put on Connan, it's just what we agreed made sense for the games we wanted to do.)

I'm thinking most people will just tag their characters this way if able because there are also people who make characters specifically to play in fandom or cross-fandom RPs.

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