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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forever Fall Campgrounds

Atlas (played by Alliyus)

A boy was on the trail. He was running silently then front-flipped right onto a tree branch and crouched. He wasn't in uniform, but he was indeed a Sand Crawler.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha walks silently along the trail, finding the walk to be rather easy for a hiking trail, but she didn't mind an easy trek. She enjoys the lull of the forest, the vibrant hues of Autumn's colors were very soothing. Occasionally, she would stop and tune her ears, swiveling them around to listen to scurrying critters and the chirps of birds. Her gold eyes luminous in the filtering sunlight.

She comes to the point where the trail diverges and from this point, she could see the lake further along the main trail. The water reflecting the sunlight. Beautiful with the fall landscape around it. She looks at the sign at the intersecting path and with curiosity she takes the trail up to the gorge. The trek becoming more rough but her muscles couldn't be happier with the chance to exercise her muscles and her feline abilities.

Natasha's breath subtly exhales through her nose in short puffs. Coming to a path of protruding boulders, scaling them and then leaping down the other side. Continuing the trail until she sees the trees recede. Her breath caught as she takes in the view of the gorge. The fall landscape was breathtaking. She looks around and sees a stone bench and goes to sit, and stares out, mesmerized by the beauty.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

Raphael was sitting on a tree branch, looking down at Natasha, utterly silent.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She swivels her ear as she senses someone staring in her direction. Calmly she says, "It is impolite to stare." She murmurs as she keeps her golden eyes to the vista.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

Raphael looked at her then vanished. He swiftly appeared from the shadows around her, sitting right in front of her. "Surprised you sensed me."
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Looks to him and says simply, "I am a cat. My senses are always on high alert, even when I am asleep. I also can see spirits and ghosts." Her ears swivel as she listens to the forest.
Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"How cute." He smiled a little as he stood there now, looking right at her. He heard something and tilted his head.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Watches the gorge until the sun fades away, leaving them in dusk. With a yawn she gets up and walks back to the path of the trail to return to camp.

Dusk made the forest so much different than the daylight, though it was no trouble for her eyes, no matter how dark it got. As she walks, she listens to the chirping crickets and frogs. The night sounds were soothing to listen to. The hues of the fall foliage were muted dark variants of their colors. The shadows casting rich shades off color.

She comes across a steady flowing stream, observing the way to get across when she sees some stones sticking out of the water enough to hop across. She leaps onto one, then continues the pattern until she lands on the solid earth on the other side.

Natasha descends down the trail, seeing the light of the bonfire, that creates dark shadows of the trees. She emerges from the forest and makes her way to her tent first, dipping inside to change and then moments later, steps out of the tent with a black and gold sweater on and black loose leg slacks. She walks over to the bonfire and sits on a log, watching the fire.
Prestige (played by Alliyus)

A little girl was standing near the water. She was smiling warmly as she started to twirl. Anthony was in front of her and ballroom danced with her. Arisu and Raphael were watching with intent, smiling with each other. They rarely see Anthony dance with anyone.
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

A large male wolf appears from the shadows, flipping his odd haircut. He sends a glare at everyone around.

"Th1s l00ks 34s13r Th4n th4t b4r..."
Prestige (played by Alliyus)

Prestige eyed the wolf, then sat down next to Raphael, always watching.
He sat in front of the fire quietly with his hands on his knees. His usually jovial and carefree attitude was gone and he was uncharacteristically stoic.
Prestige (played by Alliyus)

Prestige was sitting across from Rhodes. She looked at him with crystal-clear white eyes. "Who may you be?" Her voice was soft and high pitched, just like a little girl. She was 4'2, looking to be around 8.
Enforcer (played by Alliyus)

A very tall knight in white armor was walking through the woods, approaching slowly. It was armed with a white shield on its back, and a white scabbard at their left hip, a knight sword sheathed in it. It flew the Aquil City crest on its helmet, which meant it was an enemy and rival of the Kemet Foundation.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The wolf hops up onto a large boulder and observes in the direction of the campsite. It was amazing to her how much life and character the grounds bring. She merely watches out of curiosity.

Above, the clouds part to the sun, sending warm beams of light onto her black cloud-like coat. She turns her head to the sun, tilting her head back to the light, then lays her head down on the rock, resting over her paws, while her ears remain alert.
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

"WH03V3R 0WNS TH1S C4MP!!!11!! 1 D3M4ND 2 C0MMUN1C4T3 W1TH U 2 H4ND TH1S 0V3R 2 TH3 R3D C04TZ P4CK!!!!1"
Adelle (played anonymously)

She lifts her head up with a grumble, "No one owns this camp or the forest grounds, but I am the protector of it. This campground is to remain neutral territory for all species of animals and humans. Take your territory gains somewhere else." She hops down from the large boulder, no longer able to relax.
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

"But w3 c4n pr0t3ct U!!!"
Adelle (played anonymously)

She sighs, shaking her head, feeling annoyed. “ I am not interested in joining a pack. These lands are magic, they are already protected. As well am I for being here. There is no hunting, or fighting allowed to this site. These grounds will remain open to all.”
Benjamin (played anonymously)

Benjamin was walking through the woods with Hala, armed with a sword like usual, at his side. He was calm, towering over the 5'3 Hala, at 6'6.

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