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Forums » Help » Confusion about benefits - 1 mth epic membership

Hello everyone, just wondering in regards to OIL OF EPICNESS, if the subscription ended will your character styles from epic membership switch to normal membership? What are the benefits of Epic membership?
I believe everything has been explained here ^^ Epic Membership FAQ
VedikaD Topic Starter

Thank you so much! 😁🙏🤗❤
I was gifted 3 months Epic when I joined, and it was nice to not have the ads and the Epic character styles were great. I didn't really need the character slots or the extra picture gallery room, and the ads here aren't that annoying, so I didn't renew. The only thing I didn't do when I was Epic was do the age verification. The next time I go Epic I'll probably do that. If you create a lot of characters and/or upload a lot of photos for characters, it is well worth the $, and it supports the site..
VedikaD Topic Starter

Oh I see! That is valuable information to know, thank you

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