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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Supernatural Custodians - Trial by fire (Closed)

Hunter Archill (played anonymously)

I'm leaving this as a PM to join in case someone is interested and compatible before we start the battle. However, I know a few members will have been spoken to outside of this before joining, so I may take down that tag later. This RP is purely for Epicness (yes, I spelled epicness with a capital 'e'. It will be that epic).

This RP is based off of my character Hunter, who deals with supernatural beings. In this RP EVERYBODY except for Hunter is a new recruit for the Supernatural Custodians, fresh out of training and testing. This being their first mission, Hunter has been tasked with welcoming them with trial by fire- mass demon extermination. These demons will be easy to kill but will come in hordes. Ammo may be the biggest concern until greater demons show up. The main concern will probably be ammo until greater demons show up. NOTICE: This is NOT for drama, this is an action RP. Characters talk, their coms are linked up, but we aren't looking for a soap opera.

EQUIPMENT (my favorite part): Like Hunter, each recruit has a high tech suit that can take quite a lot of hits. High grade metal makes up the suit, and the mechanics make the user slightly stronger. A HUD system is displayed on the visor to display objectives, mini maps, locators, ammo, etc. A AI system (not the sort you can hold a conversation with) is implanted into each suit. This lets the user shout commands into the suit and have it pop up on the HUD, or change fire rates, etc, even play music. Because recruits are new, they do NOT have the energy manipulation system that Hunter has. However, each suit does have the same colored lines down their black armor to identify who is who. Everyone has their own color. Hunter uses green.

Suits have build in holders that take in the weapons and dispense them when the user reaches for it. Standard with each suit is a combat knife (designed to deal with all sorts of supernatural beings) that resides laterally in a slot in the chest plate. Also standard is a high tech pistol, the bullets of which are made of the same material as the combat knife's blade. This pistol holds twelve regular shots, two tranquilizer shots, and two plasma healing shots.

Plasma healing shots are a lab created serum that can be injected to rapidly heal a patient. While doses in pistol darts are low, the four vials integrated into each suit contain high doses that can put a soldier back on their feet with even the worst injuries. These vials inject into the user's leg upon command.

Weapons (part of equipment, and the final piece before we start!): A standard load out for a Supernatural custodian is an assault rifle and full tang combat sword. This is what Hunter uses and is what he recommends. Other recommended load outs are: double combat swords and a second pistol; double SMGs and a combat sword; Shot gun and SMG. For custom load outs, a max of four 'hand' spaces can be used. Which means you can have one two handed weapon and two single or four single, or two two handed weapons. Heavy weapons, the LMG and Grenade Launger, count for three spaces.

Current weapons in commission by the Supernatural Custodians for recruits (and the only ones available for use):
    Assault Rifle
    Shot Gun
    Sniper Rifle
    Grenade Launcher (Three shots)
    Combat Sword
    Throwing Knives (five)
    Double Blade Combat Knife (for those that love to play with knives)
    Repeating Combat Cross Bow (for reusable ammo)

Lets begin!

Hunter's Load Out
Color: Green
HUD: Enabled
-Assault Rifle
-Combat Sword
-Wrist Rockets (two shots)
-Energy Manipulation System (Beta- Low Power Bar- Hour recharge)

The blades of the 'chopper' tore through the air as they carried the Custodians inside to their destination. The roar would be almost deafening to anyone without protection, but the suits that Hunter and the recruits wore would muffle it. "Alright Recruits," Hunter called over the coms to the seated newbies. Hunter stood towards the front of the 'chopper', holding on to a safety rail behind the pilot's seat to give his speech. "I drew the short straw when we decided who welcomes the newbies. So now I'm here before you. I know that new rules have allowed you to select your own mission load out, just try not to blow anyone's head off, especially mine." He smiled behind his orange visor.

Over the coms the pilot butted in. "We're twenty out."

"Alright," Hunter said in response, "here is the situation. We are a hundred miles from a huge demon spawn area. We're tasked with getting in there and killing everything. Most demons there will be small and easy to kill. The only difficulty will be their numbers, which we estimate in the mid to high hundreds. As we get deeper into the cave, which we will have to fight through the forest to get to, we will encounter larger demons. If you find these too difficult, leave it to me. I could use a little fun," he adds the last part with a grin. "This 'chopper' will NOT be stopping for us to get off."

The pilot jumped on the coms again. "Fifteen. I'd get ready to jump. We're only lowering just above the trees. You'll have a thirty to forty foot drop, that's it."

Hunter pulled his rifle off his back, checked the clip and mechanics, and finished his speech with, "any questions?"
Color: White
HUD: Enabled
Gear: Two Combat Swords, Two SMGs

Admiring the sleek black battle-suit he was outfitted in, Artemis listened intently to Hunter's short debriefing about the mission. When the choice of weaponry arose before they set foot in the supersonic, 'chopper', he was surprised about the wide-ranged options. Selecting dual combat swords, and dual SMGs, because of his berserk fighting technique. When the pilot announced that they had to jump around flirty feet, into a forest, he tensed up. Looking around at his other teammates, he grinned under his white visor. Although they had trained together for awhile, he didn't exactly know them. Looking over at hunter, he looked at the green liquid coursing through his armor's, 'veins'.

"So," he spoke, "you guys ready?" This was more directed toward the other recruits. Looking toward Hunter, he questioned him about the mission. "Wait," he paused for a moment, and perked up a brow, "what's evac?" Pondering what might go wrong, he questioned him again. "What happens if it goes wrong?"
Jennine (played by Tolora)

Color: Orange
HUD: Enabled
Sniper Rifle
Repeating Combat Crossbow
Double Blade Combat Knife

Jennine peeked out at the ground below. This was the real deal. Her first mission. Adrenaline was racing through her. Her head snapped up when she heard Hunter's voice over the coms. She listened carefully when he explained the mission. When he asked about questions, she didn't say anything. Of course she did have a few, she just wasn't quite sure how to word them. Though some of the other recruits might ask some that would answer the same questions she had.
Hunter Archill (played anonymously) Topic Starter

((Three will be enough I guess. Don't feel like waiting for more. The cross bow is a pistol version for it to be one handed btw.))

Hunter looked to Artemis when he asked a question. "You have no clue what to be ready for," he added, a touch of mischief in is voice. "Alright!" He said, his voice returning to the previous state, "we jump in ten. Ready your weapons, make sure they are secure and loaded." After speaking he turned back to the cockpit. He left the two recruits to themselves until those minutes had ticked by.

As Hunter turned back to face the recruits he re-opened his coma link so they could hear him again. "Times up, newbies, time to test your jewels!" Then looked out the open end of the chopper across from him. Then he ran for it, then he jumped. Through the coms the iron man theme song started to play as it was broadcasted from Hunter's suit.

Hunter fell head first until he was half way down, at that time he flipped in the air so that his feet were first. Upon landing his armor locked to stop him from going splat. For about four seconds he was stuck in a Landon position, one knee bent forward and one bend under him for support. His right arm was dug into the ground and his left arm rested on his knee.

As soon as the suit unlocked he stood up from his landing crouch and looked around. About a hundred and fifteen lesser demons, skinny and only about five feet tall, stood still in the trees, dead in their tracks. Hunter reached back and grasped the assault rifle he carried on his back. Pulling it in front of him he clicked the safety off.

"Party time," he announced. That's when the chaos started.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

((Room for one more?))
Hunter Archill (played anonymously) Topic Starter

((Just jump in with us. Just make sure you follow the OOC rules. I should also add that this is the first time doing this for all except Hunter, granted they have excellent training and have been introduced to supernatural a before. While everyone here will kick butt Hunter is still here to show them the ropes.))
Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

Dean's Load Out
Color: Blue
HUD: Enabled
-Combat Sword
-Throwing Knives

Dean listened closely, he checked over his weapons, looked over his knives and sharpened his sword to make sure that he can kill all the demon bastards without any regrets of looking at his equipment. Dean looked out in awe as Hunter leapt from the chopper, this was the real deal. He felt butterflies in his stomach but he'd be damned if he didn't enjoy them. He took a few steps back and took a deep breath. He took a run up and leapt after Hunter 'OOOOH HEEEELLLLLL YEEEEEAH!' He screamed in excitement as he spun and twirled a few times in the air. That was until realisation hit him in the face in the form of of the floor. His suit locked up to prevent damage but he hit the ground at an angle causing him to roll as he landed straight into a few barrels and through a wall of a nearby ruined building.

Dust raised up and covered Dean's Newley made entrance *cough cough* 'oh man... Fail...'he said to himself unaware the comm sat was on.
Jennine (played by Tolora)

((Oh, I thought the sniper rifle would count as two-handed?))

Jennine stood up as soon as they were close, steadying herself with one hand on the inside wall of the chopper. She did one last once over on her weapons and to check that her suit was working properly. Just like she'd done a dozen times already today. She watched Hunter jump out and heard the Iron Man theme song come up over the coms. She smiled and fought the urge to hum along with it. Soon after Hunter was a recruit in blue--Dean.

Jennine wasn't about to be left behind so she jumped out after them. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" She couldn't help giggling uncontrollably on the way down. It was definitely unlike jumping out of a plane with a parachute. This was terrifying. Delightfully terrifying.She winced as she watched Dean land. That had to hurt. Several demons noticed his landing as well.

Jennine reached for her crossbow and narrowed her body as straight as she could, aiming herself towards the building ruins. She only have a few seconds to shoot the demons before she hit the ground herself. She took aim and managed to fire at the two demons closest to Dean before she hit the ground in a roll. Her suit locked up as soon as she hit the ground, so she was stuck in her rolling position and ended up rolling right into another demon that was taken off guard and knocked to the ground. She stood up as soon as the suit allowed her to and shot the demon she'd knocked down in the head.
Smiling to himself, Artemis followed his comrades into the battlefield, lunging from the chopper he went soaring in the air. The hordes of demons fulfilled his lust for action. Unlatching his SMG's, he shouted while nosediving through the air. Emptying clips into the ravenous hordes, he mowed them down group by group. Nearing a tree, he dug his fingers into the side of its bark, slowing his descend, and allowing him to switch weaponry. Latching his SMGs back to his armor, he unsheathed his blades, and propelled himself from the large tree. Striking the ground hard, he plunged the steel of the blades into the hearts of two demons.

"I've been waiting for a REAL mission!" Ducking, tucking, and rolling through the hordes, he sliced the chests and necks of a multitude of demons. After slaughtering large groups with his combat swords, he quickly switched to his automatic weaponry. Spinning in a circle, he jammed his finger into the trigger, joyfully obliterating the pathetic beings. Then he got up close and personal. Using the protection of his armor to strike the demons, he connected with their jaws, head, and chest, crunching their weak bones. His berserk style of combat was that similar of the famous character, Deadpool. With obscene, but lethal, style of tactics and fighting, he swept easily across the battlefield, watching his foes crumple to the ground to his blade.

Laughing to himself as he covered the ground in blood, he looked over at his teammates. "I thought this was supposed to be hard!" He stated giddily to Hunter, we was also unleashing chaos throughout the battle. His thoughts raced, but it didn't matter, he would become a Custodian. Determined to prove his worth, he fought mercilessly, cutting down anything that stood in his way. Dropping the demented corpse to the ground.
Hunter Archill (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Newbies, Hunter thought as the recruits landed around him. He turned to where two of them were, Orange and Blue blips on his HUD telling he where they were, and fired at the demons around them. Two shots, one dead, two more shots, another dead. He dropped two more after that he he slowly walked their direction. A bullet ricocheted off his leg plate and he turned his attention to the recruit who had spun around with his gun.

"If you shoot me one more time I will personally execute you," Hunter called over the coms set. He raised the rifle and shot a demon over Artemis' shoulder. He turned back and trotted back to the other two. Demons were now swarming from the forest onto their location. The dead already piled up, but ammo would always have to be conserved.

"Rally up," he ordered, "Kill line at the building ruins." He pointed his gun behind him and squeezed the trigger. Three out of four shots hit, killing one more demon. He reached the remains of the small building where two of the recruits where just before the demons. "Lock and load, we got company! Get over here White." He called out to Artemis, using his armor accent color instead of name.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

Dean sat up and coughed a little 'He sticks the landing, 10s all around' he said in a disappointed tone, his suit prevented any damage to him but the sight of the ground speeding in was terribly horrifying. Dean brushed his suit and looked around, the area was already littered in bodies. He was too late to see Artemis' landing but saw the bullet ricochet off Hunter's suit, that would tick even Dean off.

The dust somewhat settled and as Dean was about to step out a demon lunged at him with claws held high, in quick movement Dean sliced it's head clean off and quickly placed the blade back in its sheath. Two more demons entered through the opening Dean made and charged at him, screaching as the ran. Dean drew his shot gun, cocked it, and blew OMG their heads clean off and ducked under the other demon's swing. The moment the demon passed over him he smiled, he turned, put his shotgun back over his back and his fingers at the demons head in the shape of a gun, as he pretended to shoot it, a bullet sped straight into it's forehead.

'Thanks orange, you saved me there!' Dean smiled at Jennine as he stepped out of the building. Jen was the one that shot the demon from over his shoulder. He high fives her and approached hunter, his shotgun held pointed at the direction hunter said.
Jennine (played by Tolora)

((I don't know if you guys have seen the post I made, but I'm leaving Tuesday for vacation and won't be back until the 16 at the latest. It's possible that I might come back before then, but I'm not sure.))

A demon came at Jennine fast and got in too close for her to swing her cross bow hand around and shoot it. Instead, she had to drop it to the ground and brace herself for the demon. It pounced at her and she caught one of its clawed outstretched arms, rolling onto her back and putting her feet in its chest. It didn't take much of a kick of her legs to keep the demon's forward momentum going over her and into the wall behind her.

Before she could do anything else to the demon, it was shot and killed. She looked up and saw a green suit. "Thanks Hunter!" She quickly picked up her crossbow. Jennine high fived Dean back, grinning under her helmet. "No problem, and don't worry, you won't be the only one to 'fail' doing this mission. We're all new to this. Except for Hunter."

Jennine looked up at the ruins. There was a part that rose a few feet above the treeline. If she could get up there, she could finally use the sniper rifle she'd so carefully picked out before the mission. "I'm gonna see if I can get up there and set up a spot to pick them off."
Viktor Carson (played anonymously)

Viktor's Load Out
Color: Indigo
HUD: Enabled
- Double Blade Combat Knife
- Combat Sword
- Sniper Rifle

Viktor had hung back for a reason, while officially he was under Hunter's command he had been specifically assigned to this mission. Viktor had excelled in all his training but had maintained a low profile among his fellow Custodians-to-be. The superiors had noticed this from the get go and slowly up-ed the difficulty of all his training exercises. Viktor had received the exact same training as his fellow newbies but on a more rigorous level. He activated his suit from running it strictly on life support mode, his HUD display flashed on as his visor illuminated from the shady recesses of the back of the chopper. His location beacon would likely activate and alert Hunter of Viktor's presence on the mission, he scanned through his available inventory as he nonchalantly walked toward the opening where he would jump out of. "Understood, sir." Viktor said as he about-faced and slowly leaned back allowing himself to calmly fall to the miniature warzone below. He watched from above as his team fell back into a derelict building from the earlier settlers of this part of the world.

Viktor repositioned himself mid-fall to make contact with a nearby tall tree, grabbing firmly enough to stop his downward motion but loose enough to allow his momentum to swing himself branch to branch like a olympic gymnast. All along the way Viktor would knock demons off their perches on the branches sending them tumbling to the ground to their doom. A few seconds later Viktor stood atop a branch that placed him just out of reach of the demons on the ground beneath him, their harsh faces and disfigured forms writhing in pain and looking up to him in pure disgust. "Nothing personal guys..." Viktor said as he unsheathed a his combat sword almost samurai style from his side and his combat knife from his other. Viktor once again let himself fall from the tree and landed on the largest of the demons he knocked down and stabbed it through the throat deep enough to sever the spinal column with a muffled cracking sound, it was dead. Viktor then used his blade in a backhanded style in combination with his long knife to slash and fatally stab any demon that took notice of him as he made his way.

After taking down a couple dozen demons along the way and ducking behind a few corpses that had piled up Viktor stealthily made his way over to the building and went inside with his team. "Apologies for my tardiness sir. I am Viktor Carson, I was specially assigned to this mission under orders to hang back and provide tactical back up when and where needed. How may I be of service, sir?" Viktor said as he saluted to his commanding officer.
Hearing the clink of the bullet ricochet from Hunter's leg, it made him cringe. After a few moments, he heard him call for him. rushing over to the group, he locked his SMG's back to the armor. Skidding to a stop near the group, he nodded to his teammates. Artemis didn't generally talk much in the presence of Hunter, mainly because he was superior. Artemis was a loud-mouth, but most wouldn't realize this because of his constant silence. Unsheathing his dual combat-swords, he rolled his neck around and cracked it, then look straight forward onto the next horde of undeniably disgusting creatures. Glancing at the others, he grinned under his white mask. Side-by-side with the best fighters in the world, generally he was on his own.

A few thoughts bounced around in his head as he stared furiously at the mass mob. Grinning, he was practically bounced on his feet, waiting for some action. But that was his weakness, trigger-happy.
Hunter Archill (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The squad was all in the building and Hunter was ready to open fire at the demons that were rapidly closing the space until another Custodian landed down. A blip appeared on the mini map on his visor. This Custodian wasn't with him originally. Then he saw him coming through the trees. "What the..." He trailed as the Custodian approached him with a formal greeting.

Before responding Hunter lifted his rifle and the newcomer and fired three rounds over his shoulder, killing one demon and wounding another. "Get the heck in here and greet me when we finish killing them." He ordered. Pushing him back into the house, Hunter looked out through the broken wall. "Alright newbies. We have about sixty seconds before it's even more chaos. Blue, white, cover the fallen wall with me. Shoot anything out there that moves. Let's not let them reach the building. Orange... new guy, kill anything that get's through the rest of the gaps. Cut em to pieces."

Reloading his rifle and shouldering it. His finger hovered over the trigger. "Open fire," he ordered, and squeezed the trigger.
Jennine (played by Tolora)

Jennine was surprised to see another recruit appear through the woods. He certainly wasn't with them on the chopper they'd arrived in. From the looks of it, this new addition was a surprise to Hunter too. She wondered what was going on. She didn't have long to wonder though. Hunter was quick to recover from his surprise and order them to their places.

"Yes sir!" She responded and moved to the area Hunter had indicated. She glanced at the new guy. He didn't look any different from them. Even had the same gear as them. So why'd they give him orders to hang back and wait? She shook her head. There would be time to worry about that later. She replaced her crossbow and drew her rifle, shouldering it. She took aim and when Hunter said fire she squeezed the trigger. The bullet went right into the demon's left eye and out the back of its head. She took aim again and continued firing, taking out several more demons all with shots to the eyes. One part of any creatures body that was never really protected by armor or tough skin.
Viktor Carson (played anonymously)

((OOC: Is anyone else going to reply? I was planning on holding back till everyone else posted seeing as my character is meant to pull the rear.))
Jennine (played by Tolora)

(( Hehe well I don't think I can reply right after myself :P I'm just waiting too.))
Hunter Archill (played anonymously) Topic Starter

((I'll message them. If nobody else replies we can just keep going.))
Shoot? Artemis thought to himself, he needed to conserve ammo, right? Although that much was true, Hunter wouldn't just throw them into a situation they couldn't recover from, right? Heeding the command, he unlatched one of his two SMG's and took aim. Firing his weapon, he mowed down waves of disgusting demons. Overwhelmingly curious about their commanding officer, and the new guy, thoughts bounced around his already filled conscious. Reloading with a quick hand, he twirled his gun around in his hand, jamming the other clip into the slot and continued firing. Thoughts of disobeying Hunter's orders, and plunging his blades through the hearts of demons were shouting at him. Knowing what the consequences might be, he decided with his better judgment, against it.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus