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Forums » Smalltalk » Halloween stuffs! :D

Sanne Moderator

Although Halloween is scarcely celebrated in the Netherlands, I gussied up my profile a little and doodled some horns on my kitty to celebrate the occasion. XD

What are you doing with Halloween?
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Kids always come trick or treating so it's fun to entertain them. I was thinking about wearing my Shepard costume but I don't think they'd know what it was.

I did just order this tshirt though, so I'll probably wear that, a cloak and lightsabre to answer the door.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

darth_angelus wrote:
Kids always come trick or treating so it's fun to entertain them. I was thinking about wearing my Shepard costume but I don't think they'd know what it was.

I did just order this tshirt though, so I'll probably wear that, a cloak and lightsabre to answer the door.

Can I come trick or treating at your door? <_<
The same as any other day. We din't celebrate it in Belgium.

Lordy I don't even know the exact date of halloweeen.
Halloween is my favorite holiday! :D I'm not doing anything on the actual day (The 31st) Because I have class :( But that weekend I have a Halloween costume party to go to. I got really tired of costume shopping and didn't have enough advanced notice to be able to make my own costume, so I'm going as little bo peep. My best friend is Goldilocks lol.

I wish we still got trick or treaters here :( but nobody really comes around anymore. A lot of people get really paranoid and they take their kids to sponsored events instead. Malls and grocery stores and stuff like that that give out candy to kids.

Also, that shirt is awesome darth_angelus! I love it XD

(It's October 31, yeah).

If you've watched my icons lately, it shows my various wardrobes from this giant haunted house I'm working at. We've gone from being "best haunted house in southeast texas" rated by spirit of halloween to them just saying "best spook house". We've seen two reality shows come through and two news teams (one reality show is revisiting next week). Also next week a low budget movie producing crew is coming through. I'm loving it there. On Halloween day they're doing trick or treating up there for the kids too, which will be cool.

And the rest? Well... typical Samhain rituals.

I plan on dressing up as Selene from the Underworld films, seeing what my university does and trying to scare the neighbourhood kids ;)
As is tradition, I hand out candy to the kiddies at my house while the dog barks excitedly at them, the cats hide under the beds, and my parents watch whatever shows they watch on that evening.

This also means I get dibs on the candy before the kiddies show up. >=D BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!

<Ramble Time>
Anyway, I haven't dressed up since the 12th grade in high school. I was my pokemon trainer OC. Made my own Poke Balls (note to self, backpack + Styrofoam glued to a leather belt = you lose your 'balls), got to wear my cowboy hat to school, and some goggles (pretending they were Gogoggles from RSE).

It was pcool. Mom bought me a Mismagius plushie since she refused to help me make a Taunter one (claimed Haunters were too pointy to make properly). I still have it. I might wear it on my shoulder somehow this year as I pass out candy.
Dressing up as a Witch from Left 4 Dead, going with my friends 'Ellis', 'Coach', 'Francis' and 'Rochelle', blus a boomer, a smoker and a hunter to a zombie walk in Huntsville, AL and/or Nashville, TN.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Prince wrote:
Dressing up as a Witch from Left 4 Dead, going with my friends 'Ellis', 'Coach', 'Francis' and 'Rochelle', blus a boomer, a smoker and a hunter to a zombie walk in Huntsville, AL and/or Nashville, TN.

<3 !!!!
so going as a cat. with sparkly nails. Curse you friends.. who wanted to have a laugh at my expense (don't ask)
I've been hoping something would come up for Halloween but so far no mention of parties or anything. I have been offered to help chaperon a Halloween party at the school near my house though, but I'd feel weird doing that. The school has every grade in it so the high schoolers would be there. I'd feel weird being in charge of kids who can still be, at least the seniors, considered my peers.

Aside from that, I'll be working until 3 at the department store and probably handing out candy to trick or treaters. I might dress up as a scarecrow since that's pretty easy to do without spending any money. I have enough makeup that I can do a cute look for it and I have flannet shirts and ripped jeans haha.

If I can find a hat for cheap that'd be great, or maybe put my hair up with bits of straw in it...but that seems dirty somehow.

Is it bad that I'm 20 years old and still want to go trick or treating? I went last year with my boyfriend, who's 21 hahaha.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I stopped trick-or-treating when I went to college, and I miss it EVERY YEAR. Now I have to BUY the candy?! No fair! At least I get the leftovers.

This year I'm going as a black metal guy. We had one party last weekend, and I'll wriggle into my getup again this weekend no doubt for another one. Then handing out candy and "eughk"ing at little kids, and having to explain to them what the heck I am. X) Here's my costume:


I wish I could have looked like Gaahl, but no one can do what he do. So I ended up combining a Gaahl+Abbath sorta look for my corpsepaint. It was fairly hastily applied.

I actually didn't get to trick or treat until I was 18. I was raised in a staunch Christian home where it was considered witchcraft. Perhaps there's irony in me becoming a pagan after the fact, but it was actually unrelated. The man who is now my husband took me trick or treating for the first time at 18. Every door asked, "Aren't you a little old for this?" It was always answered, "It's her first time." "Aww, you poor thing." *double candy amount*
D: What? I mean, I know All Hallows Eve was pagan, but c'mon. HALLOWEEN. D: *gives Minerva all the candy ever* I hope you enjoyed it though! I've personally always gotten a kick out of all the costumes people think up.

... one year I was handing out candy (age 12), and a group of my friends came by to pick me up, singing Christmas carols.
Yeah, we went CAROLING on my 12th Halloween.

It broke my heart every year. I don't want to speak too ill of it, because my mother is dead now. But dang. We were even one of those bunk houses where they handed out church tracts about going to hell because of it instead of candy. We got egged sometimes. One year it was a tract about dungeons and dragons taking you to hell.

I dressed up in a custom outfit of my Rumea character (as seen in my profile). I haven't trick or treated since but I've generally come to enjoy it in other ways. I'm at a point where I'm almost verbally dangerous though. I respect the christian god, and believe in a lot of that book, but I hold a broader sense of what I believe is also true; I believe in multiple gods, some of which were seen as angels and devils over time etc. At our haunted house there's this preacher that comes by to condemn us and every day I have to bridle my tongue to not shatter everything he knows. I never mean to, but it happens. God help him the next day he comes by, because I'm not going to be able to resist my typical diatribe of "Oh, it traces to 'witchcraft' from paganism? Do you celebrate Christmas? Easter? Ever heard of Yule? Ostara? All Christmas and Easter are, are cannibalized pagan holidays. So let us cannibalize this outside of your religion into an equally harmless display of fun."

^ I've gotten into bitter arguments over that, because I become too heavily impassioned. I think I broke someone's heart when I pointed out Jeremiah 10 bans judeochristians from erecting a tree for a holiday.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Here's something I created for Halloween last year, thought I'd share it here now ;)

... your name's DAMIEN?

Teehee is your favorite movie "The Omen"?

Anyway, cool lil' movie! Dem weeping angels.

Don't blink
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Yep, that's my name :)

And I prefer the original over the remake they made a few years back :)
:D Nifty!

And I don't think I've actually seen any of The Omen movies all the way through (it had... 2 sequels, and the remake? I think?), but I've seen bits and pieces of the first. It was pretty creepy.

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