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Forums » Help » 'Centered' not so centered..

Ok so...
Tried to center an image for one of my characters. Saw that it was centered in the editing of the profile, everything was fine till... I saw the page that everyone else would see and it's... not centered. Because of the ad to the right of it. It shoves the image a little bit to the left of the screen. Now I don't mind the ads, I get they help pay for the site and whatnot. But is there any way to not have the ads push 'centered' images and pictures to the left? Mostly because I'm trying to line the picture of with the template behind it and get the image smack in the center, because I'm symmetrical like that and I cause problems wherever I go because of it.

Or is there another trick that I just haven't noticed to get my image fully centered with the template, without the ad on the right bumping it over?
Sanne Moderator

Hi Missyoulove, I assume you're talking about [url]Yelena's page[/url], right?

The issue you're having is 100% unrelated to the ads. The ad is actually displayed outside of the content area and it doesn't affect the text or images inside. What's happening is that your image is being aligned to the right of the text due to the code you used. The widget on the edit page does not always show the content the same way a profile does, because the template you picked formats it differently. (Plus a widget isn't always as wide as what the template allows).

Can you show us what code you're using for the text and image that isn't behaving how you want it? Please put them in the code brackets, like so;

[ code ]Your stuff here[ /code ]

(Remove the spaces inside the code tags, I had to put the spaces in so it shows up)
Missyoulove Topic Starter

It's actually for an Anon character. I was using the Misty Path grey template, and using [ center ][img ]png address[/img ][/center ] (minus the spaces of course) which was showing up centered in the Editing phase. So the image should have been aligned within the white space of the template background when in normal view. But it wasn't. It was still pushed to the left a bit of the screen due to the advertisement. Which I'm sure is the case, because when I closed out my internet fully and reloaded the page, it was centered in the middle of the template background image, till the advertisement loaded a second later and pushed it.

I know it's not a huge issue, but I notice the little things and I know the coding it right. All it is is centered, then the image link from Imgur. That's it, I didn't put any other coding in there.
Kim Site Admin

This is occasionally an issue with some templates, and on my list of stuff to address in the Great Template Fixing Up of 2015.

That said, very hard to know if there's something to be done in this case without having a look see! :)

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