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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Taurus Temple Holidays

Ash (played by Minerva)

[[I should have worked on this a few weeks ago, but holidays and such have made it difficult. The setting: Taurus Temple, Hermes Temple--descriptions are available in my Ash and Luci profiles, respectively. Primarily Taurus, however.
Luci had mentioned the validity of the winter solstice, and of Saturnalia, and Yule, and more. His details had been vague at best--be seasonable, and attend when you normally would anyway. That was at least the start of it.
Over the days, the decoration blossomed.
Before posting on the modern events, feel free to backpace to the progression over a few weeks that bloomed into the wintery appeal.

By December eleventh, holly boughs had been layered sparsely around the circular room of the Taurus Temple, and pointsettas hung in the corners of the Hermes halls. Even the basements had the start of a touch. A bow was playfully stuck over an inappropriate satyr's bits on the basement mural.

By december 14th, various other pieces worked in, apparently by cover of night. The garlands were complete around the room, decorated with a few poinsettas and pinecones, and other seasonal details like cinnamon and a few themed animals wrought in golden accent. A few strings of tasteful white lights dance through them as they extend. The Hermes basement's clubby beat comes in christmasy jingle, occasionally rotating through christmas songs. Certain lights in the basement have been dimmed in favor of a neon red-green flashing scene instead, interlaced by occasional twinkles.

Within a week of traditional christmas, around the 18th, a tree was erected in Taurus. It was sizeable, for the small place; the favored persian rug had been covered with a look-alike needle-rug, as the hearty evergreen was real. A few tasteful strands twined it simply. Candles are placed on top of pews with holiday displays to drain into. The Taurus temple basement acquires a minifridge with holiday spirits like egg nog. And rum. Definitely rum. The door connecting the two residences is left open for slightly muted music.

By the onset of Yule, december 21st, If no one else had seen to it by that date, the following would be there by night's fall: an arrangement of stockings with the name of a few common attendants. Lighting has all-together fallen behind the tree, while just before the engraved wall it stood as a good center of the room. It had a basic string of colored lights providing the better part of the light in the room, but also a well-spaced replica of candles, each on their own fake candleholder standing vigil on the tree.

Miscellanious boxes were laid out with a few names, such as Gabriel, Asa, Draeval and Chiara--she would have at least had hint dropped to check out the temple over the progression. A few socks may even be left for a few days, as it was doubtful Mitchell was going to check any time soon, and Luci's one to Seph was more joke than anything. It'd probably be hanging there half a year later. It was due to spread if others jumped in on it, for sure.

December 22
Luci and Ferous will be present, so that would be a good solid point of play. Feel free to decided how the few days of gradual build may have been noticed, as well as anything festive anyone commonly did.

By morning's light, Luci was cutting between the basements. His own had a poppy station for Christmas songs ringing through it as he adjusted lighting on the stage, with a new wintery town backdrop cast in its own version of 'holiday light'--Luci basement style. He was inappropriately dressed for the holidays, or at least, by some standards. His green sweatshirt had dark red ribbon pattern concealing zippers lacing over shoulderline, low on the torso, and at a few other angles. The printed tag UNWRAP ME! probably wasn't surprising from him. The My Angel brand lower hung at the small of his back, explaining the amount of effort put into the ribbon that hung from below one collarbone. His white jeans phased into patches of blue just to hint at a snowy sky. Shoe designs were set with gold, but it was the light color amidst the green base, ruby accessories, and diamondesque glitter. Oh, and it had the slightest elf toehook, but nothing compared to the heel.

He donned a young buck's antlers from hair, longer strands swept comfortably and loosely back and the rest trimmed and swept back behind the ears; Though the base was a faded black, sweeps of red, blue, and green came through partnered with wafting white. It partnered the wintery look of his face, white as a sheet of snow. Red lined the top lip and blue the bottom, making it look almost frozen, or worse. The wintery prince look shadowed the eyes, exposed fanning markings, and drew focus to nearly backlit indigo eyes. He sported wintery iconography to hang as earrings, aside from the traditional colored orbs hanging from the few points over his head. Add in a pi-pie scarf and his look was complete.

Ferous stood behind Ash's old basement bar, arranging engraven stones and a few shells with seeming mindlessness over the counter. Festivities ended with a loose, thick-knit, charcoal black sweater with lighter grey stripe in the middle cutting way for a few crimson snowflake designs, an unupsetting scarf, and a cup of scalding-hot cocoa.

As Luci strutted between the basements, Ferous glanced up, "Did you have to bring the cut tree? We could have used the one in the yard."

"Numbnuts planted that. I wouldn't have daddy wipe his rump with its leaves, much less hang ornaments on it. We should honestly uproot the damn thing. It's just about an insult now." Luci said with uncharacteristic sternness, bringing Ferous a new coffee-mix of some sort, likely with its own charm of holiday spice. It was perfect timing to replace the emptied cocoa cup. "Besides, it's not the right kind of tree. If we're not going with traditional wintergreen, and feel like being smartasses, it should be an ash tree."

"We could plant a new one." Ferous suggested.

"Maybe next year." Luci shrugged, stirring his own cup and leaning over the bar on the opposite side. "It'd be better if we gave him a chance to come back and be there for the planting anyway."

Ferous grumbled something. "I still think cutting it down to use it is wasteful."

"Hey, can't blame me! They cut 'em down regardless of if I do. Might as well make use of it."

Ferous at least seemed to visually lighten up at that. "...So, how's the contraption coming?"

"It wasn't insulating right at first, but I think I should be able to get it going if someone shows up."

"And drainage?"

"Should be amusing, at worst. Efficient at best." Luci grinned.

Ferous couldn't expect much better and gave a roll of the eyes before returning the gaze to the carved semi-precious stones littered on the counter.

"Say anything interesting?" Apparently Luci couldn't read everything: case in point, a rock's mind.

"Yeah. You can clean up the needles when they're done shedding."";
Gabriel (played by Loki)

Gabriel had been doing his own holiday planning as per how Ferous had suggested. He'd brought some ornaments for the tree, and gifts for everybody that were labeled and stuck under the tree. He added his own poinsettia's to the ones already in Taurus, but Luci and Ferous were left to decorate their own temple how they saw fit.

In the basement he'd keep fiddling with the lights and changing their color, but they were probably changed back should anyone notice. He also had his own stockings for people, which were probably hung behind the ones that were already out, and he added some for Ivana and her children since they had been invited.

Most of that all had been done while nobody was around, so when he showed up for his first food drop off on the 22nd, he was surprised to find two people already there. " guys." He's heading over to the bar area to put down the two plates of cookies he'd been carrying, uncovering them to show off frosted red and green sugar cookies in Christmas shapes, and a plate of thin mints. Not traditionally Christmas, but they had been requested by Ash before. "I've got more in the car."

Perched on his shoulder was a familiar squirrel, that probably skittered down and headed over to the fountain. "Ferous said I could bring him..." He'd offer, even if nobody asked. With that, he's probably popping back and forth between the temple and the car to bring more sweets and food. Cakes, pies, more cookies, turkey, ham, Ferous had told him to cook his heart out and he had. Since there wasn't much room to place stuff aside from the floor, Gabriel'd wish up a table, and he'd of brought decorations for that too. He's going to busy himself with setting the table up, don't mind him. He looks like his typical self, dark circles under his eyes, thin, and his typical baggy clothing with his gauntlet. At least he'd attempted to brush out his messy hair.
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Hadn't been around in ages, he'd been in Egypt slightly trapped. Okay there was no slightly to it, he was trapped. He was still there during this time, as he hasn't yet dream woven back when this rp opens. Anyway, he made promises to come on Yule. Promises to Gabe that he refused to break, he was doing everything he could to prove that he wasn't one of those guys that promised and then didn't come through. And especially now with him being locked away with Ash in Egypt he felt he HAD to be there.

He'd ghost in with a more than semi solid version of himself, he was pouring power into creating a slightly stable image in this time. He said he'd be here, he'd be here the best way he could. The image that flickered in of Drae was at first just orange and shimmering. But as he focused it defined itself in a very Human!Draeval shape, first the face, then the torso, then the legs. It still looked disjointed but then he layered the idea of clothes into it and he looked a bit more...natural. He was wearing a button down with a tie, dress pants, and glasses with a hat to finish the ensemble. It wasn't seasonal and it didn't seem to really match. Actually he looked like he was wearing an orange silk shirt, but he was having a hard time maintaining that image so it would appear a little...sparkly. Ahem.

As for his features they He couldn't remember exactly where his eyes went in relation to his mouth so his head proportions were off just enough to possibly make someone question what broke his nose or his jaw. But it was better than it could be. Finally he layered in the thought of skin, which took on a sort of...pale orange sheen making him look like an ompa lompa!Drae. Which could be worse.

His eyes were a bit, solid orange without pupils or irises so it took him a moment to spot everyone. He would have ghosted out of thin air when his ghosted image was complete, he had to develop himself in subspace so he's a little more than a bit eerie when he pops up. Anyway, obviously he was giftless when he appeared and he'd sadly have to remain so because he couldn't get things back and forth between times if he couldn't even get himself back and forth.

For now he's hanging back and being quiet, just taking it in.
Asa (played by SanityCatch)

Asa hadn't really been around Taurus Temple, aside from stopping by now and then to help Gabe clean or some such, so he likely hadn't even noticed the decorations. As for Hermes... well, since it was now cold out he had taken up Ferous' offer of using her office to paint.

Around the 15th or so he left one of his smaller landscapes sitting on the desk for Ferous. It held a slightly festive theme at least, depicting a snow covered forest with a snow owl discreetly perched in one branch (if anyone were to be observant enough, which he counted on Ferous being).

Now, as Gabe started taking in the food, Asa was bringing in a larger painting. He figured it could be his contribution to the festivities, even though he didn't seem to be in an overly festive mood. He was dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a silly "Christmas Dinosaur" sweater of mostly black and green. Searching for a good spot, he'd wind up placing the work just sitting near the altar rather than properly hanging. It was a giant portrait of "Santa," though with features a bit off for the popular rendition. Santa wasn't quite as elderly or pale, and the "twinkle" in sitting Santa's eyes probably had less to do with cheerfulness and more to do with the fact this Santa was sitting in a chair, awaiting someone to come sit on his lap. Asa had to add his own touches after all, and he figured it suited.

Once that was set in place, Asa headed back toward the car... only to pause and snort as he looked at the stockings. Snapping a quick picture of Seph's, he texted a message regarding the oddity as he wandered on to help his husband unload the car. Gabe was faster, but he'll at least grab a few things to offer a bit of help. And feel a bit more useful. On the way down with whatever had been left, he'd give a friendly enough "Hey guys." Drae, when spotted, got his own slightly brighter smile and "Hey, Draeval. ...You're a little uh... sparkly."
Luci (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

"Hey!" Luci chirped as Gabriel, followed by a few others, came in one after the other. He stood still, gripping some odd tube that looked like it went to a vaccuum or washing machine. "Yeah, that's no problem. Just... keep him away from my peanuts." He looked thoroughly accusatory towards Max. Luci had pointed to the counter for the many concoctions, but they kept filling out. The table was a nice and necessary addition.

"Hey, Asa. Been a while." He tilted his head, smile halfly fading. To say their connection had gotten awkward was putting it kindly. "Well, um... I'm going to go back to putting together the snow machine. I think it's almost done, just had to fix a kink. Try not to bother Sukibara, he was crashing here when we got here and probably needs some time to himself." He nodded to a corner of the room, where a man laid slumped on the floor, passed out. "...Smells like whiskey and gasoline." He curled his nose. Actually the smell wasn't that bad, but you know Luci and his nose. It was all too easily lost amidst the lights and new decor.

Ferous, well... nodded to everyone.
Gabriel (played by Loki)

"Hey." He'd return to Luci when he was spoken to, and his eyes drift to Suki when he's mentioned. His lips turn down into a semi frown, before he goes blank faced again. "Okay." He'd definitely avoid that area like it had the plague. "Er...snow machine?" The idea of Luci with a snow machine was mildly frightening. Once the table is set up, and filled with food, Gabriel's going to head over to Drae. He's not sure he can touch him, so he'll settled for a smile. "Glad you made it." He looks to genuinely mean it too. "Help yourself to the food." There was so much food spread between the bar and the decorated table that it looked as if Gabe had cooked for a small army, rather than the few friends and family that had been invited to the party.

Once Draeval had been greeted, Gabriel's going to be shifting forms into that of a large grey tomcat. He'd even managed to add a Santa like jingle collar around his neck that made noise when he walked. He's still festive at least! He'd walk over to Asa and twist between his legs once, before trotting over to Ferous to brush up against her. If she didn't pet him or pick him up, he's still going to hang out by her feet, purring.
Namine (played by Loki)

Namine was here! Don't forget her! She was over in the Hermes temple basement for some reason, probably because she had been hanging out near Luci. She'll poke her head out of the door leading to Taurus, and she'd "Naaah!" At the people she saw there. One in particular caught her attention! She's going to waddle her way over to Draeval and she'll look up at him, "Naaaaaaaaaah!" Yes, this is the baby-daddy. Surprise! Considering that only two people in the room could really understand the announcement, the rest of the people in the room probably aren't looking very shocked. She's really fat by now, considering she was due to drop her kids in February.

Draeval would probably wonder why this goat was standing in front of him, maybe someone could translate?
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Draeval chuckled at Asa and offered a broad orange toothed grin, wait that wasn't right! Slowly his mouth would turn all white, off white, then pink, and finally it would look normal. Yikes this was hard, thinking is not Drae's strong point obviously. Ahem. 'Welp 'ello ta ya ta, an waz wrong wit zparkly? I ain't a bampire zo dat juz meanz I'm flamboyantz!'

Drae paused and blinked, 'Datz not wut a I meant...' He looked over to Gabe and grinned again, ''ey! I told ya I'd come, I juz...ain't 'ere all da way yet. Zoon, bery bery zoon.' He looked at the food and his belly rumbled, er what would be his belly if he was solid. 'I tink...I'd do a zlimer imperzonation if I tried dat...' That'd totally be attractive.

And then there is Namine and Drae looked at her with a bitten lip. ''ey Namine...' He looked at Gabe then back to Namine and shimmered down to where he had no legs. Not kneeling, he just kinda amputated the lower half of his body to be at her level. 'Zo...I zee dat Mela waz rite.' He'd give a soft smile and offer to rub her head. Awkward, goat wolves yikes.
Asa (played by SanityCatch)

Wasn't about to get overly chatty with Luci, but he at least gave a small smile and friendly enough. "Hey... yeah, been a while." But it was Drae that really had his attention, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, but ya know it's totally true anyway." The flamboyant man got a wink, and he was going to wander toward the bar when he looked down at his feet and nearly squealed "Kitty!" Of course Asa was well aware it was his husband, but he just had to kneel down and try to scoop him up for a big squish before he'd be allowed to continue on to Ferous. But then, where his feline hubby went, he followed. Ferous will have a cat at her feet, and an Asa lurking nearby as well. At least Asa's trying to keep his mouth shut and behave for once... mostly due to the fact this was to honor Ash.
Luci (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

"Yeah, snow machine!" Luci grinned. "I got this festive backdrop for the stage, and checked the angle of the base of it to make sure it'd run into some gutters when it melted."
Ferous (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

"It's not going to rip down the tarp this time, is it?" Ferous looked incredulous. If any hint of questioning came from the surrounding people, Ferous snorted while tapping on the counter to coax the cat to take a leap to it. If done, Gabe'd get some petting. "The first run knocked one of his blinking hats off the wall."
Luci (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

"It's fine." Luci defended. "Only a few lights got blown out." He upturned his nose a bit--only to be staring down at a goat with an announcement. He blinked, outlined eyes thoroughly confused. Well, he was pretty sure it wasn't his this time. She seemed to know who, too. "...I knew you were looking a little... full." He folded his arms. The earlier grin returned--slanted, somewhat dangerous, or at least a bit lewd as his eyes slid to Draeval. "...Didn't realize she was genetically compatible with wolf species. Then again, you're not quite a normal wolf."

Whatever the case, he abruptly clapped his hands together, ready to move on! ...He took pause to glance and see if it roused Sukibara or not, before glancing at the others to continue. "All right. We've got food, we've got music... got presents upstairs. Got the decorations. Anyone have anything they wanted to do or is it on me?"
Ferous (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

Ferous mouthed aside to Gabe, Don't let it be on him.
Gabriel (played by Loki)

Gabriel had let Asa squish him, and then he'd be hopping up on the bar so that Ferous could pet him while he purred loudly. Luci had confused him though, "Why are you having it snow on the stage?" The tip of his tail would twitch and he'd settle himself close to Ferous. She's making a request though, and he's giving a small kitty sigh.

"Why don't we eat first? I brought all this food and now it's getting cold." His tail would thwack against the bar, "And I wanted to toast Ash at some point tonight." Probably not in this form, but that's how he was staying for now. "And we should probably wait until Ivana and the kids get here to do the gift exchange." Yes, he'd invited them, as everyone would already know judging by the stockings.

At some point, Asa's phone would go off with a replied text from the person he'd sent the picture to. It simply read What's in it?
Namine (played by Loki)

Namine would bleat when Draeval spoke to her, and she'd let him pet her. She didn't seem to mind that he was a little...weird. The normal company she kept was pretty strange as it was. She's going to stick near Draeval for now, since she hadn't seen him since...that time. Her stubby tail would wag and she seemed pretty happy.

When Luci spoke, she'd "Naaaaaaaah!" Don't worry Luci, if you want them that bad she's more than willing to give you more kids.
Luci (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

Luci blinked, staring at Gabriel as if he were insane. "...Because I want to?" The idea of a toast earned a nod. "Yeah. Can someone call her or something? And who wants to go troll people with carols later tonight?"

The decently sized stockings... well, Seph's bulged pretty well. A pair of black slacks are folded up to shove inside. Pants!

Namine earned a shake of the head. No thanks. "Not right now, love. Or fore a while. Not in the mood to sire now. Kind of out of season." Surely everyone wanted to hear that.
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Draeval chuckled at Luci, "I didn't kno till Mela told me in a prop'ecy. Iz gunna be twa. An one iz a lil timey w'imey." He winked and continued to rub on Namine at least he wasn't the love 'em and leave 'em type right?

"I'm not quite zure wat da udder one will look like...I'm tink zum zorta cute ting." He mused and then moved to rub Namine's ears. "An z'e ain't exactly normal goat eider ya kno."
Luci (played by Minerva) Topic Starter

Luci paused, stopping and staring at Draeval. Mela, Mela...


He blinked. "You came back from Egypt recently, huh." It was half-question, half-stupification. He placed a finger to his temple, looking deep in thought. "I had a follow-up to when I saw you leave then ready and I've completely forgotten what it was."
Draeval (played by Rubix)

Looked up at Luci and then gave a shake of his head, 'Not back yet...juz kinda...g'oztin. Wen I lazt waz conzciouz dare I waz waitin far ya guyz in mai dreamz. Juz puz'ed zum energy t'roug' a memory ub wat I look like ta...look like I waz 'ere." If that made any sense Drae was still petting Namine.
Gabriel (played by Loki)

Gabriel's ears laid back and his tail thwacked the bar pretty hard at Luci's sarcasm. "Just thought you might have had something planned. Like karaoke." Luci's soon talking to Draeval, and that leaves Gabriel to brush up against Ferous in a request for more pettings. "Asa, babe, can you call Ivana? I'm lacking hands right now." Hopefully Asa could take care of that for him.

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