I don't know if this has been suggested or not- if so, whoops! But, being able to select on a forum topic whether you want to see the posts from oldest to newest, or newest to oldest would be helpful for those really long ones, especially when the topic is kind of old, so has really old posts on there that aren't necessarily relevant anymore.
I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting to be honest. Don't we already have this in terms of page 1 being the oldest and the totally newest page (clickable as »»» or as simply the last page) having the newest posts...?
For example:
Page 1 with the oldest replies from the beginning of the month.
Page 353 with the most recent replies made in the chat (as of writing this)
For example:
Page 1 with the oldest replies from the beginning of the month.
Page 353 with the most recent replies made in the chat (as of writing this)
Yeah, there is that
What I'm thinking of, though, is just being able to select (in the settings or something) the ability to automatically see the newest posts first, as opposed to the oldest. Deviantart has something like this for viewing comments.

I don't think I'm going to be adding this at this time. Sorry!
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