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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Rock in the Glass House ((ENDED))

Storm (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"No," Storm said, "but I will do anything to complete my mission, you know that." His fist smashing into Dawson's skull, smashing the returned Dawson back to the land of the dead. "Now my mission is complete..."
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

However, not all was really as it seemed. 4 years later, he got a report of finding a 7-year-old body, matching with Dawson's prints and profile.
Storm (played anonymously) Topic Starter

However that's not where it ended that day. To be sure no one would ever match the same traitorous attributes, Storm desposed of the body same as he would later despose of the Cryos Commanders, a shuttle flown directly into a star. Burning up, then exploding into fire as melted metal dust littered the void.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

This meant, however, that the Dawson that was a traitor WASN'T the true one. The real Dawson had died in a Cryos attack.
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

This Dawson, as it happened, was an interuniversal spy. Known only as the Phantom. He had died at Storm's hand on that day.
Storm (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The End
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

{GG, plot twist and killing.}

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