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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » •The blood lust•

It's quiet in the darkness of the forest, or, was the forest, now what once used to hold a great forest of tall cedar, pine, sage, and willow trees now holds smoldering bushes and ugly burnt trees sticking everywhere, the smoke was thick, and small fires still remained on the dead trees. The fire wasn't started by a foolish person, or the cause of an extremely dry and hot day, no, this great fire was started by a dragon.

Know one heard or seen the giant dragon that day, and for that, thousands died, and now the barrier between the human and dragon world has broken, and dragons are taking over...
Knight Vallus (played by Niinokmir)

Knight Vallus, a titan among men, often seen as a deity for his size and strength but he was nothing more than a man with an ambition. He was wielding a great sword and shield made out of black steel and his armor which was made out of a fusion of steel and various other metals to make it stronger allowing it to give off a copper/bronze tint to it. He was wandering the burnt forest looking around at the sight of such desolation. How could we have missed this he thought to himself where did we go wrong? Several questions with few answers, but he knew one thing. That he was going to fight the dragons as long as it took him to defeat them all, or death.
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

•The giant crimson red female dragon sat upon a huge boulder some ways away from the village and smoldering forest, she was content with what she had done, the taste of human flesh was somewhat refreshing to her sharp mind, though, she did not exactly know who broke the barrier, she was relaxed. Her beautiful slender neck relaxed on a huge, but slim body, her red eyes were on tact, and her tail curled around the boulder effortlessly.•
Knight Vallus (played by Niinokmir)

Vallus would normally travel with others if he were to face a dragon, but this one had felt personal to him, he didn't understand why nor did he genuinely care, but he wanted to fight the next dragon he found on his own. So he kept wandering around the dead forest hoping to find a shimmer of hope. Alas he would not find one but there was no harm in trying for him.
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

•Cinder's sensitive ears caught a faint noise to the south, she hissed, and her pupils formed into a slit. She stood up on two legs like a human would and flew into the air, a small figure was prodding through the dead forest. She hissed louder, her serpentine body skimmed through the air as she flew toward the figure. She then dropped with a loud thud in front of him, she stood tall and spread her enormous wings to full length, she opened her mouth and roared, the ground trembled underneath them as she roared, then she starred at him, waiting for an explanation.•
Knight Vallus (played by Niinokmir)

Vallus stood tall gripping onto his sword and shield tighter. "Your kind invades my home, and you expect me to stand aside!" He raises his sword pointing it at the dragon "I challenge you to face me! One of us will stand, and the other shall fall!" he shouts and brings his sword to his side and swings his shield in front of him. Standing in his combat position he was hoping the dragon got his message by now.
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

•Cinder laughed, then answered in a beautiful womens voice, "You? Against me?! Ha! I pitty you!" But Somewhere in cinder's heart told her to back down, and for a split second her eyes relaxed, then she seen his sword and she hissed, spreading her great claws and narrowing her eyes.
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

(You there?)
Wearing a Bio-suit, it answered to his every thought. Shifting his "clothing" it took the form of skin tight black outfit, with a red X across the chest, draped behind him grew an amethyst cape equip with a hood. Tucked off in the treetops Karai watched the encounter between the human male and the bright red serpentine dragoness. Hearing ths man's heartbeat pounding ferociously, his neanderthal tactic of trying to intimidate a creature as legendary. Unable to standby and let this man take an unnecessary beating. His eyes glowing a bright full sky blue, equally blue beams shot from his eyes. Tracing a line in-between the two, ice spikes shot up in their wake creating a moderate sized barrier separating the two. Leaving his perch Karai wind encircled his person cradled him simulating flight. Showing himself Karai made sure to travel as seeable speed as to not startle either party any further. Taking a spot atop his own ice spikes, he made sure not to step on a sharp parts. Facing the dragoness Karai removed his hood to show he meant hsrm, he just meant to understand the situation....
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinders eyes widened as the spikes shot up in front of her, she hissed and flickered her blood stained tongue,then she roared as this new figure landed atop the spikes,smoke rised from her nose, and her throat started to glow, her pupils thinned and she looked bigger as her back began to shake and grow dagger like spikes."Who are you and why do you stand between me and my food?" She asked as her neck grew hotter and brighter.
Karai feeling the residual heat from the dragoness throat, none even expelled it was already causing his ice construct to sweat. "I do not wish to stand between you and your meal, I simply desire to present you with a better worthy of such a majestic being. There is a lake not too far from here, and with dwells a species called Sea Kings, they are hard to come by and tend to swim toward the bottom but their size easily dwarfs the likes of even you my lady. Now would you rather start with an appetizer or jump into the main course after such a long imprisonment?" A gust of wind lifting Karai off his perch, he turned in the direction HD spoke of, "What say you?"
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinder licked her lips in the thought of the sea kings, without hesitation she effortlessly flew into the air and glided toward the lake. In her mind she thought of the mysterious creature that shot spikes of ice in front of her, she was confused, but her stomach growled and she longed for more blood down her throat after being held in a confined space for so long.
Karai raising even higher in the air under the power of the wind, he processed to follow the dragoness. Stopping hovering over the man, Karai reached in his garments pulling out a small sack. Dropping it to the man it was full of coin, at least he can go back to his home with something in tow. Kicking in the off the air Karai chased after the majestic creature. Seeing her quickly gain on the lake Karai wondered how she would go about catching the Sea Kings...or maybe she would ask for help..
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinder used all her wing strength and hovered over the lake, her wings ached but she soon caught a glimpse of a dark figure under the water, she was hungry and some drool dripped from the corners of her mouth. The dragoness flew upwards her giant wings rippled the water creating small waves, the Branches broke off of trees as great gusts of wind whipped and broke them off, her serpent body curved back and she nose-dived towards the water fast, her wings tucked, she hit the water at an alarming speed, water hit even the tallest trees around the lake. The water settled and only enormous bubbles hit the surface, until a wounded sea king jumped from the surface, trailing it was the dragoness, her razor sharp dagger like teeth sinking into its stomach, almost immediately the large lake was a light red as blood pooled around them. They fought, the dragons scales falling off as the sea kings teeth tried to bite her, Cinder gashed at the sea creature and they both became tired. Their bodies swiveled and dived back under the deep water for a long time, and everything was still, until a great, blood, bubble hit the surface and popped. A figure swam towards the surface carrying an immense object, it was the dragoness. She limply dragged the deceased sea dragon towards the beach, laid it down, and ignoring her ghastly wounds, began to greedily eat.
Landing on a perch high off in an oak tree. Karai gave a small smirk and chuckle as he waited. For the creature the dragoness had just went blow for blow with was not a matured sea serpent. It in fact was a child. Oxygen bubbles cascading the water top, it quickly turned to violent scene as the bubbles increased in number making the water look as if it had come too a boil. An immense serpent rearing its head out of the water. It's head alone was enough to block out the sun over the dragoness and her meal. Screeching loose a deafening cry, it reared it's head up and back as if to attack...
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinder looked over her shoulder and hissed, being the coward she was, she picked up the dead sea king and flew off, leaving the other creature to mourn. Cinder's wings caused her to take a pit stop in a clearing far from the lake, she dropped the carcass and dug in once more, she folded her wings neatly to rest while she ate her enormous meal.
Being left alone with the Mother sea serpent, Karai was honestly looking forward to seeing the dragoness take her on. The mother turning her gaze to Karai he gave slight sigh of annoyance. Pulling up his sleeves, he knew he need make this quick. The mother striking like a tight wound rubber band, Karai stuck out both hands catching her at the snout he was driven back a few feet. "Stronger than I thought... But still not enough..." Giving her a small nudge, she fell back, leaping into the air Karai drew back a fist, bringing it down he hammered the mother serpents head. Causing her toe bite her tongue, her underjsw slammed against the shore side knocking her unconscious. The majority of her body underwater it pulled her upper half under as well. Karai didn't mean to kill her just silence as an annoyance so he could return to the dragoness that intrigued him so...

A gust of wind carrying him away he bursting after the dragoness easily tracking her by the blood trail scent of her prey..
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinder felt warm blood down her throat once more, though not as sweet as human blood, it still kept her mind fresh. She picked the meat right down to the bone, leaving a disturbing skeleton to rest as a dragons deadly reminder. She lifted her spiked head and felt a warm breeze sweep past her face, the smell of pine and human filled nose. Humans. She was still hungry for them, but she decided to terrorize the village tomorrow. She slowly laid down and watched the clouds roll by.
Karai landing beside the dragoness he made sure to make a little noise upon landing he didn't want to frighten her as she daydreamed. Seeing the monstrous skeleton behind her but for some reason Karai still remained fearless. Approaching her, "M'Lady, so now that you are free what do you plan to, these lands will soon be thrust in a war they are not prepared for against your released kin. The pillaging of village's and kingdoms has already begun and it has no even been one full rotation(1 day)." "Where will you stand when it all goes down?!"
Cinder (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Cinder didnt startle at all when he spoke, she just watched the clouds role by, until she turned her head and faced him, her eyes shining. She opened her mouth to speak,"When the dragon lord finally had the strength to break the barrier, i was like a mustang ready to break free from its capturers reins, i was frantic, and when he did break it, i was amazed at the world before me, and i wanted blood down my throat, the more i killed the more pleased i became, now i see that war will break loose and the other dragons and humans, not being wise enough, will likely parish, and it will be their own fault. Humans AND dragons are at stake here, Then sooner or later i will be found and probably killed, and then my life would have been a mistake." She sighed and a stream of steam left her nose.

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