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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"I don't care if you run away or not, as long as you leave me be, and with me you better get use to being the one guessing since I'm not one to be like an open book." Jean's tail twitch back anf forth again. She was glad to know that it was harder for someone to guess what she was, even in her devil from. "I just left hell and I have no plans of going back so soon." That was true, Jean had just got back from having to go to hell with Satan only a week or so ago.
Kai looked around him, as though surprised. "You mean this isn't Hell?" His surprise dropped as did he. "Pity." He grabbed the dagger he'd thrown at her off the ground and charged forward.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean dodge the attack but she wasn't going to fall for that trick again. She moved behind the vampire and stabbed him in the back, right where she hope would kill him. "No, this world doesn't compare to Hell. Trust me on that." She had an evil glint in her eyes again.
Kai crumpled as excruciating pain blossomed in his back. Her speed was a force to be reckoned with, whatever the power of her blade.

He landed face down, limp and seemingly lifeless.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean grinned at seeing what effect her blade could do, but she was smart enough to know that if the vampire was dead then she should wait if he makes a move. She guessed he hates waiting on something to happen and will take matter's in his own hands if he felt needed. She watched the vampire carefully waiting to see some movement, and if she did she would cut off his head just to make sure he was dead.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion was growing tired of how long this battle was taking. He let his power force loose, it was strong enough to pin anyone where they were. He stood up and turned to both of them. He kept his eyes closed and he sighed.
"Im sure you two are enjoying talking and talking but I am growing tired of this. Jean i will give a few more minutes to finish this. Then i am cutting in and finishing it for good," Xion spoke coldly.
Kai felt the pressure of Xion's power force and groaned from his spot on the ground. Blood oozed out of his wound, even as it slowly closed. He was going to need another two or three humans to fix him up after this.

"Didn't anyone tell you not to play with your food?" He tried to get up with no luck. "Besides, if I'm gonna be sent to hell let the lady do it. She's been there--she'll know what happens when I tell her father about...our little secret."
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean sent the vampire a cold glare. She walked up to where his face was and pulled his head up by his hair so that they were face to face. "You wouldn't dare tell Satan anything that has happened here. I would make sure that your working with the shadows for the rest of your after life." She hissed at the vampire. "I promise that your death well be worse than me cutting your head off, got me? Breath one word to him about this and your after life well be your worse nightmare." She had hatrad in her eyes, she wasn't going to beg the vampire to not to tell her abusive father anything, she was threaten him. She always makes good on her threats.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion opened his eyes and looked into the vampires eyes. The hunger for death was alot worse than before. Xion slowly walked towards him and bent to his level, keeping his eyes locked withthe vampires.
"Im sure. Do you know who i am though?" He whispered to where only the vampire could hear.
Kai grinned at Jean. "Then you'd have to follow me back there to keep good on your threat. Besides, I'm already living my worse nightmare."

To Xion he would have shrugged were he able to. "I'm going to guess not human." Thank the gods for that--he'd have a lot more trouble trying to drink blood if everyone could harden their skin like this guy did.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean glared at the vampire. "What would it take for you to keep quiet?" She was willing to compromise with the vampire just to kee[ him quiet. "I don't need my father to abuse me and threaten to kill my mother anymore."
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion's energy force was alot worse, when he was closer to the vampire.
"Im going to leave you in suspension about who i am, but i will warn you that this is only my second form. My third and last transformation; my power force is 20 times worse than this one," he whispered then stood up and walked away.
He had become irritated because they were wasting time.
Kai looked with grudging respect at Xion; though it might look more like a glare than respect. And waited for Xion to move away before answering Jean.

"What would it take?" He grinned. "Another taste of your blood would be nice. But...if that's too much to ask, then how about letting me go and not sending me to the underworld just yet?"
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"I won't send you to the underworld only if you promise not to speak of this to Satan, and if you do, well let's say it won't be pretty." Jean had an evil grin on her face but she was serious about this. She wasn't worried about being beaten by Satan more of her mother's after life being spent in the underworld. "Do we have a deal?"
Kai nodded. "We have a deal."
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion released his scythe. It melted away from in his skin and eyes. Everything about him turned normal then Xion gripped the handle of his scythe.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded. "Good, then you can be on your way." Jean let the vampires head fall back to the ground and walked back over to Xion. "Sorry, I just can't risk her life anymore than I already have." She whispered to him.
For a moment Kai merely lay where he had fallen. Breathing and relishing the feel of being alive. Or what counted for alive in his world. He then slowly got to his feet, staggering a little and sheathing the dagger at his side.

He turned to look at the two strangers that had roughed him up. He flashed them a grin, before vanishing into the shadows. He wasn't done with them yet. But he needed sustenance and substance if he was to keep up with them. He needed some victims--preferably human ones.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean watched the vampire leave ad sighed. She looked up at Xion. "We should probly get out of here before he returns, I don't want him following us around." She spoke in a monotone voice. She shifted back into her human from, with her black eyes, no tailor wings, no claws, and no fangs.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion nodded then whistled. Tithan jumped up onto the roof.
"Ladies first," Xion said and motioned to Tithan's back.

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