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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Neverending Suffering

Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

The shopkeeper looked at he and smiled.
"mare pentru a vă întâlni. de ce esti cu Xion?" he asked Jean.
Xion looked to Jean and translated that he asked why she was with Xion.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean gulped, she wish she learned more. She looked up at Xion for him to tell him since she didn't think his friend knew any other language beside Romanian, when she only knew German, English, and French.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

The man realized that she spoke enhlish and switched to english though he was barely understandable through his heavy accent.
"Why are you with Xion? You dont look dead to me," the man said.
Xion sighed and shifted his wieght onto his right side.
"She doesnt know so shut it," Xion snapped.
The man looked taken aback then nodded.
"Food. Thats what i came here for. Take her back there with you and get her whatever she wants," Xion spoke a little coldly.
The man nodded and lead Jean into the back room which was very large and had shelves filled with food.
"Please choose anything you want," the man said kindly.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean smiled and looked around the place, since she was half devil and devils don't need foood she rarely ate. She just settled with grabbing a sandwitch. "Thank you very much."
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion waited a little impatiently. The man smiled then got serious.
"Do you know what he is?" he whispered and said quietly to Jean.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean shook her head. "No, he hasn't told me yet." She watched the man carefully.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

The man hesitated before whispering, "The angel of death," his voice shook a little as he said so. It shook with fear more than anything.
"Dont tell him i told you," he said quickly.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded. "Sure thing." Jean knew she didn't have to worry, she couldn't die at least that is what she was told. She's been beaten close to death but never had something that would for sure kill her like a knife in the chest.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"No wait. You dont understand. He take the life even from the immortal. He should be calle the king of death," he whispered.
Xion felt something was wrong and he stood up.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean gulped. "W-What about half devil?" Now she was scared, she knew she gave Xion no reason to kill her, but there are many people who would want her dead so she wasn't so sure.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"It doesnt matter what or who it is. It could even be the devil his self. You can not kill him, he is the only one of his kind," the man whispered then gasped as he saw Xion walk in.
The man quickly jumped away from Jean. Xion narrowed his eyes.
"Something wrong here?" he said in an icy tone.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean shook her head. "No, I was just about to leave. Thank you again sir for the food." Lying was something Jean was great at, she could even fool Satan.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion looked at the man then turned and walked out.
"You know dont you?" Xion asked then opened the door for Jean.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded. "I'm suprised you didn;t tell me." Actually, she wasn't. The onlying she hopped was that Xion didn't try to kill her since she'd end up in hell anyways.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"I didnt tell you because they all run away once they know. I dont kill without means," Xion said.
He walked out after Jean and closed the door.
"You see thats why I have no fear, ever." Xion said calmly.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded. "You shouldn't underestimate me, weather I am dead or not I'll be spending the rest of my life in hell in Satan's place." Jean clenched her teeth remembering that she still had only three years left untill she became the new devil.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

"I never have," Xion ended the conversation.
They walked for many, many miles before taking a rest break. Xion looked around for any signs of the vampire earlier. He knew that if the vampire caught him off guard, the vampire would be able to drink his blood. Not that he ever ran out of blood, but he still thought it wouldnt be good.
Kai felt the presence of his targets reappear again, stronger. He must have followed them the right way. Excellent--that sea sickness had been worth it. The corpses of the sailors were proof enough of that.

The trail was still faint, but he knew where it led. With a grin, he entered the forest, satisfied and back to full health. He paused to scent the trail. He was getting closer--though he still had a ways to go. Just a matter of time, he knew, before he caught up.
Xion (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Xion knew the vampire wasnt too far behind them and he smiled a little.
"Lets hurry to Transylvania. Hop on my back and we will get there in thirty or so minutes." Xion informed Jean.
Jean McSanders (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Jean nodded and followed what Xion said. She climbed on top of his back and wrapped her legs around his waist. "I guess the vampire made a lucky guess about where we are."

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