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Five Realms.

Seven Gates.

Seven. Seals.

Land of the Sands, a world of knowledge. Land of the Stars, a world of magic. Land of Dragons, a world of power. Land of Dreams, a world of unknown. Land of Abyss, a world of nothing. All are connected, all are separate.

Only those who know of the Gates can traverse them, only those who traverse them can know true power.

In the Realm of Abyss, amongst the plains of the Forgotten, there is a province. Humans stay here, building upon themselves a city of refuge. Demons dare not stray to this place, for the humans are mighty in number and kill all darkness that enter there.";
(May i?)
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

"Find and obliterate her," Stated his Dark Master. "Amora betrayed me. I no longer own her as a slave but now an enemy." then he lifted a boney finger and drew a circle, creating a dark sphere that levitated level to his eyes. "I wish to see her destruction for myself. Send for me when the time comes." He chuckled and fanned out his clawed fingers. "Now go! Before she ruins shadow people's reputation." He bowed and vanished.

Amora ran, her cloak billowing around her as she stepped through the puddles that the dark rain had left during the night. White hair kept covering her blood red irises as she tried to flick them away. Conflicted she was and in trouble she became. All she did was something a shadow would never love and gentleness. A virus in a world of evil and darkness. Contempt for anyone was illegal. Everything was settled through rage and warfare. Fighting it out until the victor's thoughts and beliefs won over. Amora simply had refused the fight and left her thoughts hanging in the air without satisfying and solidifying it with fist and knifes.

She had made it to the mass of dried and wilted trees that grew outside the city limits. Maybe she could make it out here with the multitude of beasts that have become so mangled with different genes and evolution to the environment that they could be thought of as nightmares to a child who never grew up in this kind of place. Still, they could kill her. Just because she knew them and they were a natural part of this world didn't mean that they would be cute or tameable to a inhabitant. No they wouldn't care nor would they bother with trust to a species alien to their own. So Amora knew, without a doubt that this is what would become of her. Trust can not be given so easily anymore.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The city, or at least this part of it, was barren. People didn't come here unless it was to hide. And that was what many people and children were doing now, hiding. HIding form the everdusk, and hiding from the monsters.

Save for one.

An older man, dressed in grey. His white hair hung down his back, his cane slow and searching. It was, at this point, he turned towards her, or her location, that she saw it. His eyes were covered in some sort of wrap. His face frowned a little.

"Hello? Someone there?"
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

What was an Old one doing way out here before everdusk? She screeched to a halt behind the man. "Yes, I'm here." Choosing not to state her name as a caution. "Are you lost?" Noting the strip across the man's face. Blind man, probably lost his eyes to a fight he probably failed. Already she could hear the roaring of the creatures that dwelled here.

Should she help him and risk getting caught. It was the reason she was being chased anyway, doing something she shouldn't. Normally he would be left here to die due to his handicapped person and stupidity. Another weakness in a world of power and evil. "Do you need help?" again she desired to leave him behind as a normal Dark would do. But still she wanted to be kind. Amora placed a hand on his shoulder.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man touched her hand lightly.

"I... am needing to get into my house... It's somewhere nearby, with a black lantern outside the door..."

That was easy enough to spot. It was several houses over. The door was ajar.

"I left to try and find some firegrass... I guess I misundertook my steps... can you help an old man?"
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

Resisting the urge to run, she slowly walked him. Making sure there was nothing to trip him or slow him down. What was strange about the man was that he didn't grimace when she asked to help like a normal Dark would do. Did he perhaps become gentle? Was he a virus too? The house wasn't as far which she was grateful. Yet it seemed to be taking forever to get there. It wouldn't be long before they were upon her. Even more so helping an Old one, blind no less.

Firegrass? Why was he looking for firegrass? And how and the world would he know if he had found it if it was blind? Maybe his smell and touch would help him figure it out, but still. Why would he need such a grass? Almost there. She thought as became closer to the open door which she hoped he had left open and someone else hadn't intruded into his home. Could she afford to do a walk through? Would she have time?
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The old man's foot bumped intoa rock, and he smiled a little.

"Ah... we are in front of the house now... I thank you young Lady..."

He turned, but then he frowned and tilted his head.

"Hm... The darkspawn is coming... you should get inside, come."

he walked to the door, his hand still on her arm.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

"But I..." She had no time to argue. Before she knew it she had been lead into his house and trapped. Amora couldn't leave the Old one, but she couldn't stay either. She had to make it as far away from the place as she could. Less her Master would kill her, or worse, ask for her return to be punished for her actions.

Which would be the chains and a bunch of blood. From her end. Probably forced subduction from her Master and another mark to be branded onto her lower back. She couldn't scar due to her Hell hound blood, but it did still cause a lot of pain.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man led her on, and as soon as she was near teh black lantern she felt immense nausea and dizziness. BUt after she was inside, it was gone. For that matter she felt good. The old man laughed a bit and felt his way around the room, finding a chair.

"Got to love those black lanterns. Hides the scent from the darkspawn. Right now, they can't see or smell us..."

he chuckled and scratched his beard.

"So tell me... you sound young, what is a girl like you doing way out here on the outskirts?"
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

Where does one find these 'black lanterns'? Amora didn't know if she was safe now. They could still find her by the tracking mark on her back which she had planned to remove painfully as soon as she had time. If they couldn't smell her or see her, then they would use that. She made sure he was sitting in his chair safely before leaning on a wall. "I...need to be as far away as possible from this place." She cut to the chase. Less he knew the better. In case he was caught and tortured for keeping her secret.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man nodded, as if he understood WHY she needed to be far away.

"Ah... I see... Hard trouble in this land... I understand, i did the same thing years ago... although coming here was probably a foolish move on my part, but I made it work."

He laughed, leaning on his cane.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

"Coming here?" He wasn't from this place? Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second then she was running hand through her hair. Old ones, always confusing memories with stories. Sliding down to sit on the floor and accepted her fate to come. As a Dark slave normally did. It was too late for her now, she already spent too much time here as it was.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"Yes... I used to travel all over... well, I still can, just haven't had a reason to I guess... lost my eyes, nothing else to see right?"

Outside the demons could be heard. howling and running. But none so much as rattled the door frame.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

Placing her head between her hands, she was aware of the growing noises outside. Have they found her? "Yeah, not much to see...this place being so dark as it is anyway. Really no difference. Being blind and living here." Her red eyes looked up at the man who kept her here. Amora should've left him there, then maybe she would still live. She could've left without him knowing if she had stayed silent. But she couldn't and it angered her. Virus! Virus! Virus!. . . Virus!
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man shrugged. Then when it got quiet he frowned.

"Is something wrong Miss?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. Outside teh darkspawn still raged, but none towards tehm. The sound of something being killed and eaten echoed through the air outside.
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

"My Master. He will find me..." She said, now being to late to care about what might happen. "And I will be no more or worse, drugged to a place so dark I will never be seen again." Her head tilted down to the floor. "Because I can't help BUT to help and find myself being chased like the dog I am." A small sound escaped her lips in a whimper. "There is nothing left for me here. All I can do is accept my fate. And I hope it is death..."
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

The man was silent. Then he stood, walking over to teh girl. A soft hand found her chin and tilted it up into his bandaged eyes.

"If you could change your skin, could change who you were... would you? For the sake of becoming more atuned with your soul?"

The howling was getting louder. Had that caught up? Did they know?
Amora (played by CookieLurv)

She looked up at him, eyes search for what he didn't have. "What are you asking me Old one? I can not do that even if I wished it. If you are referring to my Hell hound then yes I can already do that. But if your asking me to change my appearance into what I am not, then I can not see how such a thing can be accomplished." She tried not to growl out the reply, but her hopelessness was eating her inside out.
Lucia Jarious VanDrayle (played by Drayle88) Topic Starter

"Silly girl." he gave ehr forehead a good thwack with his cane. "I'm talking about your soul, or whatever is in there that makes you tick. Something inside of you wants to go against your natural nature. Do you want to act on that without being hunted like a dog?"

His voice had changed. IT was harder, wiser, and filled with strength.

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