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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Life sucks(Open)

Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy looked at them and then looked at Moriah " he'll know i am diffrent " She turned around and un zipped her dress showing her back with black lines. One was glowing and she still had a tiger tail
Nomti (played by EonRising)

"Nope," Nomti answered. "I have that horrifying Anubite form, and this anthro form. This is as close to human as I'm ever gonna get and I'm happy with it. We anthro's don't discriminate as much as humans do. Why though, are anthros not particularly welcomed here?"
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"I don't know, my father is human and doesn't know anything about unhumane creatures. I guess it is about time I tell him, he knows how to keep a sceret so it is alright, Lizzy for him to help you." Moriah sighed, wanting to protect her father from other creatures such as herself.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy heard this and her ears twitched. She growled and jumped. She turned into a tiger growling and snarling " What! Human! Do you dare turn a queen in! " She growled and unsheathed her claws. Her teeth ready to tear her flesh open
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah jumped at Lizzy'd reaction to her having a human father. "I plan no such thing, my father will not do such a thing, I will tell him that I am similar to what you are since I belong to a long line of Neko's."
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy growled at her " Do you dare turn in a queen!!!! " She said almost attacking her
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah shook her head and took a step back. "I said I wouldn't do that, niether would my father, Lizzy please calm yourself." Moriah took another step back, shifted into her Neko from just to be ready to bolt for safty when needed to.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy unsheathed her claws longer showing a razor sharp claws. " I cant believ- " She fell to the ground as there was a sleeping dart in her neck.
Nomti (played by EonRising)

Nomti had brought out his cycles again in case Lizzy did attack, but stood there shocked when a dart pierced the tigers neck.
"What on Earth just-" a dart pierced his neck too. "I don't think that people here like anthro's very much..." he collapsed
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy laid on the ground
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah looked at the two people she just met lay on the ground, knocked out by someone with drats. Soon she was shot as well with a drat. When she woke up she had chains on her hands a feet and was pinned to a wall. "What?"
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy's eyes flickered open and she was on a wall. She was dumb because she was a tiger and they knew she was a human. She looked at the humans growling as they put 20 needles in her. She growled in pain
Nomti (played by EonRising)

Nomti woke up next to Morriah in the same condition. He groggily shook his head and looked around.
"What in Anubis' name just happened?" he looked for his cycles; they were on the ground in front of him, but his hands were chained up.
"You, Neko. What did you say your name was?" And do you know what just happened?"
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah looked at Nomit. "Moriah, and I don't know, I didn't think any hunters or whatever got us was around." Moriah ears twitched at every sound.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy looked back at them. She was on a diffrent wall. She looked like she was in tons of pain
Nomti (played by EonRising)

"Lizzy, are you alright?" he asked the tiger on the opposite wall. He knew it was a stupid question, but it was reflexive. He looked down at the ground towards his two blades. "If only there was someway I could get them..."
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy tryed to nod her head but another set of shots went into her. They filled with her blood
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah shut her eyes tightly and she was thinking of the chains melting off her wrists. Her eyes flew open when it did that, she stared in suprise when she was free. She didn't know she could do that. She walked over to Nomit and melted his chains and the same for Lizzy.
Nomti (played by EonRising)

Nomti rubbed his chaffed wrists and picked up his two Egyptian blades.
"Thanks Moriah," he said and crossed the blades over his chest, "Krag van Anubis," he said and turned back into the hellish Anubite. He attacked the robotic arms that held the syringes that were injecting Lizzy, destroying them. He snarled and pointed at a door, which he barreled into, knocking it off of its hinges.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy fell weakly hurt. Her eyes looked up

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