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Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah sighed. "Let's just get going. Lizzy if you fall and can't get up or feel to weak to keep going let Nomti carry you, got it?" Moriah was annoied with Lizzy's stubborness.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy nodded her head. Her body shrank into a black momba. She slivered on the ground through the cracks. She went behind 2 guards. She killed them both. She turned to a human form and grabbed something from them. She shot it and an expiriment building blew up " opsie "
Nomti (played by EonRising)

This "queen" was going to get all of them killed, especially if she fired explosive weapons in doors. Nomti rolled his eyes and grabbed the weapon from Lizzy. He held the weapon in one hand and both cycles in the other. It took only one swift movement and the weapon fell into three pieces. The Anubite handed the dismembered weapon to Lizzy with a sarcastic snarl, as if to say, "Try getting the rest of us killed now."
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah sighed, she knew this was going to be one long escape. If Lizzy didn't think more rationly then they are all dead. She really wished that she could get everyone on the same page. "Lizzy, are you really trying to get us all killed with that?" Moriah asked, an annoied tone in her voice. She pointed to the giant hole in the wall that got some unwanted attetion. Moriah grabbed Nombti's and Lizzy's hands and started to run from the gruads that were starting to come their way. She turned a coner and hide herself and the others against the wall and waited for the gruads to go back to their posts.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy growled and pulled away from her and then sank into a snake. She fell through the cracks. She blendid in and kept moving
Nomti (played by EonRising)

(My inner grammar Nazi is really angry at you guys... And wasn't Lizzy just about to drop from pain? You need to work on consistancy)

Nomti let out a violent snarl and stopped, letting the other two run ahead. Guards were coming at them and they were coming fast. When they saw him, a few dropped their weapons in fear. Nomti bared his teeth and a white energy escaped from the men and the Anubite inhaled it.
"Fear," the word was drawn out and low, as if the sky ha said it during a thunderstorm. The remaining men opened fire, but Nomti was fast enough with his cycles that they were deflected. He hit each guard with the flat of the blade, knocking them out cold and then he ran back to Moriah.
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

(Sorry for any misspelled words, I have deslyxia(sp?) so it can kind of be hard for me, that and I am only fourteen.)

Moriah caught Lizzy before she could get far and watched Nomti eat the gruads fear, unlike most people she was bearly scared of anything. "Lizzy, learn a little thing call teamwork or I'll have to teach it to you and we don't have time for that." Moriah turned her attetion back Nomti. "Where should we head now? Gruads well be coming from all sides because Lizzy put a hole in a wall that went to another room and they'll know we're out."
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy hissed and spun. She turned into a human " if you guess can creat a distraction I can do my job. I just need a bow " she said looking at them
Nomti (played by EonRising)

(Its mostly wolfkill... Wolf, are you even American/British?)

The Anubite sniffed the air, searching for the scent of outside. He snarled and pointed at the corridor to their left and ran ahead. Several guard came from that diirection and he leapt up, bringing his cycles down on the first two guards. In a series of quick turns and spins, all the guards were on the ground. Nomti flicked his blades and blood was whipped off the wicked curve of his cycles. He looked at the blood, distaste and regret showing on his face, but he continued.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy looked at them and watched them

( American/ Irish )
Moriah (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Moriah nodded then there was another gruad that came from behind, most likely hoping to catch them off gruad. Moriah took matters in her hands and crouched down like a cat and pounced on the gruad and bite his neck with her cat like teeth. She removed her mouth from the gruad's neck and stood up.
Lizzy (played by wolfkill11)

Lizzy watched them and growled. Making her way she walked over to a small center. She saw people working on a person and crouched down. She turned into a snake and went in the cracks. Slowly she went up in a guys shirt and killed him. The guy dropped and 3 guys ran to him. Her eyes watched them as they picked the guy up. She went out and turned into a tiger. She let a deep breath out and thought
* may the others be safe * she growled " are you guys looking for me
" the 3 men turned and ran for her. She kept running soon everybody would be after her

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