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Forums » General Roleplay » Stable Clusters, Cleaned Corrupts (SU AU)

Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Amethyst} "alrighty then. get to know." *still shape-shifted, she curls up*

{Pearl} "Well, not everything is gone. But, if you think it would help, I'm more than willing to answer any questions you might have."

{Peridot} *looks up from the sketches* "Pearl, are you even paying attention?"
{Steven} "Yea! do it! I wanna see!"

{Connie} *is smiling and watching*

{Garnet} *is neutrally watching*

{Lapis} *is partially watching*

{Lion} *is napping near you*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She sighs. "What... What happened?... Since the decommission of the kindergarten?" She asks quietly. Her voice is filled with confusion, and stress, as well as hints of guilt and hopelessness.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" are you sure?"
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Amethyst} "well I don't know much of all that, but put frankly," *she returns to her normal shape* "End, of the war. buncha bad mamba-jambas up and left, leaving a few of us behind with a big mess."

{Pearl} *looking up from the designs,* "And I'd like to thankyou for your part in helping clean that mess Amethyst. If there was to be only one mess you'd help clean, I'm glad its that one."

{Peridot} *clearing her throat,* "Many cycles ago, a conflict had arisen. This conflict was lead by Rose Quartz, and she did an incredibly effective job in preventing Homeworld from finishing the work that had started here. Homeworld forces retreated from Earth, out of range of... Well, something. The details on that part were classified beyond that which a Peridot would be given access to. But the result was plain. Nearly every single Gem that was on Earth became Corrupted, excepting for those that were Protected by Rose's Shield, and... " *glances over at Amethyst,* "Those who weren't fully Gems yet... Rose Quartz was successful in preventing any further Destruction of the Earth through the Creation of Gem locations, though a great deal of Gem locations still exist. The, 'mess', is going to these places, and gathering up anything that might be useful or Dangerous... Thats all that has really, 'happened'. These few going around, trying to clean up what was left behind. However, in light of more recent events, a number of Locations may be selected for a far less cursory inspection, and retrofitted for domestic use."
{Steven} "Yes! hehaha-I wanna see!" *Steven is brimming with excitement over seeing new magic Gem Stuff*

*the others are much more calm about it, though Connie has a similar brimming energy*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

"Oh yeah... The crystal gems.." She lowers her voice, grinning. "Crystal Custodians, more like it..."
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

* citrine places a hand on his chest and soon begins to pull out a metal object connected to a chain that seems red hot and fresh from the forge at the end of this chain is a long curved golden blade that has clear designs of fire edged into it. He then uses his other hand and once again pulls out another one of these objects *
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Amethyst} *briefly holds back a laugh before bursting out and pointing at Pearl* "pfhfha-HAhaHAHA! V got us good!"

{Pearl} "ugh. no, we're not. We. Does a Custodian face peril on a regular basis as a part of their job?"

{Peridot} "Well, as astute as that observation might be, I think the name is going to remain 'The Crystal Gems'."
{Steven} "WOH! Its Amazing! and Glowy! And Cooooool!" *Steven is enamored by the weapons*

{Connie} "Oooh! those are cool. Its a bit like Amethyst's whips."

{Garnet} "Nice scythes."

{Lapis} *no comment from Lapis*

{Lion} *Lion's ears flutter some in its sleep*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She grins, Amethysts response encouraging her. She tries to think of something a custodian might do that would be perilous as a comeback but ultimately thinks of nothing. Instead she takes her small victory in quiet, shrugging. The biggest, most immature smile was plastered devilishly on her face.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" thank you.... It's been awhile since I've summoned these actually " he said with a smile
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Pearl} "well, if your finished with that, I will have to commend you on your knowledge. These drill designs look nearly Perfect."

{Peridot} "It was a Team effort." *Peridot trying to schmooze in on your credit*

{Amethyst} *Getting up,* "well, enough of all that. Its Lunch time."
{Steven} *finishing up his snack,* "ooh! We're going to need to take you on test missions, and real missions. Then maybe you'll save someone's life and the two of you will start falling in love!"

{Garnet} *Garnet silently and without moving or showing any indication of doing so, Laughs a little on the inside*

{Connie} *packing her snack stuff up,* "hehehe, I think your looking a little to far into the Future Steven. Thats supposed to be Garnet's job."

{Lapis} *visibly disgusted by the bad jokes going around* "are you two ready to resume training yet?"
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She looks to Peridot and Pearl, and shrugs, her face slacking to normal. "Yeah. I mostly just helped..." After hearing amethyst, she looks back, puzzled. "Lunch?". She also questioned the shape shifting from earlier but decided to take one question at a time.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" you know love is a strange emotion that I've only felt twice in my life and in Two different forms" he says with a sigh but continues to smile
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Amethyst} "yea, you know. eating and having mush go through your body."

{Pearl} "ughehu" *Pearl seems against the idea of eating*

{Peridot} "In my professional opinion, I would advise against eating."
{Steven} "aww..." *thinking of people falling in love and having been in love is making Steven feel happy*

{Connie} "Sorry Lapis. its not good to exercise on a full stomach. We'll just take an hour."

{Lapis} "alright then. In that case, I guess I'll be flying around for an hour." *with that, Lapis summons her wings, and takes off*

{Garnet} *cricks her neck, standing up to go to the middle of the arena* "I'll be the one doing the working out till then." *she summons twin weighted Gauntlets, and starts lifting and lowering her arms straight out, like someone would if they were using ordinary weights*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She only contorts her face further. She raises her Lower eyelids and splays her hands in a "what?" Expression, being confused even more at this point
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" it was a long time ago " he says rubbing the back of his head
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

{Amethyst} "look, if you've not tried eating, you should give it a spin. Its fun." *Amethyst starts to go towards the nearest warp-pad*

{Pearl} "I'd advise not. Plus, we can get much more done without eating."

{Peridot} *trying to explain,* "Its something that organics do. Humans have had to create Two key functional areas to meet the needs of this process. 'Kitchens', and 'Bathrooms'. While I can appreciate the wide variety of Kitchens that are to be found at locations like the 'boardwalk', bathrooms are quite less than thrilling."
{Steven} ! *Steven senses tingling* "Story time!"

{Connie} "well, that would be up to Citrine Steven."

{Garnet} *continues to work out*

{Lion} *rolls over in its sleep*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She simply shrugs, getting up. "Sounds interesting" she says, trodding after them.
Citrine (played by Raider-jack29)

" 40 years before I was found I was burried within a small tomb and in this tomb my gem sat and waited. Above this tomb was once built a church and each Sunday a woman and her child would come to visit. Though I was not formed and reserved myself inside my gem my unconsious spirit gained interest in this woman....keep in mind that at this time I had enough sanity left not to be fully corrupt" * he states as he begins to tell his story with a smile*
Stable Clusters (played by dave_pod) Topic Starter

*Pearl and Peridot make no further exclamations as you choose to go and try food*

{Amethyst} "glad you chose to come along" *she uses the warp pad to go back to the House, headed for the fridge in the kitchen* "hmm... Hot dog! we got hotdogs."
{Steven} *has gone to get himself a bit of floaty cloud to sit on while he listens*

{Connie} *sits nearby in an ordinary seat*

{Garnet} *gives no indication of if she is listening or not*
Verdite (played by ScullBurner)

She follows closely behind. "Hot Dogs?" She though humans kept these animals to entertain them, not as livestock.

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