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Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"So she's similar to a basilisk in the fact that if you look her in the eyes, you're paralyzed? That's interesting," Mia mused. "I don't know. I have eagles eyes, so that may or may not affect it. I've never looked into a wolfs eyes, much less an Aurean."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"Ah, yes, that's right. I don't know if you would be affected by it at all, since wolves do tend to hunt prey already on the ground, and I've never seen Bella stun a bird or anything." He frowned. "It might be an interesting idea to test out. But then wolves don't exactly look up."

He shrugged. "They have other ways of avoiding predators though; their blood is fairly acidic--it burns if you touch it; but again I have no idea if that would hurt something like a beak. It might be only if its fresh--the blood that is. They're still a relatively new, if invasive, species, so I'm still learning along with Bella."
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Well, I'm sure that's a big help to human society since you seem to be the only expert in that area," Mia flapped up into the air to judge distance, "We've got about 30 minutes of walking. Let me know if you need a ride at any time."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"If you're in a hurry, we might as well fly," Nathan said. "Bella should follow us if we stay low enough for her to follow."
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"I'm in no rush. All I meant is that you could ride on my back if you got tired," Mia said.
"Can you tell me more about human city life?"
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan chuckled. "Tired? I'm used to traveling all day on foot. Nothing rejuvenates me more."

At Mia's question though, he frowned. "Well, I probably have a twisted view of the city. I grew up in a small village where everyone knew everyone, but I left it to meet new people. The city is pretty nice, for humans. I mean there is some danger, criminals and thugs and people that mean harm or pick your pockets for money, but that's found in most places. The locals just know what streets not to walk down, while travelers know no better." He scratched his head trying to find a way to describe cities.

"I don't really deal a lot with cities; so many people make me worried about Bella and her breed, and usually it's all I can do to talk the guards into letting me in with her. Sometimes I have to leave her outside the city gates. But if you're looking to buy something unique or of good quality or want a variety of something, a city is the best place to go."

"Is there anything specific you had in mind?"
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Nope, nothing I can think of. That seemed like a pretty good summary to me," Mia replied. "Small villages do seem nicer. Everyone in the next village knows each other and they all know me; I know all of them too."
The rest of the hike passed quickly and they were soon at the entrance of the village. She gave a cheerful cry to the two guards at the entrance and strode in.
"So, weapons and other such things first? The general store has imported stuff, but the blacksmith is really good too."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan nodded. "The smithy first, so I can get some decent daggers, then maybe the general store? A longbow and a quiver of arrows would be nice."

Bella stuck to his side like glue as they entered the village. It was something Nathan had trained her to do, but also he'd noticed that the young wolf had never particularly cared for large crowds of people.

"How long have you been coming to this village?" Nathan asked, noting that people were giving him the weird looks and not the griffin.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"About 30 years now. I was technically 12 by human standards when I first got here, and since for every 10 human years I live, I age one," Mia guided the man through the small town to a larger building near the center.
"He's right in there. The humans say he gives good deals," the griffin said and lay down on the side of the road.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan did some quick counting and nodded. "So you're basically fifteen then, if I'm not mistaken."

Keeping an eye to his purse and one to Bella, he had followed Mia until she stopped and lay down. He saw now the building she indicated and he raised an eyebrow. "It's been a while since I've encountered a smithy who works inside, but I thank you for your guidance."

Nathan entered the building, wondering just how Mia had come to win the hearts of the villagers.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

In the time that Nathan had been inside, some local children had come out and began to play with Mia. The griffin lay still as the children climbed up on her back, tugging at her fur and feathers and just overall treating her like a jungle gym. At one point she stood and spread her wings wide, the strong muscles able to hoist all the small humans. The children soon grew bored of this and begged Mia to play a game with them, but the griffin gave a low screech and lay down on her side. She watched quietly as the children all ran about.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan returned outside in time to see Mia settling herself down. He wore two daggers sheathed at his waist. "Well, you were right; he was certainly into making deals. But he didn't have any bows or arrows. You think the general store would carry those?"

He glanced in the direction of the kids and noted the few feathers scattered about. He grinned. "The kids really seem to like you."
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"I'm just a soft playground to them," Mia smiled. "I'm almost positive that there's some bows and arrows in there. If you're lucky, the shop keeper might have an elven bow. Those always seem to be of the best quality. I've been hit by one while flying pretty high, but I'm sure you can find a better use for it. Anyways, the store is just down the road and it's the last one on the left," she nodded in the direction.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"Ah, thank you, Mia." Nathan smiled and waved as he headed for the store. It didn't take long for him to find what he needed. He did linger to speak with one of the shop owners to ask about what sorts of things the griffin might like--whether food or something more substantial. He wanted to get her something as thanks for helping him out.

And then he headed back, a quiver over his back, bow in hand, and a little extra spring to his step that made Bella trot to keep up next to him.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Mia lifted her head at the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.
"You look rather happy. Did you get a good deal on your weapons?" the griffin rose to her feet and stretched.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan grinned and shrugged, taking a slow spin for Mia. "I don't know about a good deal, reasonable sure. And I feel good. Plus, the shop owner told me something you might enjoy." He held out a fairly large package to her. "It's thanks for taking care of me."

(ooc: I have no idea what Mia might like--so you can make it just about anything. XD)
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(I honestly can't think of any material object a griffin might want... They have everything they need wherever they are being animals. I'll just have to be creative :) )

"Really? For me?" Mia extended a talon and tore into the package. She reached in and pulled out a chain with a pendant on it. "Wow! It's beautiful," she held it to the light. "Thank you," the griffin pulled him into a hug with a wing. "I hope it wasn't too expensive for you."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

(heh, glad to see we're on the same wavelength!)

Nathan laughed as he was pulled into the oddest hug ever. "You're welcome, Mia." Bella went nuts, prancing around them anxiously. "It was the least I could do. Anyway, I don't know what your plans are, but I can either stick around for a while to earn some coin and gather supplies for traveling again, or..." he shrugged.

"Maybe I can do some damage control back at the city. Though I don't know if they'd welcome me..." He frowned; he had just shot a guard. It was strange to think he might be wanted for attempted murder.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"I don't think it would be that wise for you to go back to that city. Even if you do go, I kind of screwed up any chances of being peacefully let in there after I busted you out," Mia was glad none of the town folk could understand her. A few looked oddly at Nathan, but knew he was probably under aim kind of super natural influence to be able to talk to her and went on there way.
"And if you need money, you should probably give this back," she dangled the necklace in front of Nathan, "depending on wether or not the shop keeper will accept it."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan batted the necklace away. "No, that's yours. I wouldn't have got it for you if I intended to take it back--let alone sell it." He scowled. "But I agree; going back poses its problems and I would rather stay a free man."

He knelt down to pet Bella, who wagged her tail hard and sniffed him intently as though verifying the griffin hadn't hurt him.

"I suppose I'll stick around then; gather some supplies and all." He caught some odd looks from the passing villagers and realized suddenly how easily he had come to talking with a creature he couldn't understand a day ago. "Ah, I forgot the others can't understand you..." he murmured.

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