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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Decadence (OPEN)

Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Mia pulled herself off of the horn and lay on her side with her wings spread fully above her. The griffin looked to her chest and grimaced. "At least the necklace is okay," she looked straight ahead again and closed her eyes as more villagers surrounded her. She could do nothing but listen as one of the humansspoke to Nathan.
"When she first cane here, she was in pretty bad condition, but not like this," he said and knelt at the griffin's side. "Somebody get something to stop the bleeding!"
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan gingerly put his hand onto Mia's shoulder. "Hey, um, the villagers and I are going to try to help you," he told her. At the same time he tried anyway to see if his healing magic might help at all. He wouldn't have enough to heal everything--but if he could even dull the pain a little...

He spotted the arrow in her leg and went over to tie a bit of a bandage around it. "You don't happen to know of any good plants that will dull pain, do you?"
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"No," Arissa croaked and a bit of blood spilled out the corner of her beak. Her breathing grew more rapid as a villager approached with a large blanket, which was pressed against the wound. Mia took a deep breath and tried to slow her heart, which was just pumping more blood out and after about a minute her breathing returned to normal and the bleeding ebbed slowly down to a trickle and then at last stopped. She craned her neck to look at the arrow.
"It went clean through, just break the head off and pull it out."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan nodded. He could have done that from the start, but he hadn't wanted to cause yet another bleeding injury. With his newly purchased dagger, he cut the arrowhead free and then pulled the shaft from her leg. It came out cleanly, streaked in blood now, but he tightened the bandage around her leg.

"It'll be alright, Mia," he said, wiping the blood trailing from her beak with another piece of cloth. "I wonder if that woman in the tower would have anything to help..."
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The villager at her chest pulled away the blood stained blanket and a woman standing by was already holding another against her chest. When the bleeding finally stopped completely she looked down at the hole in her chest; the griffin could see her lungs rising and falling and her heart beating. Two of her ribs had been broken clean through by the horn and shattered pieces of bone were scattered about inside her body.
"No, she's a witch of the mind; doesnt deal much with healing and that's why she owes me," Mia answered Nathan at last. "If she was, I would probably never have come here in the first place."
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

"She owes you?" He hadn't expected that. "How did that happen?"

When the blanket was removed to reveal the injury, Nathan paled at seeing the extent of the damage. "Why did you go after the dragon? You could have hung back and let us take care of it."
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"You've clearly never seen a town that hasn't succesfully held off a dragon attack. Besides that, I owe these people. This town is more my home than any of my nests," Mia struggled to stand, a few burly men helping her when her legs wobbled. "I'll explain later when this hole in my chest is patched up," Mia said and limped towards a small grassy area and leaned against the wall of a building, she closed her eyes.
Nathan Hunter (played by PenGryphon2007)

Nathan sighed and withdrew as well, helping the villagers where he could and staying out of the way when he couldn't. He knew Mia needed rest to heal properly, and probably food, though the latter could probably wait while they patched her up.

At least her wings seemed okay. The last thing they needed was a grounded griffin.
Mia (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The villagers made quick work of Mia's wound, disinfecting and bandaging it as quickly as they could. Although she had very little, Mia did have some magical power just because she was a griffin, so her broken ribs would grow back, granted a little slowly, but they would grow back. She felt rather sore but could at least walk.
Once she could, Mia limped back to her nest and started watching the light reflecting from the glass in the river.

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