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Am I too hard on people?

I will warn: this is a rant. I don't THINK it's too offensive (unless your race/class is "doesn't now how to speak"), but there is a single swear in it... I think. =/ I hope that's not a problem. How Much?

I've actually got a bunch of these. The things that I have no choice but to rant on lest my head pop.

If somehow this IS a problem I'll delete my post but I hope people can find humor in it. I have a feeling this kind of thing applies no matter what language you speak or what country you come from.

That, or America is really, really sad.";
I've had a lot of these calls. I know it can be frustrating, but try not to judge since you don't know what the situation is. At least your manager was able to help him out? Ish?

Side note, my dog is terrified of your voice XD She hid in her crate XD
Minerva Topic Starter

The guy came in later. He's american born, and seems normal. The thing is... when he came in? He didn't talk like that. I don't know WHAT he was doing when he called.
Kim Site Admin

Injured? Drugged? Mental disability? Just woke up? Recent stroke causing intermittent issues? Mom never taught him phone etiquette?

There are so many invisible disabilities or troubles a person can be suffering, we'll probably never know what is up with his phone style! If he's aware of it (maybe he isn't?) it'd be nice if he had a bit more patience, though. :)
Minerva Topic Starter

I think that's what gets me worse. They can't communicate, and they get mad at -you-. I have other rants, but I don't post those because I -know- they're totally circumstantial. Like one was, literally, a family of mentally handicapped people that made me want to just lock myself in the bathroom before they were gone. I know it's horrible, but... electronics store x extreme mental handicap = please kill me. But those are like... my private "I just had to yell at something" rants.

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