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Forums » Smalltalk » What is this Movie?

Darth_Angelus Moderator

When I was about ten or eleven, I saw a movie that started with two medieval armies battling each other, I think it their kings fighting over a princess. Not quite sure.

During the battle, aliens show up in orbit and start attacking the planet. The two kings join forces to defeat the aliens. It was hilarious.

The thing is, I really can't remember the name of this movie, so I thought I'd ask if anyone here knew it. The only other piece of information I have is it was not Krull.
Kim Site Admin

I have no idea, but it sounds hilarious.
Darth_Angelus Topic Starter Moderator

Yeah, it was and I've been wanting to see it again for years.

If I ever learn what the movie was called, I'll be sure to tell you :)
Darth_Angelus Topic Starter Moderator

Thanks to a friend of Facebook, the mystery is solved!

The movie is called The High Crusade.
lmao, from what I gathered from the plot the writers might of been "high" when writing it. It sounds funny though

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