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Forums » General Roleplay » The demons attack

Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf)

It was a normal day for people we'll sort of people for snow wolf every day was normal I guess she didn't know anyone really so she left the woods with her sister and brother and so she took to a tarven and they went inside and snow wolf put her hat on and kept her tail low but her bother and sister were so happy to see real humans so they sat at a table and talked.
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

" Marget, johnny stay here okay I'm going to go get us water." Snow wolf walked to the bar and asked the bar person for three waters and she sat on one of the stools.
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko sat at the edge of the tavern, taking slow solenoid a of a small cup of tea. He looked about sleepily as he took another sip. The three siblings caught his eye for a second but her averted his gaze to a few more people about the bar, his companion sat beside him, her blonde hair falling upon her shoulders in long locks, this was Myrra's, a wood elf who showed that very clearly. Her ears jutted outwards into a point at the edge of her upper head, the tips of her ears which were concealed had a rosy tint to them. Maeko made small talk with her as he enjoyed his tea, she took small sips every now and then but didn't drink it as quickly as Maeko did. She looked about, while answering a question from Maeko and took a sip of the warm tea, cinnamon, Hm.
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Snow wolf got the three waters and head back to her brother and sister. "There you go guys just as I said this is the real world." She said trying not to draw attention
Myrra Gaelia (played by Nekoshou6241)

A calculating gaze swept about he room, sending a chill up the spinenof whoever it came upon, chillier then the current weather. Myrra set her cup down with a slight clink which a few people looked at her for. She looked to Maeko where a smile came to her face, and back to the crowd, whee it faded. Currently the tavern had been packed because of the blizzard starting to be rumored about brought Myrra and her companion to the tavern, they were lucky enough to catch a corner seat without too many people crowding which was pleasant, though the bustle and sound were not.
Marget (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

"I want milk please I don't want water!!!!!" Marget yelled. Drawing a lot of attention to her put snow wolf covered her mouth.
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Snow wolf removed her hand from her sister's mouth and went to the bar and sat on a stool and asked for milk. She waited well she looked all over the place. " better get heading home soon before the blizzard but they will be fine here. With me won't they?" She mumbled to herself.
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko's eyes as well as Myrra's turned to the area of noise but discarded it, "You think this blizzard will pass?" He asked Myrra with a quick glance, she answered with a shake of her head and another silent sip of her tea. Maeko pulled on his winter coat and prepared to leave before being pulled back down by Myrra. She had been pointing to something which was shadow in the corner of the tavern, something glowed from the edge of it and it changed shapes ever so often, yet nobody seemed to notice it.
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Snow wolf looks at maeko and his companion and she looks back and grabs the milk and brings it to her sister and gives it to her. " there happy now Marget. Now people think we are weird great" she mummbled.
Nura Grey (played by Waterose56)

Sat alone in the corner of the bar Nura, a young human, played around with her water wanting not to draw attention to herself. She had split up from her group when the blizzard hit causing her to stumbling into the nearby tavern.
Johnny (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

"Sis I want milk to. May I have to sister I am the youngest"
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

"Fine ugh" snow wolf walks to the bar again and ask for a milk and sits on the stool and also ask for a bottle of wine. Snow wolf looked at the girl in the back she told the person to bring them to the table with the two kids and she walked to where the girl was siting and sat infront of her. " hi my name is snow wolf"
Nura Grey (played by Waterose56)

Returning to reality from her zoned out state Nura looked at the person who had addressed her. "h...Hi Snow Wolf." She replied trying to sound confident," my names Nura..."
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

"Nice to meet you nura it seems your a long way from home". Snow wolf pointed out. Snow wolf got up and headed to the bar again to drink her drink well he sister and brother were siting down drinking their milk and water that they complained about she really wanted to scream her head off cause they drove her nuts but she just dranked the drink she had and didn't say anything.
Myrra Gaelia (played by Nekoshou6241)

The piercing emeralds set on Snow Wolf again, she had quickly moved about the tavern in confusion, maybe, or just genuine curiosity, neither mattered, suspicion had already been risen by many of the residents of the tavern. Myrra always wondered, why humans were such fickle beings, indecisive and irresponsible, only the most disciplined of the race could keep both of those things in check, though disciplined humans were the minority during this time.

She ran a hand through her hair before looking to Maeko who stared back, seemingly interested in what she was doing, feeling the red almonds weigh on her and vice-versa was an action that had been very rare between the two. Recent events had driven a wedge in their relationship as close friends and partners, since the incident a few months back both Myrra and Maeko never exchanged many words. Maeko was the on the verge of breaking, Myrra kept her ground on the matter but always tried to support him through his grief, she felt her own grief for a while but kept it pushed deep inside her heart. The elf sighed looking about the room once more, scanning the crowd for a second time.
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

Snow wolf stared at myrra and thinking of that she was giving off a strange vibe that snow wolf didn't trust she findished her drink and went back to her brother and sister. "Guys I think its time to go home I dot trust these people in here or we can stay for a little while longer yeah let's stay for a little while" she then looked at maeko thinking hmmm he gives off the strange vibe to. Suddenly a strange man came in screaming "DEMONS!!!! They are here everyone needs to run!!!" He said but then suddenly he freaked out and said" CLOSE THE PORTALS BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!!" He said heading to the bar. Snow wolf jumped up and sat backed down and sat there.
Agatha (played by Teagan98)

Agatha had just gotten into the tavern to get ready for work when she heard a person yell about demons, she saw people panicking she walked over to the table where snow wolf and her siblings were, "miss come with me we have a safe room you and your siblings can stay there"
Nura Grey (played by Waterose56)

Hearing someone scream outside the tavern Nura stood suddenly, causing her water to topple over and smash on the floor. Looking around the tavern for an escape she found a back door. Pushing it open she found herself in the dark back alley of the tavern watching terror unfold around her
Dark wolf (played by Scarletwolf) Topic Starter

"No my siblings are safe with me" she pulled off her hat and unhide her tail and put her jacket on. "Now my family is safe" she growled. She pulled out her gun and put it in her pocket. "Sis brother you must stay here where it is safe." She said worried for them.
Agatha (played by Teagan98)

"okay" she runs over to the back door and exits and see's the girl who ran away "miss we have a safe room in the tavern it's not safe outside right now" she says trying to sound brave but in reality she was scared her cat ears twitching remembering the night her parents were killed by demons.

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