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Forty-One (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

(I suppose one of us should start? I'll take it upon myself..)

Forty-One slowly pushed the ship into a solar wind tunnel, and let go of the control stick, letting the Galactica be carried by the powerful solar wind. She then turned around, only to find that nothing was going on.
She was absolutely befuddled. Usually Giode and Sandler were doing something stupid and irrelevant to their mission. She smiled, and walked out of the control room and down the hall to the observatory, her favorite room in the ship.
She fixed her eyes on Hephaestus, the supergiant that they were passing. Being machine instead of human, she was able to take in every detail of the beautiful star. Solar flares, sunspots, everything. She took a few pictures for Sandler to analyze later, and went over to the scanner.
A single green dot blinked as the radar went around. She almost screamed.
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Bikment is aboard the mothership of The Galactic Federation DELTA Fleet ( He sits in his Captain's Quarters when his hologram messaging system activates, standing there is the hologram of The Head Of The Galactic Federation ( The Hologram says "Bikment, a fleet belonging to The Order Of Chaos is invading The Planet T-567X (, Star Fleet ( and ALPHA Fleet ( are fighting them off but we need backup, please bring The DELTA Fleet here immediately." the hologram then turned off. with that, Bikment gave the orders and activated the hyperdrive.
Forty-One (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

She composed herself, and pressed the tiny blue button beside the speaker on her cheek.
"All available units report to the observatory," her voice, designed to soothe, echoed through the ship. "Repeat, all available units report to the observatory immediately for a 12-7."
She was delighted to see that everyone arrived. Everyone. Sandler, Giode, and a dozen other units, all AI, if she was correct.
"Alrighty," she chirped, hiding excitement. "The radar has found other life! Yes, this means we're going home to our families. You may have ten seconds to celebrate."
There was an instant uproar of whoops and hollers of the excited units. Ten seconds pass, and then fifteen, and then twenty, and then Forty-One slammed her hand onto the large black button on the dashboard beside the radar, starting up flashing lights and long, loud alarms that stopped as soon as she spoke.
"ARE WE DONE YET?! I SAID SECONDS, NOT HOURS!" Everyone just stared. She was glaring, the plates that created the shape of her body flickering around, twitching out of place like waves.
She ran her hands down her body, and the movement stopped.
"Yes, it is very exciting, worthy of a formal celebration, of course. But, who I must ask, who here is the highest ranking? It is your contractual obligation to contact the Mothership and report our discovery." She said smoothly.
When nobody said a word, she realized that she was the highest ranking. As a MAP, or Mothership-Appointed Pilot, she was the highest ranking AI in recorded Corian history(which only went back to about the Twelfth cycle of Lazarus. To humans, that's like if history books started during the first world war, and nothing before that was ever recorded.)
She shrugged this off, happily touched the button beside the microphone on the dash, and began to feed strings of code vocally through to the Mothership. It was complex and long, with too many pauses and numbers to count. Finally she was connected to a Corian aboard the Mothership.
"Hello, this is MAP of Galatica, in System Not Found. Organic life forms have been located, sending coordinates now."
A moment passed before a deep, masculine voice replied, "Thank you AI Forty-One, informing superiors now."

Soft, bouncy music began playing. Suddenly, she was rather wary of the new life. It.. could it have intercepted their call home? Could it hear them.. right now?
Slowly she turned back to Hephaestus, and let her mind be soothed by the massive, chaotic nature of the supergiant. At least, now she could go back to her old job of being an ND..
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

The fleet's hyperdrive activated as they arrived at T-567X, Bikment remarked "how beautiful of a planet, but for now, we have a fight to take care of." they began to drive the fleet towards the planet's atmosphere, confused as to why there were no ships attacking them, in a matter of a few minutes they landed on the planet's surface. ( Bikment exits the mothership as the rest of the fleet's soldiers ( exit the other fleet ships. they see the other 2 fleets as well as a fleet belonging to The Order Of Chaos crashed and destroyed, bodies littered the ground. Bikment looks at the scene and says "What the hell happened here?". suddenly, as he looks over at the horizon, he sees a gigantic ship ( he had never seen before, beaming down a destructive light before explosions were seen. Bikment ordered "Go alert the Galactic Federation Council immediately! we don't know what this is, but I think it's safe to bet it destroyed both sides." a group of soldiers ran into the mothership to alert the council. Bikment then got his Ion cannons ready, remarking "been a long time since i had a worthy opponent."
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

(Aw, crap, deleted Forty-One. I'll just post as Rya as a replacement.)

She allowed the ship to drift towards the planet with the life upon it, essentially a literal automatic pilot, as she watched Hephaestus leave the line of sight from the Observatory, and then let her eyes search the stars, looking to see if she could find the original Sun.
It was long dead, but maybe, just maybe, she could find the black hole that it had turned into. She gave up quickly, as her eyes weren't that good. They had been designed to mimic owl's eyes, with the same reflective qualities of a cat's eye, which all came together to give her eyesight 50x better than that of a regular Corian.

It didn't take long before they were close enough to contact the lifeforms. In fact, Corian tech would've allowed them to communicate from halfway across the galaxy, though she wanted to be certain they heard her. She couldn't be certain, however, if they would understand what she was saying. Maybe they would, but it was very, very unlikely.
She picked up the transmitter, and connected it to her wrist, before speaking calmly.

"Hello, this is Artificial Intelligence Number Forty-One of the Corian ship Galactica. Repeat, this is AI Forty-One of the Galactica."
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
(Aw, crap, deleted Forty-One. I'll just post as Rya as a replacement.)

She allowed the ship to drift towards the planet with the life upon it, essentially a literal automatic pilot, as she watched Hephaestus leave the line of sight from the Observatory, and then let her eyes search the stars, looking to see if she could find the original Sun.
It was long dead, but maybe, just maybe, she could find the black hole that it had turned into. She gave up quickly, as her eyes weren't that good. They had been designed to mimic owl's eyes, with the same reflective qualities of a cat's eye, which all came together to give her eyesight 50x better than that of a regular Corian.

It didn't take long before they were close enough to contact the lifeforms. In fact, Corian tech would've allowed them to communicate from halfway across the galaxy, though she wanted to be certain they heard her. She couldn't be certain, however, if they would understand what she was saying. Maybe they would, but it was very, very unlikely.
She picked up the transmitter, and connected it to her wrist, before speaking calmly.

"Hello, this is Artificial Intelligence Number Forty-One of the Corian ship Galactica. Repeat, this is AI Forty-One of the Galactica."

(OOC: sorry im confused, is she trying to contact Bikment?)
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

Bikment wrote:
(OOC: sorry im confused, is she trying to contact Bikment?)

(Just anyone, I'd think. Maybe he gets a dude running up telling him they're getting an unknown signal.)
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
Bikment wrote:
(OOC: sorry im confused, is she trying to contact Bikment?)

(Just anyone, I'd think. Maybe he gets a dude running up telling him they're getting an unknown signal.)

*Meanwhile at Utopia*

The Head of The Galactic Federation receives the call. He says "Who is this?"

*Meanwhile at T-567X*

Bikment and his troops rush to the destroyed city the ship is currently flying over. As they approach the city the giant ship begins dematerializing into thin air. Bikment attempts to fire his ion cannon at it before it does so with failed results. He swears under his breath.
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

There's a soft gasp as she realizes he can understand her.
"Artificial Intelligence Number Forty-One of the Corian ship Galactica. We come in absolute peace, and ask permission to land aboard the surface or board one of your ships."
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
There's a soft gasp as she realizes he can understand her.
"Artificial Intelligence Number Forty-One of the Corian ship Galactica. We come in absolute peace, and ask permission to land aboard the surface or board one of your ships."

*at Utopia*

he goes silent for a few moments before giving her the coordinates to Station XY6. "Go there for allowance to travel our galaxy."
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

She nods, inputting the coordinates for the ship to follow. It silently changes direction, heading for the coordinates on a straight line.
With the connection made, she unplugs the transmitter, and walks back to the control room. "Protocol states that I and the others aboard cannot make contact without direct communication to the Mothership. That will take quite a while. Is that acceptable?"
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
She nods, inputting the coordinates for the ship to follow. It silently changes direction, heading for the coordinates on a straight line.
With the connection made, she unplugs the transmitter, and walks back to the control room. "Protocol states that I and the others aboard cannot make contact without direct communication to the Mothership. That will take quite a while. Is that acceptable?"

(OOC: sorry, was that question directed to the head of TGF? [short for The Galactic Federation])
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

Bikment wrote:
(OOC: sorry, was that question directed to the head of TGF? [short for The Galactic Federation])

Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
Bikment wrote:
(OOC: sorry, was that question directed to the head of TGF? [short for The Galactic Federation])


The Head of The Galactic Federation then spoke.
"Very well, so be it."
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

"Give me two minutes." The connection went silent. Approximately two minutes later she came back. "Alpha gave permission."

In seconds the ship had arrived, and she notified him that they were docking. She then disconnected, and went to tell the others that they had given only herself permission to exit the ship. Telling them they could stand on the bridge to protect her was a must.

A half hour later she was walking down the bridge to the other lifeforms, which looked much like her in a strange way. She inspected them as she approached, the plates of her body flickering with intrigue. The panels were truly how she communicated emotion, as her face had been molded to a placid look since her making.
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
"Give me two minutes." The connection went silent. Approximately two minutes later she came back. "Alpha gave permission."

In seconds the ship had arrived, and she notified him that they were docking. She then disconnected, and went to tell the others that they had given only herself permission to exit the ship. Telling them they could stand on the bridge to protect her was a must.

A half hour later she was walking down the bridge to the other lifeforms, which looked much like her in a strange way. She inspected them as she approached, the plates of her body flickering with intrigue. The panels were truly how she communicated emotion, as her face had been molded to a placid look since her making.

The Head of the Galactic Federation spoke, "We welcome you to our galaxy."
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

"Of course.." She said slowly. The AI took in the Head of the GF with her optical sensor. The panels flickered again, several times.
"I represent the Corian Empire."
Bikment (played by MasterDarthSonic) Topic Starter

Rya Valheimer wrote:
"Of course.." She said slowly. The AI took in the Head of the GF with her optical sensor. The panels flickered again, several times.
"I represent the Corian Empire."

The Head of the GF: "Please, enjoy your stay here." *he then hands her a holographic projection map of the entire galaxy, detailing all the planets names and coordinates, the trade routes, what territories are under control of each faction {note: it recommends you stay away from Order of Chaos controlled areas.], and what areas are accessible by outsiders.* "And I hope this comes of some use to you."
Rya Valheimer (played by A11_Th3_S4m3)

"Oh," she politely declined it with a shake of her hand. "I won't be staying longer than to set up communications." Her nimble fingers took the Head of the Galatic Federation's hand into her palm, where a tiny needle came from her forearm, and was inserted into his own arm.
"This will make sure we keep in touch no matter the circumstances. That is," she paused, the needle slowly withdrawing back up into her arm. "Unless one of us is killed."
The injection was sprayed by her free hand by a numbing agent, and then she turned and entered the ship once again, the others, guns drawn, escorting her back inside.

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