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Forums » RP Discussion » Story feedback


So, if anyone has been following my other thread "A New Character" it may be known that I've lost my will to play as Jack since RPing as my new character, Arnes. I have been working on a full-length novel for Jack for a year and change now, and I've managed to salvage five full chapters from the countless reedits and deletions that I've done over that time. I've posted them all on Jack's profile page, under the heading "The Story Thus Far" and, while I must warn that they may be a little graphic, I've marked his character page with all the (hopefully) necessary content tags.

I want help with this story in the form of feedback. I've hit a wall in my story for months now and I've been on the verge of starting chapter 6 for almost as long; my writing style has changed since then thanks to the RPs I've done as Jack, and now I need to know how to best adapt what I've written to how I write now without totally rewriting the story. I came to the forums five days ago with a request for a new character, and I got Arnes. If you can help me find what direction to go in with this story, hopefully I can get my writing back on schedule.

Make your response either in the form of a PM or multiple PMs to me, or if you know me on Skype, in the form of a Skype chat. The thread is mostly just to notify anyone who's interested; I'm not subscribed to it, so I won't necessarily see your review/advice in a timely fashion. PMs and Skype, on the other hand, I'll see almost immediately.

I can take criticism, and frankly whatever you throw at me will be small potatoes compared with the criticism I heap onto myself; regardless, please try and make it constructive criticism. Telling me that it's horrible, depressing tripe written about a one-dimensional character doesn't help me; that's what I already tell myself, so you'll have to tell me how to make this horrible, depressing tripe written about a one-dimensional character less horrible and depressing, or less like tripe and more like publish-worthy stuff, or Jack a less one-dimensional character.

I'm not asking for a full-length article in The New York Times Book Review here, either. Make your review PM or PMs as long or as short as you want, and if you know me on Skype then you can chat with me there about it. I don't want to spam chat with talk about this (that is if anyone shows enough interest to talk about it) so please talk to me about in either in a PM or on Skype.

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