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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trip to the Temples(1x1)

Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara thought about it, "Sure, if you want to see it that way. Though I think it would be great law." To make matters even more confusing, she was 'married' to his muse as well, but she decided not to throw that wrench into the mix. She'll look at the different views as he points them out, "Feral...dragons?"

She did notice that he didn't seem to like Mitzi leaning on him, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She'll continue to eat her breakfast, "Do you spend a lot of time up here?" She'll just speak to Qinglau as if Mitzi isn't even there.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"" he considered. One of Wehfre's children. "So the wolves are beginning to meet life expectancy. We had no clue their natural life spans." Mitzi didn't care about wolves or relations anymore. Just the romantic view which was suddenly starting to mildly nauseate him. "Rarely, depending on the mood. The sun may be my domain now, but I spent many years hiding from it. The habit is hard to break, even if He can no longer impose himself through it." perhaps she's getting the idea of who he speaks of by now. "Oh. My name is not Neo." he finally corrected. "Call me that if you prefer, but Neo is part of a title. As the first king was the Hel Crux, I am the Neo Crux. I am the Fzerane Qinglau. Qinglau suffices." the word was a strange, chinese affair with a harsh 'ch' sound beginning, and the 'au' almost gaining an 'ng' at the end.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara shook her head, "No, I don't think so. It wasn't...natural anyway." It wasn't as if he got old and died. "The rest of his family is still out on their lands." As far as she knew, they were all living. She's clueless about the sun, she knew nothing of this world, "Oh...pity then. It's lovely."

He finally gives his true name, and she bites her lip, her eyes drifting to Mitzi, "Is that...appropriate?" She probably would have preferred calling him Neo, here in his realm with people actually treating him as if he were a king things felt a bit awkward.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"More appropriate than me lying to you." he leaned away from Mitzi, using a hand to encourage her to sit up. "You shoud return to the Haven before Lifemaster finds himself annoyed. You know how he depends on you to lead the maids." her initial rejection quickly turned around at the compliment. She sprung up with her largely emptied dish. -Yes, sir! Are you done with yours?- if so, chiara's dish would be stacked. If she still had some left--mix of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast--Mitzi giggled girlishly and vanished back inside, not to return. "Ex, let her through when she is ready." -yes, milordaddy.- He... Took a moment to rub his temples. "Call me whatever you want. It can't be worse than what I've been called." he flipped open the book belatedly, reviewing what they had the night before if only to find where they left off. "Tell me when you're ready to continue. If you ever want to head home, tell me."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara is relieved when Mitzi was sent away, and she had finished with her breakfast, so Mitzi could have that plate. She'd settle back down to look at the book, "What do you like to be called?" He had to have some sort of preference, didn't he?

As for going home, she'd think on it a moment, "How about after today's lessons? I hadn't realized you didn't have...a restroom." And she definitely did not want a repeat of the trip to the haven in the morning.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"You know... I'm not sure what I prefer." he admitted with surprising mirth. "My boys always call me by something proper... And I don't see you calling me daddy." that statement is probably better left alone. "If the bathroom is the hitch... We could always schedule trips to market for your convenience. I... Don't need a restroom, nor did the King before me. Neither do we need a bed, but he needed -something- to chain victims to, I suppose." he snorted, pressing up his glasses. "If it's sheerly the matter of quality of company, however, I'll gladly take you home. If you were to be a prisoner, I'd have left you at the haven." well, that's an unusual prison. Regardless, that was his awkward attempt at reassurance. " can likely see why I don't often have guests." he chuckled. "Should we read up here, or inside? I feel like I almost need to shout over the winds." it wasn't quite that bad, but he certainly had subconsciously raised his voice.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

"Well, you can think on it and tell me later." She's definitely not calling him Daddy, and the thought of doing so turns her stomach...which he probably liked anyway. "Chain...victims...?" She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to be sleeping on the thing now!

"No, the company is fine, I was strange going to the...haven." He already knew it made her uncomfortable, "I never do well with large crowds or with people staring. But if you don't mind taking me to the market, then I can stay a bit longer."

She'd nod about going in, "Yes, inside would probably be better." Maybe she could find a blanket somewhere to wrap around herself too. "...and that place is a...prison?" Didn't look like much of one to her.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

One part of her discomfort he felt the need to remedy. "Don't worry, it hasn't been used like that for a very long time, nor will it happen to you." he rose to stand, still ducking against the wind, which seemed to growl and push against him. "Stubborn old cat." he... grumbled to no one, offering his hand to Chiara to help her inside. "It was the better part of my decision making in removing that piece of myself. I do not care to inflict that sort of pain and prevented myself from ever becoming that sort of monster. Many things I am. That is not one of them." back to descending into the cold, with a new array of images starting to creep through the lights as the sun moved onward through the day. "Yes. Both prison, and resort. Some occupants have never seen the light of day." sad, really. But hey, at least he was honest. "Lifelord and Nes primarily deal with its runnings and affairs. I imagine they're curious as to the recent absence of a regular, so the rumor mill is hot. I can only imagine what they're--
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

--whispering of you." he considered other things silently. Perhaps Torok would be the next market to reveal. Yes, that would do.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara still thought it was creepy, go figure, the one thing that got to her he managed to hit on. "I wasn't afraid you would." She just didn't like the idea of it at all. "If you were that type, Populus wouldn't have let me come at all." She was pretty sure on that one, even if she didn't understand Ferous the other 99% of the time.

She didn't see how haven was a prison, "But it's so fancy...and it has maids..." It just wasn't her idea of a prison at all, "I would imagine not much...I'm sure that other maid has told everybody that we're related by now." It didn't really matter to her, they could think what they wanted. She just didn't want them staring at her.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Hah! As if that matters to them. Serpentmaster turned red and smote a series of maids and cooks who put him on a wedding cake with Lifelord. That was their favorite pairing." Mitzi was just happy to perceive it as anything else. Settling back in at the table, he rediscovered his page. "Well, enough making you uncomfortable. We can talk alphabet and annunciation." right onto study. "Oh, Mitzi forgot to bring the tea up. It should be in the kitchen. Reheat if you need to."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

"He killed them over...something that was trueish anyway?" Or at least it was if she was following all of their names correctly, which she might not be. They had too many titles and it confused her. "Oh, the tea." She'd move to the other room while he settled at the table so she could get herself a cup. "Um...where are the cups?" She could probably find the kettle and the stove just fine if it needed reheating, though if it was a wood burning stove all bets were off on her being able to heat up the tea.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Hah." somehow her surprise amused him. He rose when she had trouble finding the cups, filing through a few cabinets passively. "He was terrified of poor acceptance among us, even after many years. He got the idea in his head he was not allowed to, or maybe incapable, of love. That it was fine if they were purely sexual, which like all such relationships were desperate and violent." he pulled out a few cups. It was, indeed, a wood burning stove. Still warm from Mitzi, he threw a log and trace of tinder in to respark it... And gave an unfair boost of unnatural flame. "A far cry from the dragon boy Wehfre told me to give a toy to soothe. His endless sleep is healthy for him, I think. He is far from what he once was."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Chiara was confused again, "Why would he be poorly accepted because of that?" She really knew nothing about this world, it should be obvious to Qinglau by now, if it hadn't been before. The kettle was set on the stove once Qinglau lit it again, "Thanks." She's going to stick close to the stove for a few moments while she can, to stave off some of the cold. "He didn't turn out the way you wanted?" She's not quite sure how to take that last statement.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

He didn't mind pouring his still cold. " If I told you what I was, I'm sure you'd want to leave." he stared off blankly while mixing cream and seasonings into his cup. He did like cream. "...then again, you've already seen enough to earn that." he... tapped his spoon listlessly against his glass. "The King was the King of Terror, and destruction. He, and his children, were birthed for destruction. Paltry notions of love and attachment resound positively, scorching our negativity. Still, we have our own methods of feeling joys. It is merely... A different perspective." he picked up his glass, leaning on the counter. "He turned out exactly as I originally intended, in spite of the King's attempts at destroying my work. Still, I found myself attached to what and who he was, as much or more than what I planned for him. I suppose I became like a father. When he succeded so well, but was being torn to pieces and tortured, it suddenly was not the great work I had foreseen. He outperformed any of either of--
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

--his kinds. He pretended, many times, to be completely seperate from his draconic beginnings, but there was always residual imprint. You can not deny your roots. Towards the end he seemed happy, but the empire he built began to crumble. Demon or not... He still had it in him to be a hero at the end. Even if he was just one of many."
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Let him finish speaking, because she was pretty sure at this point nothing was going to bother her. And she was still holding onto the belief that if any real harm was going to come to her, Ferous never would have let her go in the first place. "I that was why Mitzi cuddling with you seemed to make you feel uncomfortable. How exactly do you feel nicer things?" A few other things were making sense to her now because of what he'd said.

She'd bite her lip when he spoke about him, "It's too bad I never got to meet him." Or if she had she didn't remember. All this talking about him has her remembering something, "Oh! The phone. I bet it's done charging now. You could probably use it." Maybe not to make any calls, but he should be able to see names and numbers.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Well, that and I'm not fond of her the same way. I try to balance her affections for a variety of reasons. I've minimized my allergy to the positive by surviving on fringe elements. Annoyance, embarassment as opposed to hatred or pain. She and her maids get pleasantly embarassed if handled right. I experimented to learn physiological and psychological connections for certain pleasures. The milk feels nothing, but Wehfre reminded me of young animals feeding on milk. I observed my boy enjoying it and took imprint. I... Enjoy feeling the flutter of a young woman's heart when she tries to conceal it, but less so the unbridled outpouring of emotion. Do you understand?" meeting the son drew a chuckle. "From what I've heard and learned, you know someone much like him. He was a dualistic entity, hiding his fears and hatreds behind a charming smile. If you knew him, you knew he must be up to something at any point of any day, even if you had no idea what. A witty, charismatic young man gifted in voice, harp, and--
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

--storyweaving. Somewhere inside there was what someone could call a good man, but it was lost to his work and... Hijinx." sip.
Chiara (played by Loki) Topic Starter

Nodded, "I suppose I do." She's going to drink her tea, but she's still hovering near the stove. "Explains why you've never used your..." She'd gesture to the general area where the jarred item should be. "I can't imagine all those good...feelings...would be pleasant for you."

As for knowing someone like him, she would nod. "I do...I think. I guess it makes sense given favor." Though she wasn't sure if he knew about that or not, so she'd leave it there. He didn't seem interested in using the phone, so she let the subject drop for now.

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