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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Dragon Whisperer (Open)

David (played by Rudito01)

(no problem. You can take control of David if you want. I'll pick things up when ever I can)
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Lidia hesitated and then stretched her hand out towards the sinking avatar. "Do you need a hand?"

Of course, her other hand remained fixated on the whip, just in case. She at least still had David to watch her back, just in case something happened, and that was what gave her the courage to stretch her hand out to the sinking avatar.

But at Zento's question, she frowned. "Well, I would prefer to find more dragons; and I think that might help you as well. Although, I wouldn't mind traveling to other places either." Her eyes shone with the prospect of an adventure, and she felt herself shaking a little. She was completely unprepared, but weren't those the best kinds of adventures?
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"Hah... I'd drag you down with me... Or remove your arm." he resisted the help, and fought his own way from the whole. "...I am not as light as I look." and then--that mighty crack. He furrowed his brows as they were now both offering themselves. "Mmm..." there was a gravel of thought and annoyance. "I do not prefer encouraging young ones to follow paths of danger. ...yet, most of my youth was full of much the same." he bit his lip, and it quickly bled, lips turned blue suddenly. "For you, miss... You would find my people are stubborn and arrogant even among their own. To understand what they expect as a people, you would need to know the culture. They, as a whole, find themselves above feral dragons, and those who do not revere the gods are worthless. Many prefer to even keep to their own element. It is our pride that will end us. If you still wish to seek new blood out... You are welcome but I promise nothing of us. I tried a breeding decree once. That ended... Oddly."
David (played by Rudito01)

David looked at Zenthus confused "breeding decree?"
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

At the mention of losing her arm, she snatched her hand back. It was just an avatar after all--or so she tried to reason.

"How oddly could it end?" Lidia wanted to know. Wasn't a breeding decree a, well, breeding decree? Or were there multiple meanings and messages behind such a thing. For that matter, why was it called a decree? But she kept the latter questions to herself until another time.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

The halfling earned a nod. "To make it law to try to find mate and reproduce. I realized the err," the half blind eyes fell vaguely to the whisperer, "When fighting became intense. None want to breed the old hag, and young females are few. Others departed to enter the dragon valley, but it is no easy journey, and most never returned. Of course, that does not help sapphire numbers... As the resulting crossbreeds are something else entirely." still, he... grinned awkwardly. "Perhaps you can tell by now I have little hope on replenishing my creed. But, elder or not, I find I must battle, argue and reason to even leave my own den. They can not argue with this quest... although I do need to squirrel myself away from my guards. I am too old to be hatchling-sat and my wings," they spread, showing a few feathers clinging to hole ridden, batlike wings, "while not what they used to be, still crave freedom. If anyone else wants to join an old man... They are welcome. I miss the road and sky."
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

At the mention of the dragon valley, Lidia couldn't help the gasp of awe that escaped her. Or the fierce longing that immediately made itself known to her.

"The dragon valley," she began, "how far is that from here?" Perhaps that was where she needed to go. But she frowned at the dragon-avatar's words.

"What does a dragon need guards for? Surely you can come and go as you please. No one should be monitoring you." How could they? Were not dragons difficult to find and could they not also hide themselves from sight? Perhaps it only applied to humans and not other dragons though. She had so much to learn.
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"A world away from here, but no further than I've traveled. Voyagers are only allowed in pairs, however... And no common set. Only those freshly bound by the goddess of marriage enter their sacred ground. And, as my marriage was sanctified by another lord and for another purpose entirely, even I do not enter there. I could, perhaps, abuse priviledges, but that would be offense to Aeralord. We know not the state of the valley since 'Ragnarok', as the outworld gods called it." odd credentials, but it kept the land safe. " for me, the young ones value me beyond my worth. I am no deity, but as one of the few ancients and their elder they find it crucial to 'protect' me, as though I might turn to dust. More often than not I sneak away. I fear I've instilled this in the young one I adopted. ...oddly, she is a goddess, but they fret for her less. Heritage and bloodline are too important. I might show you, if you do not mind a few dozen eyes of anger and judgment upon you. I am considered markedly pleasant."
David (played by Rudito01)

"so you mean to tell us that we can't go to dragon valley unles we are married?"
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

"Are you so sure you won't turn into dust?" Lidia clapped a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me!" She was getting cocky because of all the dragons she had met today alone--and if she wasn't careful or respectful, she could still get eaten.

"I don't mind what the other dragons thing; I would love to visit your home." The only issue would be not getting eaten, but if she stuck close to Zento she might be okay. She still had the whip with her and if she had her pack, she'd be fine.

"How long will it take? Although I should tell you now that I don't really have any place to be. So it doesn't matter too much."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

David earned a nod, "That is correct. Unless you wish to challenge the guards of draconic holy ground. The only one to effectively do so since its foundation was the demon god of war himself." in other words, he didn't advise it! Lydia earned a tilt of the head and a squint--a habit of thought and nothing else. "Have you no friends, or family? Someone who would fret over you?" he looked almost confused. "I flew for a day in this world, or so it seemed. I believe my flight stretched your sun's presence. I took three rests. I travel better by sea... But it is so comfortable I fall asleep easily and hibernate for weeks, if alone. Once through the gateway, the fire dragon temple in Inmi is a necessary stop, and very near; both the valley, and my land of Ami, are about equal distance from it... Though you may find it far easier to enter Inmi or Ami than the valley." they, uh, knew a v.i.p.
David (played by Rudito01)

David looked at Lidia "so, how desperate are you of getting into dragon valley?" he asked with the joke clearly in his voice
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Lidia glanced at David and she realized what he must have in mind, for a slow smile spread across her face.

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, we might be able to get in anyway."

She looked at Zento. "And, it's not that I don't have family...they just sort of disowned me after my brief stint with dragons when I was a few years younger. And my friends really don't understand my fascination with "death", as they call it." She made a face. "Is it so bad to want to observe a different species?!"

"Sorry," she calmed herself again. "Well, wherever you'd like to take us, Zento; we'd be happy to follow. The valley might be best...if we can trick it into letting us enter. If not, then going through Ami might be best."
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

"...I do not advise attempting to fool a goddess who carries the eye of clairvoyance. Even without its power, there is a simple yet thorough set of tests, always changing yet similar, to see through the heart of those wedding. If it were so simple, I would have used the blessing of marriage to take a second wife and bear another gifted one." he wagged a finger as if to scold. "But... Beyond that," he yawned, which still escaped as beastly and ancient in sound, "...I think... I require rest. If you find yourself so willing to leave... Whenever it is that I wake, I will take you to Inmi. Perhaps somewhere between there and the valley, or en route to Ami, it would become not so much fraud to enter the valley." he... Giggled oddly and winked, though... Missed really looking at either of them. "...I warn you, I can sleep for a few days.. Or weeks. If it takes longer, rouse me. But those are days best spent packing and preparing, and whatever hiking it takes you. I... Will be found at the water." he was yet to (c)
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

-- take his leave, waiting for confirmation or hesitation. ((also when comfortable with moving ahead, narrative timeskips are welcome. :) we arent quite there yet, just no need to take weeks playing days of *walks, packs*))
David (played by Rudito01)

"well whatever the case we'll find a way to get there." he said looking at the tiered Dragon "rest for as long as you like Zentus we will be here waiting"
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

It was unlikely Lidia would hesitate so he was ready to retire to his nap. ...then paused and snapped his head with sudden focus towards David, nose flaring and face warping mildly. "ZenTO." he corrected with very clear, somewhat irritated annunciation. That was... Too close a flub to someone and something to be loathed and buried in the tides of time. Regardless, he settled quickly, "You'd best keep at a distance." he warned, stepping back towards his previous crater and sliding down it easily. His first light show went in reverse, and an old dragon returned, only to go stomping off towards the nearest large water source through his first path, whereat he walked mostly in, leaving his tail the only indicator--albeit over a hundred feet of it slinking out of the water. A few hundred feet out, water bubbled violently now and then, indicating his breath apparently... But he was out. Zzzz. ...they had plenty of time to gather or plan whatever they needed to.
Lidia Foster (played by PenGryphon2007) Topic Starter

Lidia looked between Zento and David. "Well, let me go grab some supplies." She grabbed her smallish pack and then hitched her whip to her waist again.

With the dragon out apparently for a while, she didn't bother to hurry. Dragons, she knew, were rarely in any hurry; their lifespans it seemed quickly ruined most of their insatiable curiosity.

"Um, you're welcome to come with me, David, unless you have things to prepare on your side. I might recommend however that you keep your human form if you accompany me. My, ah, village isn't very welcoming to your kind unfortunately."
David (played by Rudito01)

"i have nothing else to do." said David with a shrug. following behind Lidia he asked " what did you mean you didnt have anything to hold you back?"
The Serpentmasters (played by Minerva)

For now, he's out. Post without him until comfortable. A snaking tail long enough to be a dragon in many eyes winded across the beach in varied lengths depending on tide. It might become evident from odd sudden steps in tail width and oddly jutting or missing scales that the old lizard had even lost his tail more than once. It was good chance to witness the truth of his "whiskers" as well, which even continued down the spine--remnants of torn or even rotten fins, blackening with age and wear--what was left of them, at least. Dragon scales, usually reknowned for their strength, appeared chipped in some areas. A few others, like any lizard growing through life, looked young, sleek, and vibrant ocean blue--a stark contrast to the wearying navy and battered blacks, faded ice tones and everything else mottling into patches of scaling. Or, worse, a few areas without it. Those might oddly be the key to even waking him come the time.

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