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Creeper (played by Creeper)

---Have you ever wondered what would happen if you crossed THAT line? The one line that in your mind you find either impossible to even cross or that to do so would render your whole world shredded away from you? Have you wondered...what would make you do it? What would you cross that forbidden line for?...---
The world of Aerin is that of many different religions, races, species and seemingly time eras. Its lands range from a huge bustling slum city to small towns of hard working inhabitants. Although some of it is highly advanced transportation is extremely limited to only public transports (AKA no personal vehicles owned), living mounts (AKA an equine, rideable feline, rideable k9, even smaller dragons, etc... be imaginative.) and good old-fashioned walking...or slithering. Many different smaller towns tend to not be varied in their different species individually but the bigger city caters all "walks of life". Meaning ALL sorts. Vampires, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Anthro, Human, Nagga, Draconic, Weres, anything you wish or can think of it will have a home here... no space traveling though nor different dimensions. With it being more-or-less a slightly futuristic setting there is a strict law against guns of any sort. They had been deemed "too much of a responsibility for the public" and so people have resorted to bettering their bows (or resulting to other means) for their needs. Magic has its use here but it is extremely forbidden/illegal to use as a weapon of ANY form within the city. Magic wielders tend to be fewer in numbers due too a crisis that had them mostly eradicated for a group of them trying to go against the Shield. The Shield being the law of the city. They are welcomed in the long as they "walk on eggshells" so to speak and keep their magic use to a minimal.

In the big city it is rare to find someone whom people would consider "happy". Times are hard and people are harder. They live their life of working their trade may it be sword smithing, glass working, general shop keeper, dealing out illegal items, leather working, etc... The "system" works on a trade-for-trade basis but also contains a currency (which hardly anyone has of). There are "gangs" and there are "racists". Meaning (typically) some Vampires hate Weres, of any kind, and some Orcs hate all Elves, no matter the kind of Elf, etc... But there are no major wars of any sort between any of them. Just squabbles that may end in a death or worse... Most of the inhabitants live in the city in apartments. As far as common knowledge goes... there is a school system within the city that is overflowing with students of varying ages between 6 to 16. The schooling does not cover much on what towns lay outside its walls, nor much about what is actually out there. The city is not sealed off from the "outside world" by any means, but there are childish rumors about how dangerous it is and how wild it can be.

Outside the big city... Small towns go by their own rules, their own ways of life. That can range from being extremely religious to being so secretive that the rest of the world has not ever even heard of their existence. Varying from castles and small "kingdoms" to city temples and self sustaining woodland homes. The land ranges from small deserts with massive canyons, dense forests, rolling prairie lands, massive mountain ranges and small oceans. There is no where that pertains "wintery" nor harsh continuous cold as that area has, over time, turned into one of the mountain forests. There may be even Islands in the sky but that's just a rumor...right?

Sum up: This setting for this "story" is meant to be gloomy, gruesome, "moody" and WILL contain violence, death, gore, very MINOR sexual indications (This is not a porn) and FICTIONAL illegal drug use. It is about the inner demons in everyone and people being pushed to do things they never wished they would just to survive.

The official OCC forum is here: <--- Use this forum for general OCC chitchat and for posting when you will get to be on, please. Thank you for your consideration!
Raven (played anonymously)

I like it!! I especially love the aspect of magic weilder being fewer in numbers and having it be illegal. So I'll ay as raven, a witch from the Merula tribe.
Creeper (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

[OOC: Sounds good. Anyone is welcome. If you wish to speak in OOC please format it with "[...]" to keep confusion down. And any longer length questions or comments to be made to this forum: Welcome aboard. So far this makes 4 of us, the other two are speaking on that other forum. This one will be for the story only, if it can be helped.]
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*The smell of the streets thick with putrid trash, spicy food and body odor. Not the good kind either. A light drizzle being even unable to pull the stench down to the hard cool ground. The busybody of people streaming down the main walkway with their clamor of talking, the clamor of their walking...too much noise. An Orc of reasonable size, roughly almost 8' in height and built like a brickhouse, strolls down through the crowd with his titanium and bloodstone clad dagger brandished on his hip holster and he is proud of it. So proud and arrogant he is that he bumps anyone that he walks past as they should get out of HIS way...well...he happens to bump into the wrong body. He ignores it and goes straight into his uncle's smithy shop to show off his expensive dagger from his mother. And is infuriated when he isn't there.*

*Jerika keeps her head down as she smoothly weaves through the bodies, her new prize safely in her hoodie's pocket. Keeping her tail close to her and her ears flattened. * Too much noise... *Finding a usual spot she abruptly turns right and hoists herself up onto an awning of a store, ignoring the protest from the shopkeeper. She sits down just around a support and watches the crowd...waiting...and running her fingers along the massive bloodstone embedded in the hilt of the titanium dagger.*
Phaedra kept on walking, She kept on walking through the streets, her eyes glazing around her surroundings just barely. She already knew what they were, anyways, and it wasn't a pretty sight anyways. "God," she murmured, looking around for where she was supposed to go, towards a certain shop she heard of, but she also guessed that maybe her eyes weren't working right, apparently. They never really did in her human form, ironically for a beast who can so easily see in the dark, in and around cloudy day light. What a pain. She continued squinting, momentarily thinking of wiping her lenses but decided otherwise. Even her height hadn't helped, though she wasn't unusually tall, she still could see quite a bit over heads towards the area.

Looking lost wasn't a good idea in these streets. She kept on walking, pressing her hat on her head further, so it doesn't somehow "fall off."
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*Jerkia's fingers suddenly stopped toying with the expensive trinket as her shimmering, almost tending to glow, eyes fell on a peculiar hat among the crowd...a rather "tall" hat, one that was just right above the rest of the heads among it. Her ears perked as she sat perfectly still watching this seemingly ... odd ... individual. Her breathing seeming to hold for the longest moment in just steadily watching... waiting... trying to pick up a subtle scent over the irking strong rank gusts, but is unable to. Very carefully she inches forward to peek right over the awning, not caring that she is in plain view, her hood over her head with her ears erect forward through the rough cut slits in the fabric. Closely trying to watch that peculiar hat's feet and subtly studying the strange woman's stature. Keen on trying to decipher the odd one.*
Raven (played anonymously)

"raven, where are we going..."

Echoes the voice inside her head that only she could hear. This echo was in fact the other spirit that lives and shared Ravens body. Like multiple personalities, except for the fact crow had her own form that, when activated, would come out and replace Ravens. raven sighed and shrugged, looking at the blue orb atop her magical septer.

"We need to go get supplies for one of the other witches. But they're not going to be out on broad daylight."


"Are you dumb.....*sigh* magic is illegal, remember? If we're going to buy ingriedents for the potion we need to go to the under world."

She whispers to the voice inside her head before pulling up her hood to conceal her face. She tucks her septer under her cloak to hide it, before looking around for the back alleyway the other witch had told her about. She couldn't see past the tall figure, but it didn't matter since it was to the left. She quickly ducked out of the crowd and concealed herself into the darkness of the alley. She walks down it and makes a few turns before going to a door and knocking on it, before repeating a phrase.


She says before the door cracks. Raven rushes inside and shuts the door, locking it behind her.
Phaedra didn't notice.

She was too busy looking around, and with her bad eyesight, even with the lenses which were supposed to help, didn't really help with her awareness. The setting was familiar, maybe a little too familiar... ugh, maybe she was after all? Squinting, she appears to be looking for common landmarks now, store titles, street names, public transport signs, perhaps too much that the bizarre people around her just became to disappear. For all intents and purposes, she was a sitting duck, an easy target. She was strong, overly so for someone who wasn't 8 feet tall, but she was an easy target.

Perhaps she could ask one of them. Stupid thought, she knows, showing a semblance of trust would be ridiculous, but honestly, so is looking for this dratted store, one she could try to obtain a certain medicine from. This was dangerous.

She glanced over one other person in particular, someone, who happened to be a shop keeper. "Excuse me," she cleared her throat, her eyes, her blank, black eyes staring towards them, "What do you happen to sell?"
Raven (played anonymously)

(meh, is she talking to Raven?? O.o or someone else?)
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*Just as that "hat" came closer Jerika chose her move. As the weird woman tried to get the shopkeeper's attention with a question, one the stubborn mean fool (the shopkeeper) chose to not answer directly as a few customers were poking around his little shop, had bought her a few precious moments of time. Time enough for her to slink down off of the corner of the awning and stand very ... partially creepy like, kind of beside/behind the tall woman roughly five feet away. Subtly studying what the woman had on her that might end up...being useful, with her head facing mostly towards the ground and sneaking peeks. Standing with her hands in her pockets and her tail slunk.* I'm late on my delivery to that magic dealer... *very slightly twitching the tip of her tail in pondering the situation.*
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven was standing in the pitch black, when she snapped her fingers. One candle that was hanging amongst the wall lit up. Then another. Then another. The candles continued to light a fire that spiraled down the staircase. She pulled out her septer and walked down the stairs case, until she reached to bottom. She snapped her fingers again and before she knew it the lights extinguished themselves.

She opened the large doors, and walked into the circular room, walls painted black with candles lighting every inch of the room. She looked over at the dealer, who's face was also shrouded in a cloak. She stepped up to her, before banging her septer on the ground to disguise her voice.

"So, do you have it??"

"unfortunately no..."

"What do you mean no?! You promised to have it by today!!"

"it's not my fault! I put your order in with my supplier! However I haven't seen or heard from him all day!"

"You know, crow is extremely promised, and you broke that promise. However.....I'll wait one hour. If he's not here with my order by then, I'll have no choice but to demand my money back..."
"Hmph, alright," Phaedra muttered, resigned, as if he had given her a response, "Fair enough." She glanced around once more, noticing a movement behind her, perhaps through the end corner of her eye.

She had simple clothes, besides some cheap, plastic pearls hanging around her neck. Her shirt, which she worn quite a lot, was quite worn, along with the skirt. Really, the only thing that could be considered valuable were to be her thick, sturdy leather boots. And damn if she would let anyone slide them off her feet. Really. Nothing special. She turned towards a separate direction, sighing. She adjusted her glasses and kept walking, but with a different feeling. She felt like somehow, she was feeling watched by someone. Her human senses were dulled, but then again, that did come from simply being tall and with a conspicuous hat on her. "Tch."

Perhaps next time she'll find a baseball cap to hid her ears. For now, she'll try the public transportation once more. It was getting clear she just landed at the wrong stop.
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*Having taken the hint that she had been "sensed" just by observing the change in the woman's posture she shifted smoothly to one side and stared at those boots poking out from under that skirt. Torn between knowing she was late for that delivery and those boots...walking away... She goes for following the boots. As they happen to be headed in the same direction as the underground secret magic shop. Keeping still roughly 5 feet away from the weird hat and those boots... Running through her mind that...if she did not make the delivery that the Dealer would go back on his promise... he would might just ruin everything.*
Janella didn't mind the rain. Wearing her cloak and hood, with the mask pulled up, she barely noticed the smell of the streets. The cloth was pulled up to the bridge of her nose, but she had a poor sense of smell, anyway. The water just rolled off the dark, seamless cloak she wore. It hung open, allowing one to see that she wore a sleeveless, purple tunic overlaid with some leather for protection. Detached sleeves wrapped around her palms and went up to her biceps, preventing any chafing from the leather gauntlets that she wore. Her hair was tied back in a braid, difficult to see because she had her hood up, a few white strands hung down around her face and neck.

She had been gathering information for some of her many contacts throughout the city, involved with a group of rogues that had banded together to increase their chances of getting by in such an unforgiving environment. Janella had also been on the lookout for any places that looked like they could be fleeced either of coin or something that could be traded for it. The mixed elf had also managed to pickpocket a few people. She would be expected to report back to her peers soon, sharing what she'd 'earned' and reporting anything she'd observed.

The elf kept to side streets and alleys most of the time, though she did occasionally take up a spot along one of the busier streets to people watch.
Raven (played anonymously)

Ravens eyes narrowed at the dealer, growing increasingly more impatient. She began tapping her foot, before her eyes turned white and black, two voices are now able to be heard. That of crow, and that if raven.

"raven, it's been too long. I say we just kill her."

"You know we can't do that....not yet anyway. What exactly did you give this supplier as payment??"

"i-i made him a promise...."

"Well, if he doesn't get here within the next 30 minutes, whatever you promised him belongs to me."


"And in exchange I won't end your life! Fair deal if you ask me."
Goddamn this feeling won't go away.

Phaedra's paranoia, she knew, wasn't completely undeserved, though, but it sure was annoying. Even as she stepped away, walking with a true purpose, she still felt their presence. It was unmistakable, even through her very dulled senses, she could still feel that someone was watching her.

Of course there was someone wanting to steal something from her, even though the only thing she had on her was her clothes, and the stuff she used to trade for whatever she wanted, hidden, ironically, in her boots. This was annoying, she thought, as she kept on glancing backwards, trying to exactly pin point who was going to take more of what she had on her this time. Trying to search for a common shape, face, or the same type of hood this would be thief or assaulter would be wearing with each passing moment. She rubbed her eyes to try and clear them up, slightly afraid, but at the same time, mostly frustrated.

She kept walking, maybe a little faster, but not running. Clearly, they would have noticed that she's noticed them, with the sudden, frantic change of her behavior.
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*Jerika took a moment to pause...gauging the situation as the woman picked up pace. That nagging feeling that that delivery must be made beginning to win, so she slowly and VERY hesitantly took a few steps back just to turn towards the alleyway to the secret magic shop...eyeing the quickly disappearing boots trying to take everything at the last moment of the woman before making the final mental "push" to just go to the shop to deliver the package...taking the "back" entrance of course, not through its secret door. Just on the far side from the door, Jerika jogged to squeeze through a rather unpleasent dumpster. Grumbling to herself the entire time it took to get through the hole that was carved into the backside of it into the building and down through a larger vent right into the room with the shop mage...and appearently a rather angry "sensing" customer. Jerika hesitated before almost silently dropping down to the floor from the ceiling. Then standing there almost looking meek in front of the two..not meeting either gaze as she begins to shuffle through her pockets for the delivery...*
Raven (played anonymously)

Both ravens, crows, and the dealers attention turn to a man who had seemingly fallen out of the vent. Raven reflexively pulls her septer out and aims it at the supplier. Her eyes begin to glow white as she narrows her eyes at him.

"And who are you..."

"that's the supplier!! I was so worried! Thank God you made it! Where were you?!'

"And more importantly, do you have my order..."

They both say, one of them seemingly annoyed and the other relieved.
Jerika (played by Creeper) Topic Starter

*Jerika, still sifting through her pockets, her only immediate response to the two...three? is her ear twitch in their direction..her hands still searching....her eyes slowly getting wide. She stops for a second trying to recall..then puts a hand to her face while the other brings out the now seemingly less attractive obviously not being the order that is needed. Through her fingers she sneaks a quick peek to the two...yes two.* But there were three voices... *Then quickly looks back down to the ground without a word. Waiting to get scolded by the usual from the magic dealer... thinking back that she she have just kept going after those boots...*
Raven (played anonymously)

Raven raises an eyebrow at the supplier, noting the look on his face before approaching him. She holds out her hand and waits for him to place it in her palm. She snaps her fingers gets and the room lights up so she could examine the dagger. Her eyes narrow and her voice becomes harsh as she glares at the both of them.

"This isn't what I ordered...."

"what?! He screwed it up?!"

"It appears so...."

"what are we gonna do?! We needed that knife specifically! Are we gonna kill him??"

The dealers eyes widen as she grabs the knife from Raven and examines it. Her eyes turn red as she turns to her.

"not only do you make us wait, but you don't even bring the right product?!"

"Calm down. We don't need to make this violent....we're not going to kill her...."

She says before approaching jerika. Her eyes also glow red as well as the gem on top of her septer, and she aims it at him threatingly.

"But she will give me what I'm way or another...the way I see it you have a few options. You can work off the debt as my assistance, or you can purchase what I'm owed yourself and deliver it to me. you can also bring me the supplies I need to make it myself. If none of these suit your taste, I'll just murder you. Now, what will it be?"

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