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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Voice of A Female Elf (OPEN)

Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

"I'm not sure." Kin Looked around before walking the opposite direction of their followers.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

"Whew, well, that makes two of us then!" Quickfoot follows behind Kin...

"Wait! I forgot my sack!" The thief's eyes widen in panic, and he starts to turn around, getting on a few feet away from Kin before he hesitates. The men are out there somewhere. Gosh dangit to heck!
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

Kin turned to watch Quickfoot." What was in that sack anyway?"
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

"My possessions, obviously! Okay, oh, uh, I have an idea!" The gears start trying to turn in his head as he whirls around to face Kin. "... wait, no, maybe I don't. Oooh geeze! I'll never get to yellow rank this way!"
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

"Yellow rank?" Kin was puzzled but since she didn't know anything about thieves, she couldn't say anything.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

"Yeah, just-- nevermind, that's not important!" Quickfoot folds his hands behind his back, bunching up the ends of his sleeves into his hands, and starts pacing.

"Oooh how about this? We rush back there-- you distract 'em somehow, a-and I'll zoom through and snag the sack. How's that sound to you? And then we can be on our merry way or whatever you wanna call it."
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

"Or I can just capture them with magic and you can easily take back your sack." Kin said.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

"... pardon?" Quickfoot narrows one eye at her and unfolds his arms, using one of them to scratch at his head. "With magic? ... well, sure, why not? I guess I have an accomplice today after all!"
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

"I just have to get close enough to see them and I should be able to use magic for the rest." Kin looked at Quickfoot.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

The thief takes a few moments to ponder over this one.

"... weeelll," he finally begins to answer, "I guess that would work. Alright then-- let's go!" And off he heads, again.

[OoC: Heads up-- in 'bout 10-5 minutes or so, I'm going to head out. Got things in town to do, but I'll reply again when I'm done with that stuff and home!]
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

Kin followed behind Quickfoot, keeping an eye out.

[OoC: Okay.]
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

[OoC: And I return!]

So off they go again, back through the woods, towards where Quickfoot had left his loot sack.

... and sure enough, there it is, where he'd left it. In that wee little clearing, the two soldiers have eventually returned-- and they're looking through it, more-than-likely trying to find whatever item in particular Quickfoot had taken for himself.
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

Kin quickly unsheathed one of her daggers and sliced her palm open. Pressing the bleeding hand against a nearby tree, she spoke a few words under her breath. Vines burst out of the ground and wrapped around the two soldiers, trapping them and keeping them from using their weapons. She looked at Quickfoot." Hurry up and grab your sack. I can't hold this spell for long."
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

Can't say the soldiers were expecting that.

"What the--!?"
"A-a witch! Release us, foul hag!"

Quickfoot snickers to himself, sneering widely at the two soldiers as he dashes past them and snatches up his sack. As he circles around and begins to bolt back towards where Kin & Azizan are, he gives an all-too memorable taunt:

"Nah-nah-nah-nah-naaah~! Heeheeheeheeeh!"
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

Kin smirked at the soldiers." I am no witch. Just simply an elf that was born with magic." She looked at Quickfoot." Lets go. I don't know how much time we have to run when the magic stops flowing into the vines."
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

Quickfoot... is about ten feet ahead of her and doesn't look keen on stopping!

"We'll get you for this either way!" the slightly taller of the two soldiers calls after this. "House Zaenzi won't stand for this!"

The thief glances over his shoulder and blows a raspberry at them.
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

Kin took her still bleeding hand off the tree and ran after Quickfoot. The vines let go off the soldiers, causing them to fall to the ground.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

The soldiers have half a mind to follow them, but to their surprise, Azizan just causes more trouble and starts flying around them, getting way too close and personal for comfort.

Quickfoot on the other, er, foot is making tracks again, putting as much distance as he can while laughing joyfully at their success.

"Aw, man, that was so awesome! What kind of a princess are you, anyway, kickin' butt like that? Heheheeeeh!"
Kin Ancalime (played by ChaoticDeath3) Topic Starter

"I'm a fighter, not a princess. At least, not anymore." Kin kept her bleeding hand to her chest.
Quickfoot (played by Copper_Dragon)

"That's silly!" the thief argues, finally bothering to slow down so they can properly regroup again. He opens his sack and stuffs both arms and half his short body into it, still talking from within.

"You've got that, uh... birthright thing, yeah? Royal blood, blue blood, all that stupid 'noble' stuff."

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