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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » In Search Of Purpose (open)

Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

"I can't fly with this shoulder for a while, and my leg is still sore.. Could you get me out of these woods?"
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

"I might be able to. This isn't the first time I've been here." Andrey stood up.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

"Thanks." Aylla forced a smile through the pain in her shoulder. She attempted to rise, but fell down again. She then leaned against a tree, sighing deeply.
"This might take a while..."
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey thought for a moment." I can carry you if you want."
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

aylla looked up and smiled at him. "that would be great, thanks."
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey carefully picked Aylla up and put her on his back. Making sure she had a good grip, he started to walk, acting as if she weighed nothing.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

Aylla smiled "Thank you" she whispered. She closed her eyes and rested her head on Andrey's shoulder. She slowly slid away into a land of safe and comforting dreams.
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey glanced over his shoulder to look at Aylla before looking back ahead. After a while, Andrey came to a path that he knew well. He began to walk down the edge of the path, knowing there could be a few caravans traveling down the same path.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

Suddenly, Aylla's dreams shifted into nightmares. she started sweating heavily and was mumbling in her sleep.
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey glanced at Aylla before stopping." Hey, wake up." Andrey said as he reached a hand around to gently shake her awake.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

Aylla's eyes suddenly shot open, and she flapped her wings in reflex to events that were taking place in her dream before she was woken up. this led to her falling off Andrey's back.
When Aylla realized she was back in the real world, she curled up on the ground and started sobbing softly, mumbling words like "why" the whole time. The strong, challenging Flit who woke up in the forest just an hour ago had suddenly turned into a vulnerable little girl.
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey knelt beside Aylla, pulling her closer to him. He hugged her gently, trying to comfort her.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

Aylla was surprised by this, but she made use of andrey's gesture and wrapped her arms around him, leaning the side of her head against his chest.
"I'm sorry" she said repeatedly, while openly crying.
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

"You were having a nightmare. There is nothing you need to apologize for." Andrey said, looking down at Aylla.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

"Right, it was just a nightmare, it wasn't real..." Aylla shivered. "just a nightmare, not real. Just a nightmare, not real. Just a nightmare, not real..." she kept repeating it to work the nightmare out of her brain
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey held Aylla until she calmed herself down.
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

Aylla did calm down after a while. She cleared her throat and said: "it's a repetitive nightmare. I get it at least twice a week"
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

Andrey looked at Aylla." What is it about?"
Aylla (played by Freyya) Topic Starter

"A dragon. The same that attacked our ancestral nesting grounds and killed almost all of my kind. I can still see it plucking my friends from the sky and eating them alive..."
Andrey (played by Ashen_Harbor)

"Try and forget about it then. Never dwell in the past, no matter how bad your past was."

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