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Forums » General Roleplay » Beast on the Hunt ~ (All Welcome)

Dark Moon (played by TheKrakenLord)

The early Spring-time sun shone high above the lush clearing below, birdsong ringing throughout the air in a brilliant cacophony of voices. As if to spite the tranquil setting, another voice sounded from below; the bloodcurdling scream of a wild boar, then the fearsome roar of it's terrible hunter. Heavy paws seemed to glide over the grass below in a calm trot, whereas the trembling boar's gait was nothing short of flurried and desperate, hooves kicking up clumps of dirt and grass in it's wake.

The beast was Dark Moon, leader of the clan of Cyscars that ruled over the northern, mountain-ridden land. She was on a daily hunting trip, a way to relax and feed herself away from her subordinates. Standing equal to the size of a moose, she would easily have been able to hunt far larger prey, but boar was one of her favorites. Her long tail waved to and fro behind her giant frame, the curved stinger barely visible beneath the long hair that on the tip of her tail. The Alpha's jaws were agape, displaying deadly sharp teeth, and two sets of fangs; the shorter pair towards the back of her mouth, well suited to tearing and ripping flesh, while the forward pair were longer and thinner, like a set of needles packed with the same violent, toxic venom that she held in her tail-stinger. Behind each long, pointed ear she also had a large, pointed ram-like horns, but these were more for battles against her own kind than for hunting.

One of her final interesting features were her four eyes, two of them dark purple, the other two blood-filled and red (Vitreous Haemorrhage), marred by violent claw-mark scars across the left side of her face. Damaged though they were, all of her eyes were narrowed intensely, and her long, serpentine tongue slid out of her mouth to lick her chops in anticipation. Finally, the boar seemed to be tiring, it's desperate cries turning all the more shrill and fearful. Now was the perfect time to strike, and strike she did.

Dark Moon suddenly put on a burst of speed, rushing forward and lunging for the boar. Her claws sank into the rough flesh on it's hide, dragging it to the ground with a savage snarl. It squealed and squirmed for a long few moments, then fell silent and powerful jaws clamped shut around it's throat, crushing it's windpipe. Dark Moon huffed, satisfied, and settled down to her meal, first lapping up the blood that spilled free, then tearing out it's throat and gulping it down. She had no need to rush, of course. Few predators stuck around her territory once she and her clan moved in, and those that did were no threat to her. In fact, they were just as much prey as the boar had been. Still, piercing eyes glanced about nonchalantly, taking in the scenery as she enjoyed her meal. Her nose twitched a tad as the sudden scent of another creature hit her, and she pricked her ears for it's arrival. If it were another creature she found particularly delectable, maybe she'd muster up some more interest to chase them down...
Moonshadow (played by Shadowmist)

She was laying in the pack glen, grooming her blue and black fur. Having just fed on a carcass from the kill pile, she murrs as she groomed the blood off her pelt. Her broken horn on the right side was going to be bit more of a exercise to clean...but she somehow managed to get it clean. Her tail flicks a little as she finishes her grooming her pelt. She was used to seeing her Alphess go off in a hunt. She couldn't blame her...having figured that she needed an excuse to get away from the rowdy pack. She looks around in the glen...laying on her belly. Stretching, she sprawled her toes out...unsheathing her claws, then dragged her claws into the soft dirt. As she sniffed the air, she caught the scent of a stranger in the pack territory. Rising up onto her paws, she walked to go check it out. " can't be a bear.." "Oh don't have the scent of a bear. Maybe it was a human?" "No you idiot....they have a distinctive scent." "Maybe it is a new creature?" "That might be it...." "Well why in the seven hells are we not going to inspect it? We are the warrior of the clan...." "Shut up. I was planning on going without you opinion..." Walking out of the glen, she followed the scent
Teela (played by Shadowmist)

Entering the new area...the black void hound smelled the area. I wonder if I have just entered someone's does smell like it is. I hope whoever' s land I am isn't going to approach with aggression. She could hear movement in the undergrowth. Following the scent of a fresh kill, her long fluffy tail sways some while the feathers along the back of her head and down the back of her neck to her shoulders laid flat as she moved, her long ears laid against her head...which was her relaxed state for her ears. Her pitch black eyes shine as it caught the light...studying the area.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

(Using a different Version of this character)

A massive white wolf sat in the branched of a nearby tree, his solid red eyes staring down at the horned beast who had just taken down the boar. How did he get here? Well its easy to see the massive set of white bat-like wings attached his back, supported by dark purple bones. This wolf was none other then Lupus, Alpha of the Lupileum pack in the neighboring territory. There were many legends and stories of the snow white wolf, his origins unknown. He had lead the pack for countless generations, never aging. Some say he came from the stars, and isn't truly of wolf-kind. Yet others say he was a mutation, born of the early generations of their race. Wherever he came from, it was clear this wolf had power.
*Turok was concealed by shadows as he was watching the lands. Nothing seemed interesting thus far besides the sudden rush of darkmoon coming into his sights and tackling a boar and killing it so gruesomely. This was the first time he seen her actually and holy shit did she take it done like it wronged her. But perhaps that was just the behavior of her kind hunting. Turok was glad he was not on her shit list. Though he figured she needed to feed he wouldnt bother her until perhaps she wanted to speak to him or just seek him out.*
Dark Moon (played by TheKrakenLord) Topic Starter

Soon enough Turok's presence became known; Dark Moon's sight was obviously impaired on her left side, thus her other senses were naturally more precise, though she stared in his direction silently for a long few moments, something she had a strange habit of doing. Eventually, a flick of her tail served as a welcoming gesture for him to approach if he wished. Though she could speak just fine, another habit of hers seemed to be that body language, gestures, primal sounds and expressions were always going to be her natural source of communication unless otherwise necessary. It was simply up to those around her to figure out what they meant, or risk misreading a warning for a welcome. Such mistakes rarely left room for forgiveness, however. In this case, the Alpha female had decided that, though Turok was far from a normal human, the species themselves seemed remarkably blind to her body language, and so she'd usually speak around him just to be kind. Why? Well, she wasn't really sure herself.

"You seem to have made a habit out of passing through my lands. I may trust you, Turok, but I do hope you never intend to have others of your kind join you. I think you'll find me much less hospitable in that case."

Another chunk of boar ripped off of the hide and eaten, yet more scents seemed to pierce her senses. More beastial creatures this time. As each the Wolf and Void Hound caught her attention, instinctively the Cyscar sunk her claws into the boar, pulling it closer to her frame before she rose to her paws, lips peeling back to reveal those blood-covered fangs. Her eyes had also changed, narrowing into slits in the heat of her aggression, and a low, rumbling growl rang loud in her throat. Now this was another example of important body language; some may perceive it as pure aggression, a threat, or an indication that she was about to rush at them. The more perceptive creature might realize that, in truth, this was merely a warning. Something along the lines of 'keep your distance, show your respect, don't touch my food.'
Provided they did this,she felt no reason to attack them. Surprisingly, if not hunting or protecting what was hers, she was somewhat nonchalant about other species.
Only now, she happened to be taking on a protective face over not just her meal, but of her companion, whom she figured was just about as important. Maybe.
*Turok noticed her tail flick and learned a while back that it was a sign of welcoming as turoks armored body stood up and calmly made his way torwards darkmoons position. He then came close to her as his bulky armored figure was ten feet from her giving her the respected space so she could eat as he sat down calmly and looked around.*

Dont worry im the only one who will ever come around. I honestly havent known till recently so i apologise for any past trespasses. For i didnt know this was your territory but i thank you for allowing me. Though that bore you hunted....well im just glad im not the one on your shit list.
Lupus 'Raziel' Shado (played by Lupus-Raziel-Shadows)

"There is no need for such aggression, young one."
Lupus would speak in his deep voice from his place in the tree.
"I have no desire for you food, nor your life."
Then the massive white wolf leaped from his branch, landing a good fifteen or twenty feet away from the Alpha who's territory neighbored his own. He would stalk to the next tree, and lay on his stomach in the shade, his eyes never leaving Dark Moon. His upright ears, folded wings, and tail held in a neutral way betrayed that he harbored no aggression at the moment.
Teela (played by Shadowmist)

She walks out from the undergrowth....sniffing along the grass. She knew she was in another creatures turf. Not wanting to look like she was challenging, she kept her head low
Moonshadow (played by Shadowmist)

She runs over to the new scents. Growling some, she hurried as fast as she could to where her alpha was. Breaking through the undergrowth, she saw well as two other canid species that she had never seen before. Her tail curled over her back, revealing her stinger....ready to fight if needed. She watched the void hound....something she definately never seen before...then turns her gaze on the winged wolf
*Turok watched moonshadow move to his and darkmoons position as he noticed her standing in a defensive stance. His eyes got a good look at that stinger on her tail as they widened in slight shock. His voice seemed calm yet with a hint of a playful sound as he chuckled softly.*

Careful there you will poke someones eye out with that thing.

*Of course she wouldnt care turok was only being obvious that the stinger could do a lot of damage to some one if it stabbed them. He figured it would probably inject some kind of venom to weaken or kill its prey or attacker.*
Dark Moon (played by TheKrakenLord) Topic Starter

Her immediate reaction was to blink in confusion. Young one? No one had called her that in a long, long time. Of course, at a certain point, Cyscars simply cease to age, continuing to gather wisdom and fight until the day they're struck down. Dark Moon wasn't old, but she was far from young, and the winged lupine's words clearly amused her to an extent. Similarly, the strange, dark furred canine creature seemed just as willing to meet peacefully. Slowly, her stance relaxed, though she periodically glanced back towards Turok and Moonshadow, greeting her clanmate with a light chuff. Confidant that her relaxation was safe to resume - though still alert for a change in the air - she slumped back down in her place.

"Interesting how you both seemed to appear at the same time," she mused, gaze flicking between Teela and Lupus regularly, "is there any particular reason for your sudden arrivals? I have no reason to be bothered by your appearance here, but unlike the occasional wolf or bear, you two seem sentient. So I will warn you right now. These are my lands. If your arrival disrupts the prey-flow, or the environment in any substantial way, I am perfectly content to put canine back on our menu. Clear?"

Without really waiting for an answer to her final question, she turns her head to gaze at Turok watching Moonshadow's stinger. She couldn't help but grin, just slightly. Her rough, icy tone took on a silken edge, clearly proud to gloat about her species dangerous weapons.

"They do more than poke an eye out, Turok. The littlest drop is enough to feel as though a fire is coursing through your veins- or at least, that's what I managed to understand from a screeching test subject."
*Turok managed to look at darkmoon as he chuckled crossing his armored arms over his armored chest as he looked back art the two unknown creautures through his visor. HIs figure stood calmly as he watched them carefully especially the wolf that appeared to show no fear torwards darkmoon.*

I honestly wouldnt mind seeing one of those stingers hit someone. Ive never seen one of those bad boys in action.

*Turok was one of curiosity of course. He had seen darkmoon tear apart another man but that pointy painful stinger of hers he had not seen in action yet. *Turoks helmet turns as he looks at moonshadow then he looks at darkmoon.*

Hey by the way which is worse getting bitten or getting stung?
Moonshadow (played by Shadowmist)

She listens quietly....still a bit tense...not wanting to lower her guard
*Turok notices how tense moonshadow was as his voice became calm and assuring as he spoke. Turok himself was a decent influential person when he was sure about things. He watched the two unknown creatures as well.*

Moonshadow i think were ok for now. they dont seem hostile but the wolf i would keep an eye on. he seems ok but yet confusing...
Moonshadow (played by Shadowmist)

Hearing his words, she looked over to her Alpha just to be sure. Still keeping her tail raised over her, she relaxed her body. Unless her alpha gave her the command, she wouldn't do anything else
Teela (played by Shadowmist)

Teela's feathers rose some as the wind blew against her. Her pitch black eyes shines as they caught the light. It had been a while since she had been around other canids. Her long fluffy tail sways a little....however she kept her gaze low. It would be foolish to even try to attack....seeing how the other female was still tensed...and her stinger. "I come from another realm...where the night is beautiful. I mean no harm or disrespect."
*Turok looks at teela and studied her features. She indeed was different and turok seemed to find creatures he didnt even know existed. But what was she? Was she powerful or just a simple animal?*

Well stranger you seem like a normal one. Where are you from exactly?
Teela (played by Shadowmist)

Her gaze turned towards the armored human. "I come from the Realm of the Void...." Despite her really lean body, she had a strong bite and muscles. Her tail sways a little behind her, the bulk of her tail just hovering inches off the ground.
Ok so what exactly is your purpose in this realm stranger?

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