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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Theif of Shadows IC

Sevio Vatonage (played by Phoenixsorcerer24)

The Ralts steps aside and watches the aggressive Pokemon leave the building, staying his Psychic and letting out a calm sigh. Stepping over to the Litten and gently shaking his shoulder to rouse him, "Hey... Are you ok?... Come on, wake up..." the Ralts says worriedly. After a few seconds, he'd get an idea, turning Littens head carefully and bringing up an Oran Berry. The Ralts takes a small bite of the berry and then starts to massage the berry with both hands, placing it to Littens lips and giving a firm-ish squeeze, managing to get a drop or two of the Oran Berry juice to ooze into Littens mouth. He hoped that would be enough to revive Litten, and would give him the Oran Berry to finish eating if it did manage to work.

(Pokemon logic :P )
Leo (played by leogames2012)

leo stays in and watches Naruto
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

Litten gets up slowly. "Ugh. Why today? Why?!?" Then he looks at the wall. "Those three made a mess on my wall."
Leo (played by leogames2012)

Litten wrote:
Litten gets up slowly. "Ugh. Why today? Why?!?" Then he looks at the wall. "Those three made a mess on my wall."
Leo:this is great for Pokemons to play Naruto ulitmate Ninja 5
Can play with me I Have a ps2 and Naruto ultimate Ninja 5
Leo (played by leogames2012)

leo:Play with Me naruto ultimate ninja 5? i have a ps2.
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((There is no electronical devices in this RP Leo.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

leo:i wanted now add
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((No. Pokemon don't have electronical devices.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Cause they don't have the proper tools to make them.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

leo:i buy in a Video games shop
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((There is no Video game shop.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

only in a New pokemon mystery duegeon roleplay
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Not in this one.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

Litten wrote:
((Not in this one.))
Sevio Vatonage (played by Phoenixsorcerer24)

((Leo, just because Pokemon is unrealistic doesn't mean it has to get ridiculous, and you're just taking it to the next level of ridiculous. Even in Super Mystery Dungeon, there are no videogames for wild Pokemon to play. Especially none from other franchises like Naruto.))
Leo (played by leogames2012)

leo: yeah i have Videogames for Pokemons
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Thank you, Sorcerer.))
Sevio Vatonage (played by Phoenixsorcerer24)

The Ralts looks at the mud covered wall, "Hey, it's ok. Maybe I can help? C'mon, it's not the end of the world. I'm sure we can get this mess cleaned up in no time if we work together." he says encouragingly.
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

Litten looks at the Ralts. "Maybe, but who knows when someone else might walking?" Then he went over to the storage room and started looking through it to make sure the Nidoking's group didn't take anything.

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