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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Theif of Shadows IC

Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Litten is the owner of the Fire Inn. The pokemon knocked Leo out of the way to talk Litten.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((There is no electronical devices in this RP Leo.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((No. Pokemon don't have electronical devices.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Cause they don't have the proper tools to make them.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((There is no Video game shop.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Not in this one.))
Sevio Vatonage (played by Phoenixsorcerer24)

((Leo, just because Pokemon is unrealistic doesn't mean it has to get ridiculous, and you're just taking it to the next level of ridiculous. Even in Super Mystery Dungeon, there are no videogames for wild Pokemon to play. Especially none from other franchises like Naruto.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster) Topic Starter

((Thank you, Sorcerer.))

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