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Forums » General Roleplay » The garden fiend

Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''I would be-leaf so.'' Starvy chitters, and crawls forward but remains only on the dead part of the ground he was on. His voice was still loud and clear coming from a very tiny ant. An ant that looked like an ant should, yet was a god of starvation that was just taking on the appearance of an ant. He was small and brown, and almost blended in with the ground itself. Soon he was on the very edge of the dead circle, and his small head lifted up and looked at her with tiny 'eyes'.

''So Nyaids are like...Part plant, right? Do they have to make food by using the light like a real plant might?'' He asked, his antennae twitching as he spoke. He didn't dare move further, fearing he might still possess the ability to ruin more plants.
"Beats me." She replied with a shrug. "From what I do know, though, there are different types of Nyaids and stuff." Shifting herself in her spot, she holds her right hand up and opens her palm. "You see, when I was growing up, there were many old people in my hometown who told us what we were." Vida chuckles briefly, clearing her throat. "For me, an old dude said I was a "Dark Rose" and said to always keep my room dark. I suppose I'm the opposite of a plant and need darkness to grow, or some shit. I can do this, though!"

With a smile, she forms a fist with her hand, then opening it. After a moment, a small, dark object emerges from her palm, almost having a light glow to it. The object resembles a ball, but does not seem to have a definite shape.

After her brief explanation and odd hand movement, Vida raises her eyebrows, eagerly waiting for Starvy's response.
Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Starvy stares in awe, or at least the best an ant can stare in awe. ''That reminds me of a small black orb I keep in my satchel. It just sorta appeared one day and I kept it.'' He mused. ''I don't know where it came from but it follows me around.'' He added, and looks around a bit. ''But only in my human form....'' He added.

''Do you think Nyaids never met the Gods I'm descended from, which is why they don't appear in my books?'' He asked her, twitching his antennae curiously.
"Black orb, huh? Sounds sketchy." Vida reflects back on a similar experience, where a certain someone would never cease following her. However, she digresses within her head, and thinks about Starvanic's question. "Huh... maybe. I do know of, like, a few Nyaid gods that I've heard about, but I've never even seen someone-" Vida cuts herself short. She almost lied to herself. "Actually, I've seen worse things than you."
Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

"Things worse than a god who wilts plants?" He asks, tilting his ant head sideways. He hadnt seen much of anything yet that was like him. Or anything worse for that matter. Maybe that was for the best! Lest he face someone far stronger than himself. He probably wouldn't fare well if he met anyone worser.

"Whose worser then me? Were they so bad the Gods before me didn't dare mention them?" He continued. "I've yet to meet anyone besides you. And you don't seem really bad..."
Vida whole-heartedly laughs at Starvanic's confusion. With a sarcastic tone, she speaks while closing her hand into a fist, causing the orb to disappear.
"I mean, yeah, it causes plants to die, and yeah, it could probably kill me and pose a threat to all Nyaids, but it doesn't compare to most things I've fought back in the day." Vida looks Starvanic in his miniscule ant eyes. "You could be the most innocent thing on this island."
Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

"It's n-n-n-not like I came here on purpose..." He chittered. "But I've never really seen much besides my siblings. One had the upper half of a human and the lower half of a lion." He explained. "And carried around a really big hammer!" He added, chittering loudly. "I've never had to fight anything, either...But it's not like I should..." He somehow looked nervous.

"I'm not...Not really fit to face anything in combat..." He chittered. "I mean, I could smack things with my book but those are priceless!"
"Well..." Vida trails off, thinking to herself about what Starvanic had just described. "They were pretty bad, to answer your question. Not even the God-like beings here like to talk about them! Well, they probably do, but it's most likely a taboo topic, you know?" Vida scratches her head, a new question popping into her head. "So, like, what do you plan to do now that you've landed here? You're not planning to destroy the rest of my garden, are you?"
Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

"I plan on exploring the land more and discovering what happened to my siblings...." He says, looking kinda lost. "But I don't know how to move out of this garden without killing it." He added nervously.

He looks around, kinda upset he might kill more flowers.
"Well," Vida looks to be at a loss for words. "Don't you have some, I dunno, special God power that lets you fly, or something? I mean, I would assume that you just appeared, but you can probably do it again." Vida grabs one of the cups next to her and takes a sip, leaving a disgusted look on her face. "Ugh, it's cold. My sister would like this."
Starvanic (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

"I can't fly..." Starvy remarked sadly. "I also don't have any special teleportation powers..." He added, nervously. "I've just been walking around and such before I ended up here." He added, looking up at her still. "Im a god,yes, but I'm also more human than my siblings. One had the head of a squirrel..." As he backs up a bit.

"What are your siblings like, if you don't me asking?"

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