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Forums » General Roleplay » Modern City RP (The Palace apartment complex)

Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Expecting an apology from Rowen, Vera had begun to tap her foot. After a few moments of waiting, and no apology to be heard, she sighed.

Upon hearing the other's comment, the teen gave a small shrug. "Well, no one ever calls." Vera replied, smiling a bit. "I see you a lot, though." She had soon noticed that her eyes went elsewhere, and heard the sound of a car pulling up. Vera glanced back to see who it was.

From the car, came a man. He looked new. Vera didn't say anything though, and opted to just listen to what he had to say. He had asked about his apartment, and Rowen gave an amusing response, which made Vera crack a smile. Maybe this lady wasn't so bad after all.
Quintus (played by Deathmarch419)

(schools being a pain, I'm prob going to be slow on replies, if I'm fast it probably means I'm procrastinating)

Quintus kept an eye on the car as it slowed to a halt, 'new, very new, and completely out of place' he thought to himself as a man stepped out. To his trained eye the man, very little wear showing on his clothes, decent hygiene, fancy car....It made Quintus suspicious, as Rowan directed the man to Tony Quintus simply nodded keeping his face casually neutral. The man was definitely nervous, whether it was due to him being out of place or for a hidden reason Quintus wasn't sure. He'd have to hit up his network later on to see if anyone knew who he was...

'Stop' His mind stated simply.
'If you really want to know maybe try asking, not everyone is a threat' His mind continued, effectively stopping his thoughts on the subject. Taking a breath Quintus relaxed himself again, he was out of the war in a new world, and laying low better than most people could, leaving little tracks in both his day and 'night' job. Grabbing a sandwich he took a bite, he had to admit, he made killer sandwiches...He'd still check, just in case, he allowed his mind to think one last time.
Drake Cross (played anonymously)

(Thank you. I had originally planned on starting an apartment complex post myself, but I saw this one first. It's better to join something already going than to make a new one. In my opinion. Haha. Plus, it seemed rather interesting.)

The car wasn't so much 'new', but had been taken care of incredibly well. Speaking of, that 1968 Dodge Charger had been locked before he left it, taking into consideration where he was. He was nervous, yes, so Quintus was right in picking up on that. Amusement flickered across his face at Rowen's accent, as well as those words. Lovely? Dreamy? Dream come true? Riiight.. That wink was met with a charming little chuckle, soft and rather easy on the ears. "I suppose this is one of those 'never judge a book by its cover' scenarios then, yes?" he mused, giving Vera and Quintus a warm smile in acknowledgement, before speaking again to Rowen. "Thank you," he said brightly, "I'll go find him. Nice meeting you. Oh, my name's Drake by the way. I guess I shoulda started by introducing myself, but I uh.. Yeah. I'm not very good at being social." Liar.. "Later," he said, ending his awful rambling and heading off in the direction she pointed moments prior.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

“I’m Rowen, darlin’. An’ don’t worry, talkin’ ain’t the important part.” The alluring woman teased, concluding with a purse of her pillowy lips as Drake turned to go see Tony. She watched him walk away into the diming Florida night, before turning her sharp gaze to Quintus, then Vera, giving Quintus a soft swat on the arm as she looked at the teen with a smile on her face.

“What was that whole ‘never judge a book by its cover’ shit?” Rowen joked. “You guys think he was tryn’a say our sweet, lil’ humble abode here doesn’t look like paradise or somethin’?”

She tipped the beer can to her grinning lips, swallowing a few gulps before turning to the food supply. “Aye, hook me up with a sandwich, eh?”
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Vera couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Yeah, but what makes it a paradise is the people." There was a short pause as she glanced up. "Or uh, some philosophical crap like that. But it is too a paradise, we have a damn pool."

A pool in which you never swam in.

The teen looked at Quintus. "Hey Quinto, pass me a sandwich too." She stopped herself and thought for a moment, as she had glanced at Mortimus, who was still sleeping away. She didn't know if he needed to eat or not, but she thought it was kind of cute when he did.

Looking to Quintus once more, she corrected herself. "Actually, wait, make that three sandwiches. Ah wait, no, four, make that four."
Quintus (played by Deathmarch419)

Quintus smirked, "Maybe he's from an empire, small palace's are beneath him" he quipped sarcastically.
He nodded at Vera's sagely note with a smile. Reaching down he passed a sandwich to Rowen before raising an eyebrow at the teens apparent large appetite, "You're either really hungry or some of those are for someone else" he said with a chuckle before proceeding to hand her four sandwiches.

He passed the box to Brian before finishing the last of his sandwich and beer. Standing and stretching he looked at the time before swearing internally, it was getting late and tomorrow he had three cases to look into. Turning to Rowan he excused himself, "I've got a busy day tomorrow" he started looking at his new friends before continuing, "so as nice it was meeting all of you I've gotta head in for the night......We should uh..we should do this again sometime" he finished simply before smiling and saying goodnight. As he headed in he dumped his trash into the appropriate bin, it payed to keep the place was home after all.

Reaching his room he entered, setting his alarm and changing for bed before laying on top in an old T-shirt and shorts, simply staring at the ceiling. For the first time in a long while, he was truly happy, "I should write it in a diary" he whispered to himself jokingly. Eventually, though he couldn't remember when, he drifted off into the void, peacefully this time.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

Rowen took the sandwich eagerly, also turning a raised brow look to Vera.

“Girl, where do you put it?” She asked Vera, watching Quintus hand over the stack of sammie’s. “Are you one of those girls that’ll eat a whole bunch, then go barf it up?”

When Quintus stood and announced he must retire for the night, Rowen pouted out her lower lip. “Aw, shucks.” She said. “Well, yeah, it was nice meeting you Quintus. Thanks for the grub and beer, you really know how to win a lady’s heart. We’ll definitely have to do it again sometime, ‘cause I think I’m in love.” She finished, with another wink.

Rowen followed after him with her gaze as he tossed his trash and headed up to hit the hay. “Goodnight! Sleep tight!”
Then, she shifted her eyes back to the green haired girl.

(Anyone know if Brian is still around?)
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

The green haired teen gave a smile to Quintus as she accepted the small stack of sandwiches. She lifted one up and was about to dig into it until she was interrupted by Rowen. Slowly, she lowered the sandwich, and looked at her, eyebrow raised.

"No. That's stupid. The others are for someone else." Vera replied, taking a bite. She looked up when Quintus had said he was going back, she gave a little wave, and continued eating.

Damn this is good! Morty's gonna love it.

Once more, her eyes shifted, and her gaze locked with Rowen's. A thoughtful look came upon her face, and she swallowed.

"So, uh...." She began, trying to make conversation.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

Rowen smiled slowly, around her sandwich, as she peered over it at the teen.

“Someone else, huh? Got some siblings or something?” She pondered, shifting her position in her plastic chair.
She nodded her head to the now empty chair next to her.
“You can sit, if you’re planning on hanging around.” The blonde woman offered.

Rowen couldn’t remember seeing any other kids hanging around with the green haired girl, but maybe she had much younger siblings that didn’t get to leave the house much. Who knew? It was nearly impossible to guess what was going on inside a family behind a door.
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Vera nodded at her gesture. She took a moment to plop down onto the lawn chair next to her. Then she kicked up her legs, relaxing into it. There was another moment or two of sweet lounging before she answered.

She didn't look at Rowen, but her focus was on the horizon. "Nope. Only child. Or uh.... At least I think I am. Complicated." Vera replied, narrowing her eyes.

Maybe her old folks had another kid when they left her. They probably treated that kid a lot better than they did her. Finally, she decided that she didn't care all that much. The teen shrugged.

"I got my adoptive dad though. He's a detective. It's pretty cool to live with law enforcement."
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

Richard Frost wrote:
((May i join?))
(Please do! Currently, Rowen and Vera are hanging out outside of Rowen’s apparentment, which is on the ground floor. It’s early evening, and very warm still.)
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

Rowen glanced at Vera from the corners of her eyes as she kept her face straight, enjoying her sandwich and the rest of her beer.

“Adopted, huh?” Rowen chimed, reclining back a little bit more in her chair, turning her gaze up to the diming sky, where a few over zealous stars were beginning to appear. Rowen didn’t care so much for the law inforcement part, as she and the law were often on opposite sides, but whatever. She had to admit she knew a thing or two about the child care system.

“Did you have to go through CPS or an adoption agency?” Rowen nosed. Sure, it was ‘none of her business’ but, she could relate. She just wanted to know if the kid had been taken from parents, like rowen, or if her parents had willingly given her up.

That question also made Rowen wonder why her own parents hadn’t just given her and Axel up in the first place, it probably would’ve been three million times easier for everyone. Rowen’s parents hadn’t wanted their children, not one bit, so Rowen wasn’t sure why on Earth they were kept around.

As memories came up to remind Rowen why she was kept around by her parents, her mood couldn’t help but darken.

Damn, she hated those people.
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Well, it was to be expected, someone was digging. Vera glanced up at the sky, taking a moment to compose herself before giving a straight answer. You'd think after a dozen years, you'd get over your parents leaving you in the middle of the street like that; alone, scared, sad, angry....

.... But when you're putting it like that.... Vera quickly shook it off. The teen opted to prolong her answer once more. Then the teen just stuffed the rest of her sandwich in her mouth and chewing hastily. She swallowed.

"Adoption." Was her very blunt reply.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

Rowen snorted softly in amusement, finishing up her own sandwich. She supposed she could understand kids feeling not so pleasantly about the whole adoption process but, she couldn’t much relate with that aspect.

“I was adopted into a foster family when I was fourteen,” Rowen admitted, hoping the girl would loosen her locks a little and open up. It was nice to have someone to talk to, especially a girl- even if she were younger. Conversations with men only went a handful of ways.

“I haven’t seen or spoken to my real parents since. It’s been almost ten years now, and not a single word.” She said quietly.

Hope they’re dead.
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Upon hearing the tidbit of information from Rowen, Vera glanced at her. Her attention had been partially won. Though, the teen was still somewhat skeptical. She didn't like talking about her parents. Not at all. But so far, this lady had been pretty nice to her. It's hard to find people like that.

It took her some time to gather up the courage to say something else about her past.

"Eh, well...." She paused, shifting her position slightly. "I was left by my parents when I was five--or turning five. It was my birthday you see. They said they wanted to give me a birthday surprise and, uh...." Vera trailed off.

She still couldn't talk about that moment without finishing properly.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

“The surprise was a whole different, new life with a whole, brand new family?” Rowen finished for her, guessing.

Rowen had experienced cruelty, in every form but, this was just sad. Telling a child you had a birthday surprise for them? Then just leaving them somewhere? Her own parents had both been too stupid to be that level of cruel.

“God, I wish my parents had just left us somewhere.” Rowen groaned, resting her head back against the chair, looking up at the sky. “I mean, they left us plenty of places, for days sometimes. But the shit-heads always came back.”

Rowen was quiet for a moment, strolling down memory lane. God, did she hate this place. Such a dirty street, so much trash and hobos.

“Do you remember much about your parents?” She asked, either unaware that this question could pin prick some tender feelings, or not thinking about it deep enough before asking.
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

A smile came onto her face as her sentence was finished. "Hell yeah. Never would have met my pops if it weren't for those lousy lowlife shitfaces that I called mom and dad." Then the smile slowly began to disappear, and she started to think. "Sometimes I wonder what would happen if things were different, you know?"

There was a short pause as she listened to the other. Vera snorted. "Ugh, your folks sound even worse than mine."

When Rowen had fallen silent, Vera took the time to look up and count the stars. It was only when she had been asked a question, she turned to her once more.

"I remember way too much. You wanna hear details?" Vera quizzed, eyebrow raising.
Rowen Anne Moore (played by TheLittleWitch) Topic Starter

“Probably for the best to not think about how things could’ve been. It doesn’t really ever get too far.” She sighed softly, picking at a loose string on her cut jean shorts.

As long as Vera’s parents hadn’t pimped her out to their friends, then Rowen probably won the worst parent award. But, she wasn’t trying to make shitty life situations a contest.

“I’ll listen to deets if you feel like spilling them. Better than goin’ and watching night time TV till the beer puts me to sleep.” Rowen assured, offering a small smile. “I like dirty, little details.”
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

Vera listened to Rowen's advice, and took a couple of moments of silence thinking about it. She was never one for 'What Ifs', and she definitely wasn't going to start now. The teen leaned back in her chair.

"Maybe I'll spill another time." Vera said.

She noticed that Mortimus had moved from Rowen's side to Vera's, and was already curled up there. Slowly, she took a sandwich from the stack she was holding, and lowered it down to the ground so Mort could partake in it.
Richard Frost (played by SkyeAnnMarie)

Richard was walking around one morning and heard two people talking "Maybe they can help me find my dog" he thought he walked around to see if the people were outside he was very sweaty and tired "Hello" he called. He walked around the apartment complex but found nothing "Hello" he called again.

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