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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Rosario+Vampire-Yokai Academy

Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((Arcol you can go ahead and post))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((May I ask who are all still here? I am debating if I should put in the time to make a rp group))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((Well I do not mind but people who joined this left as fast as they came))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

(( Hmm... alright I know what to do. All people who are still interested, just continue after Sobek Draco. We are all at Yokai academy. No one will be at the bus station. We are now at the academy's front door(presumably) I'm just trying to get people on the same page here.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((There's only one class lol.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((It's preferably you type more than one sentence. The lack of information is preventing me to do anything.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((Red, there's no Gotham. This is Yokai academy with its own lore. And there's a barrier between the monster realm and the human realm, which is impassable but by the bus and other means))
Bluehood (played by Redhood)

Alex Denote wrote:
((Red, there's no Gotham. This is Yokai academy with its own lore. And there's a barrier between the monster realm and the human realm, which is impassable but by the bus and other means))

((It's in the human realm))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((Yes but this is not Gotham's universe. This is Yokai Academy's universe. As I said there's no way going back to the human realm other than special means or the bus. Assuming we are going by Rosario+Vampire lore.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

(( Was it once a week? I forgot, it's been awhile since I watched it.))
Harry Pyae (played by BasilPiggles)

((Hello! Is it alright if I join this roleplay? I'd like to place my character outside his comfort zone and see what happens.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

(( Yes. It's fine. Just at least post more than one sentence))
Harry Pyae (played by BasilPiggles)

((Let's just jump in., Maylee.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((Sadly the monster realm doesn't have a city. The only thing it has is a large cliff with the ocean, the forest, and Yokai academy))
Harry Pyae (played by BasilPiggles)

((I wish these things were more clarified earlier. Thank you!))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

(( Well I do not know if you guys have seen Rosario+Vampire so I cannot say. Plus I do not know what rp is going on due to its rapid speed))
Harry Pyae (played by BasilPiggles)

((Perhaps explain things, such as setting and plot, in better detail in your posts. Naturally, newcomers will hover to interesting posts such as this, so you can never be too safe.))
Alex Denote (played by robinnrose) Topic Starter

((If you haven't noticed it wasn't me who half assed the recruitment thread and abandoned the rp weeks ago))
Harry Pyae (played by BasilPiggles)

((Well, whoever did should do those things. Thank you for clarifying though, I thought your picture looked similar to the person who made the thread.))

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