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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"yyyes! i win!"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Get's dismissed from lesson
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he left class.
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Meets Lee in corridor
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"hello griselda"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"Hey man! That Alchemy stuff is really fun!"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"i beat my classmate!"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"What did you have?"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"mind reading protection."
Flint (played by jackson111)

gets out of my class and walks around lost"where am i"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I have no idea, but I think we're on 3rd floor... This place is huge, man"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"i agree..."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I'm going to go see who my room-mate is in my dorm - I haven't met them yet I don't think. Catch you later!" Walks off towards dorms
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"See you!" he headed off to his dorm.
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

Gets dismissed and sees flint “hey flint! You lost?”
Flint (played by jackson111)

Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Sees name on dorm register "Huh, so my dorm mate is Martha... Wonder what she's like..."
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he sat down in his dorm.
Flint (played by jackson111)

"who are you"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter


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