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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Some OC Warriors RP

Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

A ShadowClan bites into one of the warriors neck in front of the nursery. Then they run into the nursury, where Brightsky and her kits lay.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Fallenpaw gave a gruff hiss at the half-blinded warrior, as Brookpaw and Fallenpaw leapt together. Brookpaw maneuvered herself lower, as the ThunderClan apprentice felt himself pounce again from Brookpaw's back.

Brookpaw skidded from underneath the warrior, and mildly clawed his belly as she skidded, while Fallenpaw bit down on some part of the warrior's upper body. A yowl filled his ears, followed by the feeling of blood on his teeth.

Fallenpaw kept his eyes shut, as the warrior grabbed him like a kit, and flung him over to the ground. He felt his body scrape against the ground painfully, as the apprentice stood up, rather dazed.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Dappledpaw and Silver fern run into the camp and HOLY CHEESEBALLS ITS SHADOWCLAN. Silverfern runs over to the nursury and leaps onto the ShadowClan warriors that are about to kill Brightsky's kits. Dappledpaw, on the other hand, see's Fallenpaw and immediately runs over. She pounces on the warrior that's attacking him and bites their neck.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Brookpaw also pounces on the warrior, and shreds off some of their fur, while the warrior attempted to claw off Dappledpaw.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Dappledpaw falls off the warrior, and pulls a biig patch off fur with her. A big spot on the ShadowClan warriors neck is dripping with blood.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Foxsong is not far from the Warriors den, battling one of the Shadowclan cats. She bats at the Tom quickly, knocking the wind out of him.

Frostwhisper runs into the camp, having heard the battle sounds. She freezes, taking in the battle scene.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Brightsky tackles a ShadowClan warrior attempting to get into the nursery. "Don't you dare."
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

"Dappled-" Brookpaw manages to say, as another ShadowClan warrior picks her up by the scruff. Brookpaw felt the warrior bite down hard, as she yowled in pain, before she was launched into a nearby rock. Her body bumped against it, as Brookpaw shakily got back up, with her body now aching, and blood trickling from her neck.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Foxsong heard Brightsky yell through the battle, and turned her head to see what was going on.
The Tom immediately shoved her over, pinning her down. She let out a yowl and clawed at his face.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Dappledpaw quickly bounds over to the ShadowClan warrior and bites down on its hind leg, making it fall over.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Brightsky bites into the warriors neck, killing it easily. Brightsky runs back into the nursery and curls up beside her mewing kits, licking behind their ears.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Foxsong managed to catch the toms eye with her claws. He staggered backwards with an angry hiss and she took this chance to dash to the nursery.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Brookpaw attempted to dash back, only to find herself collapse onto the ground. Pain shot through her body, while blood trickled from any wounds.

The warrior that had flung her into the rock began to tower over her, as they proceeded to claw her neck.


Fallenpaw leapt onto the warrior's neck, and bit down rather hard as the warrior screamed. Fallenpaw continued to keep himself latched on, as the warrior repeated claws at Fallenpaw, who hung from the right side of the warrior's neck.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

"It's okay, it's okay, shush...." Brightsky says.
Iceheart appears in the nursery's entrance. "Brightsky!" He walks over and curls up by her with his kits. He licks Brightsky's forehead. "I'll protect them." He stands back up and crouches, waiting for any ShadowClan warriors.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw runs over to Brookpaw. "Can you hear me? Can you get to my den by yourself?"
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Taking the opportunity, Fallenpaw claws deeply into the warrior's neck. Fallenpaw released himself, as the warrior staggered, before dropping limp onto the ground. His body aching, and his legs somewhat wobbly, Fallenpaw himself staggered over to Brookpaw.

"Brookpaw, come on," he'd murmur, as he pushed his nose beside her face.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

"C'mon, you two!" Smallclaw yells over the screeching and yowling. She makes her way to the medicine cats den.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Fallenpaw aids Brookpaw over to the medicine cat den, as the two cats collapse onto the ground. Fallenpaw weakly sits up, while Brookpaw remained unconscious on the ground.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw quickly grabs some cobwebs and puts it over the two's wounds. "You really got beaten up!"
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Fallenpaw laughs anxiously. "We went in honorably," he said to Smallclaw, while wincing. Fallenpaw glanced over at Brookpaw, and gently pushed his nose on her face again.

"Brookpaw, come on.." he repeats, with more worry in his tone.

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