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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Some OC Warriors RP

Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Finally, the battle has died down. The elders are killing the res of the warriors, and a few ShadowClan warriors run out of the camp.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Frostwhisper nodded and ran after Smallclaw, keeping her eyes out for what she had explained.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Once the battle died down Foxsong hesitantly left the nursery’s entrance, deciding to go see who was injured.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw finds some Burdock Root and some Chervil, then runs back into the camp. She runs into her den.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Iceheart curls up with her mate and her kits again.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)

Frostwhisper watched as Smallclaw found what she needed and ran off, but stayed behind to find some cobwebs.
She looked in some fallen logs and branches, eventually finding some. She carefully wrapped them around a branch and carried it back to camp.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Fallenpaw's tail is curled with Brookpaw's tail, as he waited for them to return.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw puts the Chervil on Brookpaw's wounds. "Phew...." She meows quietly.
Warriors (played by Skye1101)


Frostwhisper walked into the den not long after Smallclaw, setting down the cobweb covered branch.
“I thought you might need these.”
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

"Oh, thank you!" She takes the branch and puts it in her pile of supplies, along with some Chervil and some Burdock Root.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

"Oh, thank you!" She takes the branch and puts it in her pile of supplies, along with some Chervil and some Burdock Root
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

(Anyways, Imma have some time skip lol)

It's been three sunrises since the ShadowClan attack. Things seem to slowly come back to normal.

Fallenpaw trudged along, carrying with him a decent adder in his mouth, his fur was rather ruffled, as he went along to the fresh-kill pile.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Dappledpaw is in the elders den, talking and eating with them.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Fallenpaw placed the adder in the pile, as glanced over to the direction of the medicine cat den, with his tired eyes. He turned away, before grabbing a scrawny crow from the pile, and began to nibble on it.

Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw is caring for Brookpaw in her den.
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

He'd leave a large amount of the crow remaining, as the apprentice trotted slowly toward the medicine cat den.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw wraps cobwebs around the apprentices hind leg. "Are you feeling better?"
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

Brookpaw turns to Smallclaw and nods.


Fallenpaw eventually makes it to the den, and peeks his head in.
Warriors OCs (played by GeekyTrash)

Smallclaw looks over. "Oh, hello Fallenpaw."
Fallenkit-Fallenpaw- (played anonymously)

"Oh, hey Smallclaw," says Fallenpaw. "Is.. Brookpaw finally awake..?"

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