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Forums » General Roleplay » The Pub In The Middle of Space and Time (Open RP)

Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis screamed in rage. "I'm a ****ing Timelord Homofelinius! Why don't you listen?!"
Dr Gaster (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Gaster would grimace then transport the dark ball of energy into the void. He floated around a bit too.

"Of course,now please be quiet. Your whining is annoying me and I must punish tommy."
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

"No, you listen here!" She said, grabbing Gaster by the shoulder. "I am a Timelord Homofelinius- Shoot me, stab me, burn me, I will come back! But if you do... I will kill you a thousand times for murdering my unborn child!" She hissed. "Now," She said, shoving Gaster away. "I will be back in exactly fifteen minutes, an you two have better been both smiling by the time I'm back! Do not- And I repeat- Do not go into the Master Bedroom, or else I will toss you both into a time right before the Big Bang, an you will never exist!!" Tardis growled, her tail lashing behind her as she stormed off into the Master Bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her.
Dr Gaster (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"I suffered a fate that is worse than death so that would be rewarding."

Gaster freed tommy leaving him there unconiscious for some time.
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

Tommy would weakly wake up and hit gaster hard,his hand phasing through his body. He shook in fear then tried to find an exit out of the TARDIS.

"Where the hell am I?! Let me out. So tired anyways. What now?"

Tommy would yawn and wander around the inside of the TARDIS.
Tommy Caville Feld (played by StrangeLove) Topic Starter

"Gaster why'd you bring me into this! I did not do anything wrong! Consider the deal over."
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

I grab TARDIS pushing them out of the the TARDIS and I dress the girl. "You shouldn't go out naked." I say growling in her ear.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

"I'm sorry... He was going to get tossed into the void.... And I've been there before." Tardis shuddered. "It's not pretty."
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"I don't care." I say growling. "You are going to take the TARDIS and leave until I see fit got it?" I say and kiss her head.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis nodded and put on a tanktop and shorts that felt too tight. She walked over to the control panel and asked, "Where should we go?"
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"How about Andromeda Galaxy." I say kissing her head.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis purrs. "Excellent." She flips some switches, presses some buttons, and slams down a lever. She knows that this one will take at least a couple of minutes. She sits down in a chair and looks down. She can already see a bit of her bump.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"I love you." I say rubbing her belly.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis purrs. "I love you too...." She smiles and sighs affectionately.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"you know I hope we find a nice ice world." I say kissing her.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis purrs and kisses him back. "Me too..."
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"oh really? Mmm why is that?" I say smirking.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

"Because you hope so..." Tardis says with a grin.
Zenith Aurora (played by Thecoldsoul)

"if we weren't in a pub..." I say kissing her hard smirking.
Tardis (played by TardisCatTwo)

Tardis purrs and kisses him back passionately.

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