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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Planet in need (open RP)

Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(I wont be an enemy at a certan point I may end up joining your crew if you mercy me,I also got an idea so you don't have to remove me from the rp even if I am gone for 2 weeks)
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Making her way back to Nick, Charlotte reached down to him, engulfing his hand in water to pull what glass had been on it, off. It popped out of the liquid sphere, dropping into the ground, and her hand solidified, making her able to full him up to his feet. "I'm going to assume that you weren't the one who blew up my ship, am I correct?" She asked, her eyes narrowed.

((I think our point is that the rp might not be going for two more weeks before it either becomes inactive, or people lose interest and we call it off. Also, use double parenthesis when making a post out of character, please. It makes it easier on everyone.))
Nick (played anonymously)

"Honey remember I'm a professional, you wouldn't have a ship anymore if I blew it up." He smirks and limps to the ship and sits on the ramp. This planet's gotten worse since they arrived.. He shakes his scarf in the air to get the debris off of it.
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Walking next to him, the dragoness growled softly. "I told you not to call me that," she said, shooting him a glare, and then sighing. She sat on the warped ramp as well, looking behind her at the ship and sighing, soon turning forward again and putting her head in her hands. "I can't believe that someone had the audacity to blow up my engines," she mumbled. "We're never getting out of here..."
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sat in ship sore I still have metal in in. I got up
Nick (played anonymously)

"Hey um..Char, can you do that water thing with my legs again? They still have a bunch of glass in them." Some of his scarf brushes agsinst her as he throws it over his shoulder. He checks his handgun and rifle for dirt.
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

After a march holding the weight of his bulky gear, Baris had his sight upon the damaged ship, as expected, beyond repair at first glance. Though, most of its cockpit and holding quarters were still intact. Whoever managed to land something with a damage like that was a well commended pilot. He hurried to it, oblivious to any threat as he pulled his survival pack forward.

And just in time to hear somebody say: "We're never getting out of here..."

"Or are you?" - The three then are interrupted by a voice, muffled by a clear green-tinted visor-helmet. A dark man, clad in white vest with two reflexive orange stripes through his attire. The face down red triangle immediately giving away that he was an Emergency Responder.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help. Where's the wounded?"

... Meanwhile, at orbit...

Baris main ship was barely if even affected. Lasers were efficient defensive weapons against long-range ballistic missiles and smaller space craft and, even so, it had to keep a steady beam and lock into the object to deal any significant amount of damage. Trying to hit something in orbit not only made the laser naturally diffract to being near useless but also whatever kilowatts worth of remaining energy the measly beam still had when reached Baris ship, it was bounced off by the light-reflective plating every space ship is expected to have against basic weaponry like lasers.
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick draws his handgun in a single quick motion as the figure exits the tree line. "Who - what - why are you here?" He says while keeping his barrel pointed at the strange man. He could be here to help, but he just came from the woods. I never got a good look at whoever it was.. "Show me your medical supplies."
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Baris,You do realize that the laser was made by a advanced civilization,Its laser equals to that of two tons of 15,000 tons of TNT,Thats about the same yield of the bomb dropped on heroshima,No light plating can take something like that,I doubt you could block a mini Death star with some mirrors)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(I will be leaving tomorrow.I am thinking that after I come back we should do a new rp so I can be in from the start)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(oh,I assumed it was someone else,Also The laser is so large it generates extreme levels of heat)
Ember Kamura (played by Ember_Wolf)

(Also the larger the laser the more heat,I will be going tomorrow morning and this will be my last post,Think we should make a new rp when i get back?)
Charlotte (played by -CoolShortie-)

Sitting up straight, the dragoness contemplated the request for a moment, and then nodded. Reaching down, she was silent as he scales shimmered, her hands liquefying and spreading over Nick's legs, gently pulling the debris from them. One by one, they were spit out, falling to the ground and clattering softly against each other.

She looked up at the newcomer when she had finished, her eyes narrowing as she stood. She didn't recognise the symbols at first, but they soon became clear when he spoke. "There's one inside the ship, she had a chunk of metal inside her, but I was able to get it out and bandage her up. She'll need some proper attention, though." She looked over at Nick, seeing his weapon drawn. Reaching over, she put a hand on his arm, trying to tell him that it wasn't the time. "I've worked with this guy before," she said, lying through her teeth. She knew who he worked for, and that he could be trusted. She shot a wink in Baris' direction, hoping that Nick would put his weapon down.
Baris Abdullah (played anonymously)

Through his visor, Nick could see that the answer for his order was merely a dubious pout. - "Gunpoint, huh? That's how you thank you a reply to a distress call. In that case, you're welcome!" - Baris mocked, but he was very slow to notice that Charlotte was trying to cooperate with him and trick Nick into. "We di--? O-oh, yes! Yeah! H-Hey, Azure! How's the kids doing?" - Azure was the only thing he came up with a fancy nick name for Charlotte, using the color of her scales as "reference". - "Fancy meeting you here, huh?" - Not wanting to waste time with his mission, Baris walked towards Tyhan, setting his survival gear beside her. It resembled a metallic briefcase, with the same symbol that was in his vest. It's front cover slided smoothly, revealing a wide assortment of medical supplies and tools as well a collection of well-maintained survival equipment like spare flare guns, collapsible gadgets and other useful trinkets.

"My name's Baris and, as I said, I work for the Elsworth Search & Rescue Co. They sent me as soon as they got the distress call but the signal was jammed shortly after." - He took a pocket flashlight and checked Tyhan's pupils before rubbing disinfectant gel and applying a injection of quick acting anesthetics to her. - "What happened here? Looks like your engines were shot or 'somethin."
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I nodded looking at the briefcase "someone or something shot us.down i was in ship and got ejected thought the window and woke up with metal in me" isaid trying to hide my jumper that says inmate
Rozovsky Roma (played anonymously)

Rozovsky followed the quantum trail of the ship that had help an inmate escape from the prison on the nearby world.
"Let's get this over with and get paid... Been to long sense I was able to have some off time with you Shasha". He spoke in a thick Russian accent, still smelling of potent alcohal.

He turned arround in his command chair in the rundown Goliath class corvette to observe Shasha. The bulky mechecanical suit looked ominous in the dim orange light of the bridge. Its bay was jury rigged into where the lift was for ease of access to any planet or station he'd land at. A red Russian star addorned both shoulder plates. Next to it was it's armament. Though primitive compared to most weapons in the Galaxy, it used 40mm HVAP or HVHE round belt fed into the massive Canon. Beside that was an energy blade suited for the more personal encouters.

A deep artificial voice would speak. "Nearing gravity well, ion trusters engaged. Sublight mode activated" With that he turned back around and manned the flight stick, beginning there decent to the last known location of the distress signal.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I watch a ship enter from far I gasp seeing bounty hunters I try to move from baris "hm i think we need to leave" I said loud scared I move in pain
Nick (played anonymously)

"Someone intentionally blew it up." Nick gives the man a dirty look. "I was just about to go find them." He leans back on the ship and crosses his arms.
Nick (played anonymously)

Nick looks up to see a large crude ship entering the atmosphere. "It'll be fine, my bounty's long expired no one cares for it." He looks to the others.
Tyhan (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him and shook my head "not coming for you" I said smirky showing him orange jumper

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