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Forums » Forum Games » Give the CHARACTER above a nickname!

Juvus Keshu (played by VanHelsing)

906 Shades of Grey
The girlfriend who's always right.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

Kismet (played anonymously)

"The white Kayne West"
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

Masky ((Also what))
Kismet (played anonymously)

(Somebody named James Kennedy called himself that.))
Captain Jacqueline Sparrow (played by LakotaSiouxWarrior)

James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

Captain Jack Sparrow... wait a minute...
James Levi (played by DarkandLight)

Mystery boy
Luna (played anonymously)

Theif boy
Susan Nicole Peltier (played by LakotaSiouxWarrior)

Rose Wake (played anonymously)

The Ultimate Red Flag
A gift of a mistake
Levi Carmen Billing (played by DarkandLight)

Blonde knight
Laura Blackwell (played anonymously)

Dream Guy!
Shadowcoat (played by Emo)

Basic Girl

((You used basic a lot in your description))
Laura Blackwell (played anonymously)

Shadowcoat wrote:
Basic Girl

((You used basic a lot in your description))

Uhm... Only used it once, and that's the tagline...))
Nike (played anonymously)

Cool crippled kitty cat
Seth (played by Dregnosteel)

Arrogant Greek
Shadowcoat (played by Emo)

Laura Blackwell wrote:
Shadowcoat wrote:
Basic Girl

((You used basic a lot in your description))

Uhm... Only used it once, and that's the tagline...))
you also used many synonyms of basic (simple, typical)


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