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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Divine avatars vs Apocalypse

Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Foxy jumped and yelped when Cat turned into a wolf.
Foxy fell backwards onto her back, really scared as well.
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat looks behind her and tilts her head. She looks at Blaz, before looking back at Foxy. "What's wrong?" She asked.
"Y-you t-turned into a w-w-wolf!" Said Foxy fearfully
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

((I updated her profile)) Cat turned human again. "Yeah and...?"
"And biggest fear is wolves" Said Foxy
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat pales. "Oh god....I'm sorry, Foxy! I'm sorry!" Starts to shake. Blake looks at Blaz. "Blaz, help her. She's panicking." Blake looks at Cat, whose eyes are wide. Cat falls to her knees and hugs herself. Blake sighs, shaking his head. "BLAZ!"
Foxy hugs Cat, to calm her down
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

The hug doesn't help. It makes her panic more. Blake looked at Blaz coldly.
A tear would hit Cat's head
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat panics more and becomes a kitsune. (look at her profile to see what it looks like)
Foxy would walk away a bit
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Blake grabs Cat by her ears and slammed her head onto the ground. He put a foot on her head, keeping it down. Cat wiggled, trying to get away from him. "I demand that you calm down." Blake said coldly. "I may be your brother, but I'm your king, and you're my commander." He stepped harder on her muzzle. Cat starts to whimper in pain. Blake hissed. "Be quiet. You need to calm down. Blaz didn't help you, so now I have to help you." He growled coldly.
Lorfea Torthalst (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Lorfea “dear she useless if you hurt her to much.” Blaze removed Blake’s foot. “You could come and got me.” He hugged cat and healed her. Lorfea” dear we should go and check on check on the progress of our future daughter?”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Lorfea Torthalst wrote:
Lorfea “dear she useless if you hurt her to much.” Blaze removed Blake’s foot. “You could come and got me.” He hugged cat and healed her. Lorfea” dear we should go and check on check on the progress of our future daughter?”

Cat whined and nudged Blaz with her muzzle, still in kitsune form. She was shaking. Blake sighed and nodded, following Lorfea. Cat turned human again and hugged Blaze tightly.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Blaz hugs cat. Meanwhile lorfea happy when she sees that the daughter almost ready.
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat sighs and grabs her scythe, letting go of Blaz. "I'm going to go train." She said.
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Blaz wrote:
Blaz hugs cat. Meanwhile lorfea happy when she sees that the daughter almost ready.

(I updated Cat's profile. do you like it?)
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Blaz wrote:

(XD thx) Cat looks back at Blaz. "You coming?" She asked, tilting her head.

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