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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Divine avatars vs Apocalypse

Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

“Are you ok?”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"I'm fine. I just want to train. Don't you even think about, Soul." Cat said, turning to Soul. Soul had a knife in his hand, aiming it at Cat. "Uh.....hi?" He asked. Cat looked at him.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Blaz “don’t you dare.”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Soul looks at Blaz and throws the knife. Cat catches it.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Blaz looked at soul.“ Your acting like a monster soul. Do you have no sense of honor?”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"Nope." He said bluntly. Cat threw the knife back at Soul and misses his neck by half an inch.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Blaz “should I tell the k8ng and you can face there wrath?”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Soul pales. Cat shakes her head. "He'll learn his place, Blaz."
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

“I’m sure they would not be happy if he hurt us.”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"I kill him before he touches one of us." Cat hissed.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

“No or you migh5 get taught a lesson again like you just with the king”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat freezes. "Blaz......"
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

“I heard the king says only they can judge the fate of thoses who are under them.”
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"Blaz! I don't want to talk about the king! He hasn't treated me like that since mom died!" Cat said.
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

blaza" you don't understand. he has removed his past to be with the queen!" he left.
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"I know. That's what scares me." She looks at Blaz with panicked eyes. "That's what scares me the most."
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

Why? he happy with lorfea. " he kissed her head
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

"He scares me, Blaze."
Blaz (played by Kungfu6453) Topic Starter

“Don’t worry I’m sure with some time things we’ll settle. Now I will go check on them you keep the others in line””
Cat and the Android Brothers (played by Icysoul)

Cat laughed. "Okay."

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