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Forums » Smalltalk » Just Talkin' :)

She's the only female orange one I've had out of the few I've had so far.

Sanne Moderator

My boss better appreciate me, I'm working off the clock to fix an emergency issue with a client website that is 85% user error yayyyyy /s
That's nothing a good baseball bat can't fix.
Sanne Moderator

Dammmmn, a little aggressive lmao
A result of working in fast food lol
Hello everyone. I'm looking for five people to do a Willy Wonka roleplay with me. I need one person for each kid, so we need an Augustus, Veruca, Violet, Mike and Charlie.
Sanne Moderator

Hey Wonka! Have you tried posting an ad yet? You can do that here:
Okay I think I did that right. Now I just need people to see it.
Wonka63 wrote:
Okay I think I did that right. Now I just need people to see it.

I seen it! And I'm interested!
Check your AD, I replied to it! :)
How do I check my ads? Just go to my profile?
Wonka63 wrote:
How do I check my ads? Just go to my profile?

Yeah, there should be a list on your profile
Sanne Moderator

Hooo boy, I've been a little sick today and ended up napping for hours in the evening. My sleep schedule might be ruined RIP
Sanne wrote:
Hooo boy, I've been a little sick today and ended up napping for hours in the evening. My sleep schedule might be ruined RIP

OMG You have a new pfp?!?

also hiiiii, I know rhe pain of a ruined sleep schedule. (crying in adhd induced insomina). Uh, sometimes things like white noise help, give me sometjing to focus on. I'm honestly not sure if that can help you though
Sanne Moderator

Oh yeah! A picture from last December :D
Sanne Moderator

I had my insomnia pretty decently under control thanks to my ADHD meds and work routine but sometimes it still gets me
Oh wow, it's kind of strange seeing you without your, was it a mermaid? I think it was a mermaid.
Sanne Moderator

Oh, thats nice. What meds do you use? I've been waiting on a new prescription, but it hasn't been done yet.
Sanne Moderator

I started on Ritalin, I'm now on Concerta (generic though)
Ah, yeah, i'm on concerta right now. I was on vyvanse for most of my life.

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