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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » ~The Underworld~(( CLOSED ))

Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight)

The moon starts to rise, its light finding its way through the trees. You take quicker step, almost running to find the gateway. You come to a stop, a wall of stone had blocked your path. You squint, noticing the small print on the rock, it reads. "Enter the realm, don't turn back" . A small lever appears out of the ground beside you, as you pull it the rocks part away from each other, a long dark staircase is visible. Flames are shooting from the stairs, you walk in....

Hi~ I'm Maddy (Sin) I love to write fantasy stories and I wanted to make a roleplay based on one of my stories


~No rude comment (Unless in roleplay)
~No ignoring (Find a place for everyone!)
~Have fun :P


~Demon Animals (Wolves, dragons, other fantasy animals)

Have fun!!!

1 More spot open!!!
Mystic (played by RpWarden)

I'd like to join plz?
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

Sure! Anyone is welcome to join the role play!
Elune (played by Kungfu6453)

I want to join.
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

Foxy was a demon fox, she was flying around the underworld and saw the other creatures in the underworld with her, also maybe some new friends as well.
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

(Hi guys! Thanks for wanting to join my role play group! I just wanted to explain the setting of what hte under world will look like in the role play. If any of ya'll have read the webtoon "The Devil Is A Handsome Man" then that is really what I am going for. If you have not read that webtoon I do encourage all of you to read it (Its SUPER good). The underworld will be like a dark more evil New York City with lots of tall building and all that. There are all kinds of ways you want to start the role play but all of them have to tie into a Job. Everyone in the underworld has a specific job or work that we have to do. Our charactors will all be connected by our Job. I can explain more later but for now keep thinking about what branch of the job you would like (Transportation,Office type,Security,etc)

Elune (played by Kungfu6453)

( is magic allowed?)
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

Hi guys we will start the official role play (Part 1) at 6:30 to 7:00 we will start the parts in 30 minute intervals so if anything ever happens durring those times you really didnt miss much. In speech I suggest you to use quotation marks and for actions use the asterisk (*).
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

See ya'll Later!!
Mystic (played by RpWarden)

You guys ready?
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

Hi guys, I am very sorry that I was not able to start our role play but something personal came up and I was not able to start, but we can re-schedule to tonight at
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

around 7 or 8 very sorry!
Rose (played by Foxy_TheWarrior)

It's okay
Sin (played by MaddyMoonlight) Topic Starter

Hi guys! Two of my close friends will be joining our group! Please welcome Fallen Angle and Virgo! These two are AMAZING people so say hi and get to know them!!
Virgo (played by XxMyVendettaxX)

Mystic (played by RpWarden)

So I can understand every thing the RP will start around 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm?
Virgo (played by XxMyVendettaxX)

I'll try to make it but i have homework
Virgo (played by XxMyVendettaxX)

hey ya'll ill be on at 7;20-ish bc of homework
Mystic (played by RpWarden)

Am here! just to let you know.
Virgo (played by XxMyVendettaxX)


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